Tales of Herding Gods

Chapter 1548: Six billion years of invincibility

That is the **** of knowledge.

In the age of Taikoo, countless creators sacrificed the Emperor Tai, which made the Taidi's body and spirit extremely powerful and broke the limit.

In the case of the Wanzu sacrifices, the emperor used the gods to mark the ultimate void, forming a **** of knowledge, Daotian, Daoshusheng, Daohuakai, Daoguojie, and never die.

It is not the self-cultivation that he has cultivated for the sake of his cultivation. He has only reached thirty-five heavens in his understanding of the way of knowledge of God. Therefore, the fruit is green fruit and he cannot mature.

He was counted by the Mihara Palace.

When he explored the ancestral home of Yujing, he and his party met the temple of the fragrant incense, and after collecting the fragrant temple, they found that there was the Mihara Palace in the temple, and the strong one who had robbed the two.

So the Emperor and other people visited the Miyazaki Palace, and the Mihara Palace was not decent. The Yuan Sheng took the path of faith and enlightenment, and let the Taidi and others believe in him and help him to come.

Taidi and others were trapped in the fragrant temple, unable to escape. Finally, they relied on the power of the beginning to get rid of the fragrant temple and seal the fragrant temple together with the Mihara Palace.

At that time, the Mihara Palace Yuansheng taught the Taidi, that is, the belief was enlightened, but he deliberately counted the emperor and taught incompleteness.

The Emperor of the Tai will combine the path of faith with the way of the gods, so that the creator of the ancient times sacrificed himself, and this will enable his gods to reach the ultimate void and pin their knowledge. However, because of the incompleteness of the Yuan Sheng biography, he was polluted by the sacred power of the creator, and he could not go any further.

His goal is not only the physical body of the Emperor, but the Xiaotianzun, but the way to the beginning!

Qin Mu, Kaihuang, Yan Tianzun and Xiao Tianzun were so fiercely killed that they were the body of the Emperor, but also to get rid of him, but he did not wait for this opportunity, swallowed Xiaotian Zun, and turned his own knowledge into The way to the beginning?

Qin Mu, Kaihuang wants to get rid of him, Xiaotian Zun Tianzun wants to swallow him, but he is also waiting for this opportunity to make himself successful!

And now, the opportunity is finally here!

Opened the Emperor Sword, and Xiao Tianzun smashed fiercely. These two people became a way of enlightenment. One was enlightened, and Xiaotian Zun occupied the advantage of being more ambitious. The power of the early stage was amazing, and the Emperor took up the road to cultivate deeper. Advantage, attack is stronger.

Both of them are very difficult to kill each other. Although Xiaotian Zun is at a disadvantage, as long as he does not kill him, he relies on the mystery of the beginning to restore himself. Kaihuang is relying on the kendo to open up the ground and destroy. His initial strength weakened his cultivation.

As for Qin Mu's side, it is purely a struggle between power and magic. The Emperor of Heaven is strong, Qin Mushen passes through people, and Tian Tianzun is because of the practice of the Purple Temple, and the channel of God is greatly changed. The battle between the two is also in a stalemate. It is difficult to win or lose in a short time.

However, Qin Mushen is more powerful in the body of the Emperor, and is not his own flesh. Regardless of the gods' channel method, he is a life-changing style. He is very hard-working and hates his teeth.

Just as the enemy and the other were wounded by each other, suddenly, the wind of coldness and whistling blew, and the whole day suddenly extended infinitely, and everything became extremely thin!

The days are getting flatter and flatter, as if they were stretched to a level without any thickness!

The four people were shocked. They only felt that their flesh and souls were blown by this cold wind. The flesh began to change, became flat, and extended in four places. The material particles that make up the flesh are infinitely extended to each other!

Xiao Tianzun’s body began to swell for a moment, and the body spread to the surrounding area, stretched to hundreds of meters wide, and the body became more and more flat.

"The ultimate void!"

He slammed and spurred the large heavenly court composed of thirty-six heavenly palaces. The body was shaken, forcing the body to shrink, fighting against the cold and silent wind, and the body retracted and returned to normal.

But even if he is promoted to the realm of heaven, the ultimate void affects his flesh and spirits, threatening his life, forcing him to force the Dafa magical power to confront it!

On the other hand, the Kaihuang urging the kendo, the swordsmanship, and the formation of the kendo field, is also fighting against the cold and silent wind in the ultimate void.

Yan Tianzun also spurred his own great heaven, with a great mana to suppress the ultimate void, and his heart was lost.

Qin Mu’s **** was hiding in the body of the Emperor, but he still didn’t feel anything different, but his body could not hold it, and it was blown by the cold wind, and suddenly the body became very slim.

The same is true of Ling Tianzun.

Her cultivation is lower, not comparable to Qin Mu, not more than the Tiantian Zunxiao Tianzun and Kaihuang, this cold and silent wind made her flesh and gods immediately begin to collapse.

"The realm of spirituality!"

Suddenly, Qin Mu burst into a burst, and the field of knowledge was unfolding. Suddenly, a world tree was lush, rising from the ground and propping up a world in the ultimate void.

Ling Tianzun and Qin Mu meat are in the realm of the spiritual fetus, and the physical disintegration of the body suddenly stops.

Ling Tianzun provoked the impenetrable, the flesh and the gods recovered as they were, and some of them were shocked and looked around.

They forcibly suppressed their physical bodies, but it is still difficult to suppress the impact of this cold wind on them!

Fortunately, their cultivation is strong enough, although the influence of the cold and cold wind on them is not enough, but they will not have their lives.

They looked up and saw a tree of trees appearing in their center, with branches and leaves and vast crowns.

They looked around and couldn’t see the heavens. The whole heavens were completely blurred, and they disappeared!

The **** of Taidi’s gods, Luotian, finally arrived!

"The tree is not born, the flowers are not open, the fruit is not knotted, it is all ants!"

Under the tree, a stalwart creator came from behind the tree, laughed and looked at the crowd, and said leisurely: "I am waiting for the ants, fighting in the lower world, playing the blood, it is really interesting. ""

"Juyu!" Xiaotian Zun snorted.

"Tai Emperor!" Qin Mu eyes brightened.

Yan Tianzun smiled and tried to try.

Standing on the arm of the emperor, he looked at the tree and turned a blind eye to the emperor.

Qin Mu looked up and down the Emperor, and he said with amazement: "Big brother, here is your god, Da Luotian? You are the ultimate emptiness of the gods, so you have formed the ultimate Luotian?" The way of God's knowledge, the ultimate imprint of the brand, can not die?"

He was so curious that he couldn't help but study the mystery of the ultimate void.

The emperor glanced at him and said leisurely: "The fourth child, after waiting for you to die, I will trap your **** in the heavens of the gods, day and night, and you have time to study, do not have to rush!"

Qin Mu is grateful for zero, and he whimpses: "Big brother is very good to me... Yun Tianzun? Is it also in your gods?"

Taidi haha ​​smiled and said: "He has made fertilizer under my tree roots. You will also end up in the same way, and you are all the same."

His eyes sparkled with excitement: "The fourth, I am grateful that you will send the flesh in the beginning. Do you know how many years have I waited for this day? From the early years of your return to the ancient Longhan, I am waiting It’s been a million years now! The second child, you have given me your own flesh **** for 40,000 years. I am also very grateful. When I swallow you, I will make a monument for you."

Xiao Tianzun smiled and said: "I can see my brother again, and my mood is also excited."

The emperor laughed and laughter fell. His eyes fell on Ling Tianzun. He said: "You can trap my **** for 40,000 years. It is also amazing. You are the first to break my supreme knowledge. People in the field, I will give you a good way to die."

Ling Tianzun pulled out his hair.

Tai Tai did not take it for granted. His eyes fell on Taisu Goddess. He smiled and said: "The egg that made the dowry in the past was born, and it is very good."

Taisu goddess smiled coldly.

Taidi looked at Kaihuang Qinye again and praised: "You have a martial art, and the future is boundless, but unfortunately, I still have a lower realm. And you have just enlightened, you still don't understand what is the realm after enlightenment, plus here is 40,000. Years ago, you are a pity."

Kaihuang’s gaze fell on his fruit, and faintly said: “I am half a world lower than you. Your way is green, not mature.”

Taidi smiled and said: "Half a realm is enough to crush you. As for the gods..."

He smiled and said: "It's also very good. It's hard to be yours." Unfortunately, you have never branded the ultimate void with your own strength, and you have not succeeded in fulfilling the road. It is worse than me. Three realms of fruit."

He showed the style of the emperor who ruled the universe for billions of years. He said: "In my long life, there are some interesting people who play with me, but I don't feel lonely. Unfortunately, you are a pity. ”

Yan Tianzun suddenly slammed his sigh and bowed to the Taishen goddess: "Aunt, I want to make things happen, and broke his gods, Da Luotian!"

Taisu goddess involuntarily urged the path of Taisu, and the whole time of the gods knows that Luotian is full of material, so that God knows that Luotian is no longer pure!

At the moment when Taisu shot, Ling Tianzun immediately provoked the impenetrable power, fixed the whole god's knowledge of the heavens and the earth, and let the gods know that Luotian was in a state of material difficulty!

On the other side, Xiao Tianzun shouted, and the 36th Heaven Palace formed a large heavenly vibrating. The Yuanshen rose from the heavens, urging the way of the beginning, and covering it with one palm!

昊天尊 immediately vacated from the crouching state, Wandao Tianlun whistling and spinning, squatting to the tree!

At the same time, the opening of the sword, the sword refers to the fruit on the tree, Jianguang is the 36th swords field, the top is the kendo Da Luotian!

Qin Mu controls the body of the Emperor, and the incomparable power of terror erupts, the body is smashed, and the control is tens of thousands of ways. The deceitful murder is in front of the gods and the emperor, and he will push him to explode!

The emperor laughed loudly, and the road in the Daoshu circulated, and the fruit of the road was radiant. The attack of Xiaotianzun just came to the sky above the tree, and the road light emitted by the crown of the tree tree was lifted up, and it could not fall. Xiaotian Zun fell. Feeling an unrivalled force shook him up involuntarily.

He was so up in his heart that he repeatedly spurred the practice of the law, but he was beaten and retreated.

Yan Tianzun’s Wandao Tianlun cut the tree, and the Wandao Tianlun burst into a blast, and he couldn’t help but change his face.

The Kaihuang's sword has just stabbed the fruit, and the power in the fruit is the strongest. The Jianguang is shattered and shaken, and the emperor is swept away to avoid the impact of the power in the fruit.

Qin Mu killed to the gods and the emperor, and suddenly the horrible gods broke out, and a loud bang banged his gods out of the body of the heavenly emperor!

The road tree swayed and swayed, and all the figures fell in all directions. Whether it was Ling Tianzun’s uncomfortable magical power or Taisu’s goddess’ thoughts, all of them were broken!

The gods know that the sky is clear and clear, like a mirror, only the blood of Qin Mu, Yan Tianzun, Xiao Tianzun, Ling Tianzun, and Taisu Goddess when they fall.

Kaihuang was in the wrong step, avoiding the fruit attack, and his face was dignified. He was not injured by Taidi, but his heart was also greatly shaken.

God knows that the Emperor is looking up, and looks at the body of the Emperor, with a smile on his face: "You finally sent the body I needed. From today, I can finally leave the ultimate void and come to the world completely!"


He was hidden in the body of the Emperor.

Everyone's face changed dramatically.

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