Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1547: Zizhu Temple heritage

Yan Tianzun’s chest is boring, and there is an impulse to vomit blood.

He asked himself to be a smart man, and he had counted the Emperor of Heaven. He had counted Yun Tianzun, the destruction of the Chi Ming era, the demise of Ling Tianzun, and the decline of the Kaihuang era.

He also defeated other Tianzun and became the head of the ten-day esteem. He defeated Xiao Tianzun in Zuting Yujing City and surrendered to other Tianzun. No matter how prestige or power, he was no longer there!

However, in the face of Qin Mu, he has repeatedly suffered from loss!

Far away, this time, in order to deal with the magical power of Qin Mu, he had to bow to the goddess Tai Su and pray for the protection of Tai Su's strength.

Being forced to this level by Qin Mu is his shameful shame!

But even so, Qin Mu is still not dead, not only did not die, but the good end with Ling Tianzun hook hook, Qingqing me and me.

Qin Mushu had a lazy waist, and an arm was placed on the foot of the body of the Emperor. The Emperor of Heaven was too sturdy. Although he was tall, he was too small for the body of the Emperor.

"Hey, my father and I are too early, we are brothers, and our generation is your uncle."

Qin Mu smiled and said: "Come, call a uncle to listen."

Ling Tianzun laughed and heard, Qin Mu looked back to her, the woman quickly got up, Qin Mu smiled.

At this time, suddenly the power of the terrible horror came, and Tian Tianzun stunned him for a moment, turned his hand, and after the body shook his head, thirty-five heavenly palaces emerged, and the shot was the great magical power of the Wandao Tianlun.

At the moment when his great gods passed out, Taisu’s **** raised his hand and filled him with the thirty-sixth Heavenly Palace, making him the power of this attack unparalleled!

His Temple of Heaven is more perfect than Xiaotian Zun, and there are fifty-six treasure halls that guard the heavenly court.

In the battle of Zuting Yujing City, Yan Tianzun shot against Xiao Tianzun. His number of treasure halls was only forty-eight. Obviously, he surrendered to Emperor Xuan Xuan and added eight treasure halls.

In the battle of Zuting Yujing, he defeated Xiao Tianzun, and almost killed Xiaotian Zun on the spot, and his power of this strike is now stronger than that of Zuting Yujing City!

However, at the same time he shot, Qin Mu’s **** was already integrated into the body of the Emperor.

When Tian Tianzun’s heart jumped, he saw that this stalwart body suddenly came alive.

"Good power!"

The Emperor opened his eyes, his body's blood swelled wildly, and whistling, pushing away the battle after the battle between Xiao Tianzun and Kaihuang.

Qin Mu is the only body of the Emperor, and I feel that the power in this body is endless!

Not only that, but when he controls this body, he can sense all the congenital avenues, all of which can be clearly sensed and clearly controlled!

This feeling of becoming a master of 10,000 is really wonderful.

He already knew that the Emperor of Heaven was extremely powerful, but he did not expect it to be so powerful and powerful to the point of indescribable!

"In the beginning, I also died by myself. I have such a strong body. If I don’t mess around, will he be killed by Yun Tianzun, Tian Zun and others? If he does not die, there is no chance for others!"

Qin Mu is very excited, mobilized and repaired, and the whole body of the Emperor of Heaven is everywhere, a shout, and a point to the Tiandao Zun Tiandao point!

Hung Meng is a finger!

This finger is originally the most powerful move of Qin Mu, but his research on Hongmeng's vital runes is not deep enough to play the change of this finger. Although the power is amazing, it is difficult to form a deadly threat to Tianzun because it is easy. I will hide.

Unless Qin Mu’s life is fatal, it is possible to hit the other side.

Nowadays, the power of the Emperor of Heaven has been used to display this finger, and the power has been enhanced by incomparable horror!

The Heavenly Wheel of the Heavenly Mantra is the great supernatural power of the thirty heavens of the Taoism. It contains thirty heavens and thirty different levels of power. However, Qin Mu’s guidance in the past, the power of the Wandao Tianlun Before it broke out, it was directly penetrated into the 30th heaven. All the changes were too late to be displayed, and it was shattered!

Hao Tianzun’s heart jumped, but Qin Qi was also pointing at it. He hurriedly fled and hid, but Qin Mu’s trick was a sham, no power.

Qin Mu then reached out and pointed out that he would hide again, but he was still a virtual move.

Qin Mu repeatedly pointed and went, and Tian Tianzun hid to hide. It turned out to be a sham move. He couldn’t help but be angry. Suddenly, Qin Mu was pointing at it. This move was a real one, and the power was better than just now. That blow is even scary!

Hao Tianzun snorted, and suddenly the magical powers changed. The right thirty-six Tiangong immediately had many direct disintegrations. The new Tiangong was still a 36-day palace.

Surprisingly, there is no Lingxiao Hall in these heavenly palaces, and the Purple Temple is replaced by it!

Qin Mu’s heart was shocked: “Yijing’s four sons!”

The ancestral home of Yujing Yujing is the one who introduced Qi Tianzun to the Zixiao Temple.

What happened to Yu Tianzun in the Purple Temple, no one knows what happened, but I want to come to Sigongzi to give him great benefits!

Now, in the Tiangong Temple, the Temple of Ling Xiaobao disappeared and was replaced by the Purple Temple. I am afraid that it was the role of his encounter in the Purple Temple.

"Is there any difference between the Purple Temple and the Lingxiao Temple?" Qin Mu was alert.

Taisu goddess is also a glimpse of the heart, and Tian Tianzun enters the Zixiao Temple. She did not follow up. After Tian Tianzun came out from the Purple Temple, she did not know anything about what happened in the Purple Temple. Obviously, there were some things that glared at her.

It’s just that she didn’t think that there is another way to practice it. He has two sets of big heavens and Xuan Gong. One of them, Ling Xiao Temple has been changed to the Purple Temple!

She couldn't help but be shaken. When Tian Tianzun changed her practice, she should have noticed that she was responsive when she was injured, and repaired his broken temple for Yan Tianzun.

If Yan Tianzun changes these temples, she will be aware of it.

But she did not notice.

"This shows one thing!"

Taisu’s heart beats: “He has quietly changed his temple in the invisible, so that I can’t control him! He has been using me!”

Her eyes flickered, and she quietly took back the Heavenly Palaces that she had given to Tian Tianzun. However, her heart sank completely, and there was no broken temple in the heavenly palace.

It is reasonable to say that as long as she withdraws, Yan Tianzun will return to the state of serious injury, and suddenly it will become a waste person!

But not.

"He is using me."

Some of the goddess of Taisu is a bit creepy: "He is using me to fill the 36th day for him and use me to complete his ambition! Even if I only have a little use, he will pay me my toes and call my aunt until he Squeeze me out. When I am useless, I am afraid that the first person to kill me is him! The humiliation that gave me to him, he will return it a hundred times, and return it thousands of times! He is such a person!"

She couldn't help but look at her companionship. This piece of treasure has been ruined, and Qin Mu has been riddled with grief. Although the remaining power is strong, it has no power of the past.

She is almost ready to be drained.

Now her use is only to help Tian Tianzun control the palace, ancestors, sorrows, imaginary and other heavenly honours. When the sacred heaven is enlightened, I am afraid that 昊天尊 will not need to use her to control these celestial gods, but will start with her!

She now finds that her situation is so dangerous, she needs to be sacred, because Gong Tianzun controls the ancestral Taishi vein, she must get the Taisu original stone and Taisu stone.

Yan Tianzun has always controlled her life, and Tian Tianzun is the one of them who holds the other's life.

"I can make him or destroy him!"

Taisu goddess bites her teeth and says: "I can control other Tianzun and use the power of these gods to destroy him! I can also capture Gong Tianzun and let her become my person and get the Taisu vein!"

This time, Zhai Tianzun’s shot is still a million-wheeled skywheel, but the power is even stronger. The Lingxiao Temple was replaced by the Purple Temple, and the power of the magical powers was greatly enhanced. The Wantian Tianlun was also filled with purple gas. Hongmeng is somewhat similar.

However, Qin Mu's study of Hong Meng's vitality runes still shows the difference.

The four sons should have learned the Tao of the masters of the Miluo Palace, but they did not thoroughly understand the masters of the Miluo Palace. The purpleness of the Purple Temple is somewhat plausible.

But even so, the power of this attack is still very powerful!


Hongmeng and the Wandao Tianlun collided, the power of two outbreaks, even comparable!

Qin Mu controlled the body of the Emperor to rise up and sway, and pushed the hand to push the power of the mixed-yuan road to swim. When the power passed, everything became chaotic, and the power of this attack was even better than that of Xiao Tianzun. Not too much to let!

On the other side, Tian Zun shouted and his hands greeted forward.

The two men rushed wildly, the next four arms, four palms, smashed together!

The Qin Emperor controlled by Qin Mu was kneeling down, and two other arms were growing. Two arms were born behind them, and four arms rushed to the sky.

After Tian Tianzun’s mind, the Yuanshen emerged, and all his attacks were blocked. The two bodies were vast, competing for each other, killing the sky, and suddenly leaping and killing into the sky!

In the eyes of the goddess Taishen, the light flashed, and the heart said: "If I suddenly withdraw a temple in this time, I will be killed by the little monk!"

It is difficult to contain this idea in her mind.

It is only if Qin Mu kills Yan Tianzun, it is difficult to prevent her from starting.

After all, she and Qin Mu have a **** revenge, she can not be sure whether Qin Mu can accommodate her. And even if Qin Mu Ken, she would not.

Because, it is Qin Mu forced her to be born in advance, but also Qin Mu will make her treasure like this.

She was still hesitating. Suddenly, in the sky where Qin Mu and Yu Tianzun killed, a cold wind blew through, and the void that the cold and cold wind blew was extremely clean and bright.

A tree of trees appeared quietly and without interest. There was a green fruit on the tree. Under the tree, there was no such thing as a statue of the Emperor, and looked coldly at the battle below.

"I have been waiting for this for a long time."

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