Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1541: The moment when Ling Tianzun was attacked

Over the river, the fog is getting heavier and heavier. The gods of the Taidi in the fog control the body of the Suzaku. In the fog, he vaguely sees the figure standing on the river, and the scenery on both sides is also changing rapidly.

The mountains rise from the mountains and fall into the sea.

He catches up and sees those who are Qin Mu's figure, one after the other, each Qin Mu's movements are different.

When he flew to the front, it was discovered that these Qinmu were virtual shadows, like the shadows in the long river of time, and the time is back in the past.

He looked back and saw his own series of illusions, spreading from the distance to himself, and with the flight of Suzaku's flesh, these illusions are still increasing.

Although the speed of the Suzaku flies is fast, the scenery on both sides of the straits feels like the emperor is always in the same place, letting him fly, but crossing the past and returning to history.

In fact, he has never moved from beginning to end, always in the same place, moving only to trace back to history.

This kind of magical power, even the present emperor can not understand.

Many of today's Tianzun, including Yan Tianzun and Xiao Tianzun, I am afraid I can't understand this.

"If he was rescued from Ling Tianzun, would you still have it?"

I walked through the fog, I don’t know the sun and the moon. He didn’t catch up with Qin Mu from beginning to end. He could only see the shadows in front of him, and he could see the figure of Qin Mu, but when he chased it, he found that it was Qin Mu stayed in the shadow of history.

He passed directly through one after another, like a fog.

Suddenly, the fog in front is getting thinner, and the current flow of the Tianhe River is no longer flowing. Since entering the fog, the water of Tianhe under their feet is flowing backwards.

Finally, the water of the Tianhe River turned from east to west and turned into the west. At this time, the fog was scattered around, and the emperor looked far away, only to see a heavenly shroud in front of him.

He groaned, and some incredulously looked at the heavenly heavens.

Shanghuang Tianting!

Or it is the South Heavenly Court!

This Emperor Tianting, which has been gone for a long time, appeared in front of him!

"Don't you say that we returned to the era of the Emperor?" He was shocked.

He closed his gaze and saw Qin Mu, Qin Mu was walking on the river and went up to the Emperor Tianting.

At the same time, Taidi saw Ling Tianzun standing in front of Nantianmen in the Upper Emperor's Heavenly Court. This scene made him feel familiar and unfamiliar.

Suzaku shook his head and fixed his mind.

Through the eyes of Suzaku, Taidi saw the Emperor of Heaven in the Upper Emperor's Heaven. It was a Terran Emperor and the last Terran Emperor of the Emperor's Era. He stood under the Nantian Gate and was behind Ling Tianzun.

Along with him, there are many gods and gods in the Nanshang Emperor's Court, among them Yi Shisheng, a disciple of Ling Tianzun.

"This scene, it seems that Ling Tianzun is not easy to make great achievements, the first time to display a complete scene that is not easy to magical! Ling Tianzun is not easy to use for the first time, that is to say..."

The Taidi suddenly realized that he hurriedly looked up and saw that the sky suddenly split!

He saw the Emperor of Heaven!

Or, it is the Emperor's own god, Tian Zunming Fang Yu, driving the body of the Emperor to kill from the extraterrestrial court, pointing to Ling Tianzun!

At that time, the emperor had two identities, one was Ming Fangyu, the other was 嫱天妃, Ming Fangyu was his reincarnation of the Yuanshen, and the 嫱天妃 was his body of God's knowledge.

Taidi stopped and looked up. The Emperor of Heaven was incomparably huge and tyrannical body descended from the sky, carrying a long gun in his hand, and in front of Nantianmen in the South Emperor's Heavenly Court, Ling Tianzun was exerting his impetus!

At this time, Qin Mu also stopped in front of him, and everything was still.

It is completely still.

Whether it is the body of the Emperor of Taidi Mingfang, or the Ling Tianzun who is not easy to use, or the Emperor of Heaven, Yi Shisheng, etc., all still.

Just the wind whistling on the river, the light shining from the Emperor's heaven, the water of the river flowing in the river, at this time all still!

Taidi wants to kill Qin Mu, but he also finds himself unable to move!

Not only can Suzaku's body be unable to move, but even the Emperor's gods can't move, so that he can't help but feel uncomfortable: "What is this terrible mana? Is it that the enlightened is too easy to shoot?"

"It's not too easy or other enlightened people to shoot."

Qin Mu’s image sensed his thinking consciousness and opened his mouth in front of him. He said: “But I used Ling Tianzun’s hair to summon Ling Tianzun’s unspeakable magic. You and I are here at this moment. In the middle, while the Emperor Tai has become a difficult substance in the magical power, I am acting as an outsider to observe changes in difficult substances."

Qin Mu turned his head and smiled at him. The Emperor felt that his smile was like the smile of the most evil demon!

"Not easy material can be seen as a process of material flow. Time does not exist, but it can be used as a unit of measurement. Every time I take a step, if I move forward, time will go back and back. If I walk backwards, time. It will go downstream and move forward."

Qin Mu explained to him: "If I stand in the same place, all the hard materials in this magical power will be still. The only thing that is not static is me. I say, should you understand the Emperor?"

The Emperor understood, and the voice was hoarse: "What do you mean by saying that I have become a difficult substance? But why didn't I even notice it?"

When Qin Mu turned and turned his body, the whole material that was not easy to pass was also undergoing a slight change. The time suddenly moved forward and suddenly moved backwards.

This kind of situation, like the whole world is an illusion, is an illusion of numerous pictures, and the existence of Qin Mu has made this false world appear to be stuck.

Qin Mu stood firm and this fluctuation disappeared.

“It’s not easy to be able to pass through, time back, advance, and pause, all of which are the result of difficult material changes.”

Qin Mu stepped toward him, but the Emperor suddenly found out that Qin Mu is now moving, and he still can't move!

Surprisingly, when Qin Mu walked around, the surrounding scenery was constantly changing. Ming Fang Yu controlled the body of the Emperor, and shot a punctured Ling Tianzun's heart. He ran the woman's body and provoked it into the Tianhe River!

At the same time, Ling Tianzun’s unspeakable magical powers broke, and the Tianhe River was cut off, and the Mingfangyu was involved in the impenetrable.

Even in that case, Ling Tianzun was still extremely restrained, and did not involve the Emperor of Heaven, Yi Shisheng and others in Nantianmen.

"You are not saying that your body is moving, is it not easy for the substance to change?"

Tai Tai is puzzled: "Why am I not changing?"

"You are different."

Qin Mu patiently explained: "You are not a difficult substance that is not easy to be converted by Ling Tianzun. You are indeed not easy to material, but it is not easy to materialize by my hard-won."

He smiled a little and didn't go to see Fang Fangyu killing Ling Tianzun. He continued to explain: "You are in my heart and become a difficult substance in my magical power."

He came to Suzaku and looked up at the almost perfect body of the ancient god. His face calmed and said: "You chase me all the way, see the shadows that I left on the river. Are you from those imaginary? Go through the shadows?"

The emperor stiffened on the river, and the wings of the Suzaku maintained their unfolding state, and the fire was raging.

"That is what I left behind."

Qin Mu seems very patient, saying: "As long as you pass through the first virtual shadow, then it has already been my unskilled. My cultivation is not as good as you, the first supernatural power is difficult to assimilate you. But You should pass through more than one illusion, and with my current strength, three virtual shadows, you can fully assimilate you."

He raised his hand and slowly swallowed it at Suzaku's eyebrows. He took the little gods out of the body of the Suzaku little by little, very careful: "You have crossed a total of 26,400. Twenty-three times, it can't be used so many times."

More Taidi gods were stripped out, and the Emperor's knowledge gradually formed in front of him and became the figure of the emperor, but it was made up of gods, not the real flesh.

"The reason why I have to leave so many roads is not easy to use. It is not entirely to deal with you, but to deal with the beginning of the day and deal with other Tianzun who entered this place."

Qin Mu extended a finger and slowly pointed at the eyebrows of the **** Taidi. He smiled and said: "You know the lower bounds, it is not your prosperity. The emperor in the state of prosperity has ceased to exist. Your body is dead. However, the scorpio is also dead, and the Mingfang rain has also become ashes. But you still have one of the strongest states, that is, the gods who are branded in the heavens of God.

His fingers look very light, but with this guidance, the body structure of the gods knows how the composition of the body changes.

The **** of the Taidi began from the forehead, and he was made into a very early elementary spirit. He was absorbed by Qin Mu at the beginning.

Qin Mu is not slow or slow: "My goal is not for you now, but for you in the middle of the world. I want to rescue the target not only Ling Tianzun, but also the **** of Yun Tianzun who is imprisoned there. ”

The head of God's understanding of the Emperor has been assimilated for more than half, and it has become too early.

God knows that the Emperor wants to struggle and wants to resist, but he struggles and resists.

His head had only his mouth left, and soon his mouth disappeared.

"In addition to this, I still have a heavy purpose, that is, take the opportunity to get rid of Xiao Tianzun and Yan Tianzun."

Qin Mudao: "I have left so many supernatural powers. As long as Xiao Tianzun and Yan Tianzun pass through those difficult to pass through, then they will also end up with you. Tai Tai, I am a goddess of the gods, and I am qualified to do it. Is your opponent?"

Tai Tai has been unable to answer, he completely transformed into a very early spirit, absorbed by Qin Mu, no longer exists!

Taidi controls the body of Suzaku, and it is powerful, and it can also be regarded as the strongest of Tianzun.

However, Qin Mu turned his hand to cover the rain for the cloud, and easily killed him, so that he did not even have the opportunity to resist!

Qin Mu experienced the death of Xunzi, invisible, regardless of the style of work or personal character, has undergone great changes.

"It's not easy to make a fuss. If you die, you can't know what's going on here if you know God in the heavens."

Qin Mu put away the body of Nandi Suzaku, turned around, walked forward, looked around for changes, and said to himself: "However, I will give you the opportunity to discover and discover me, and I will look at your **** when you attack, and kill him. I will bring a few good friends, such as the second brother, such as the emperor, or the gods..."

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