Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1147: Telmish's persistence

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"Even if I don't kill Dave today, he will one day be judged by fate! I can feel this."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Termish was relieved. After all, Zhang Yang's accumulated power to kill four Tier 6 strongmen was just too strong, even for the strong Termish, it was quite stressful. As for now, Zhang Yang will act as soon as he can give up

"Do you still want to protect him, Tamilsh?"

No matter from a strength perspective or a friend's standpoint, Zhang Yang can't continue to move forward regardless of Termish's attitude, so when he had to stop and continue to advance, Zhang Yang used a slightly doubtful and puzzled tone Termish asked.

"Yes ... I still decided to protect him. After all, I have made a promise to myself to do my best to send him to the place that may change his destiny. So, I'm sorry Woking, I will not let You move on. "

At first, Termish seemed a bit painful and struggling when he said this, but in the end she made her own choice. When she finished speaking, there were already a lot of lost and apologetic eyes in her eyes. A touch of determination.

Zhang Yang knew that Termish was an independent and stubborn woman, and since she said so, she would carry on resolutely. For Zhang Yang, this may mean that he will not be able to punish Dave. However, Zhang Yang still wanted to ask, wouldn't she regret it?

"Promise ... Do you still have to keep your promise even for people like Dave? Or do you still think that Lier is just a slave, and her life and death are irrelevant or even insignificant?"

Zhang Yang's remarks were a bit heavy at the moment, but Termish was not angry. She just shook her head slightly, and then whispered:

"There is no absolute fairness and justice in this world. I ca n’t change it, and I ca n’t change it. After all, I am just a warrior and an ordinary person who has not even entered the seventh-level legendary level. This is all. So please forgive me Willfulness, no matter in terms of oath or affection and intimacy, I ca n’t see Dave killed. I do n’t want him to die in your hands, so Woking, in my face, forget it today ... … "

Termish has always given the impression of being a powerful and slightly overbearing woman, but now she looks really fragile and pitiful. After all, in Dave ’s memory, even when she faced her father and even the legendary strongman Tigris, who was known as the "royal pride", Termish was not as weak as this time. Pleaded.

So at this moment, even Dave, who was timid and hard-hearted, could not help moving slightly. It's just that, compared with this little touch, Dave is more curious about what is the relationship between her strong cousin and this Woking?

In fact, with only a dozen meters remaining between Zhang Yang and Dave, Zhang Yang has at least 50% certainty to kill Dave in his current state, even if there is a stop in the middle. Of course, he will definitely be injured for this, and once he does, Zhang Yang's true strength will also be exposed at the moment.

If according to Zhang Yang's previous rules of conduct, he will absolutely kill Dave in desperation, as for the things that are injured ... Anyway, Zhang Yang is confident that he can escape from this place alive, and it is too urgent to use it at all costs. ] At that time, depending on the strength of Termish, Zhang Yang ’s mood depended on his life and death.

However, for some reason, Zhang Yang looked at the painful Termish in front of his eyes, and suddenly felt a little distracted. This is not his country, and this battle has nothing to do with him. Even for the dead Li'er, Zhang Yang was only sympathetic to her and could not even talk about it.

The reason why he appears here is basically at least half because of Termish. Does that mean anything to him now?

At this moment, Zhang Yang, who is deceived and disguised for Termish, Dave and even Lier, regardless of identity, name or appearance, is he eligible to mention the word ‘justice’? Now he is a liar himself!

If he removes his disguise at the moment, he will suddenly become the public enemy of everyone present! After all, he is still a person ...

So it seemed that staring at Termish after seeing Zhang Yang who hadn't spoken for a long time, he was already distracted, but he didn't reply at the moment, but made Termish more nervous and sad. She thought that what she just said really hurt the friend's heart, so she looked even more sad.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not last long this time, and when he came back to God, because he was in a heavy relationship, he did not pay too much attention to Termish ’s reaction, he just sighed gently. After a breath, he said:

"Maybe you are right, but what I want to tell you is that no matter whether there is justice in this world, fate is real. That is, the plan of the hand, Termish is satisfied.

"Fate? Maybe ... but I still want to thank you, Woking. I think it is fair to give Dave a chance anyway, even if he is a **** ... and I will honor my previous promises, since you Help me get through this crisis, so the reward ... "

Telmish is talking about here, but Zhang Yang turned directly to the north, that is, the position where Zuo De and others were at the moment, and only left Termish with a deep and slightly sullen back. At the same time, his voice, which was more indifferent than before, also passed on at this time.

"Four level six, plus 287 levels three and four ... you really owe me a lot of money this time, Termish."

Unclear about Zhang Yang ’s intentions, Termish had to put aside what he had just said, and instead followed Zhang Yang ’s intention:

"Yes, the other is not only the rewards of the four sixth-order strongmen should be 800,000 gold coins, plus these other enemies, a total of one million gold coins, I think Dave absolutely does not Mind to use his entire net worth in exchange for his life! "

Telmish's insistence is only to make Dave alive. As for her helping Zhang Yang to squeeze all of Dave's net worth away, will it make him distressed and die, which is beyond the scope of Termish's concern. .

However, Zhang Yang shook his head slightly when he heard this, and saw that after taking the next sentence, he walked in the direction of Zuo De and others who were still on the alert side.

"I did n’t appear here for Dave ’s money today, so the one million gold coins you promised, along with a favor you owe me, will be returned to me later or when I have the opportunity to meet again. Of course, If I'm not here, you will return this love to 'Hiss'. Shouldn't you want to come to the famous Termish? "

"Walking ... you guy ..."

"Then that's the deal, I'll see you again."

When Zhang Yang said goodbye to Termish's ear, his men were already standing in front of the tense warriors of the remaining hook claw bounty hunters. However, compared with the other claw members who were frightened, the wolf adjutant Zuo De, who was standing in the front of the team and smashed a left arm by Zhang Yang, looked quite calm.

"Is Lord Woking ready to take my life? But now that our hook claw brigade has completely failed in this battle, can you please ask the adults to let go of these brothers behind me? They just act according to their orders, after all, in this In a world where people are killed or killed, those of us who only know how to fight and kill also want to live. So ... please ask Woking to open up! "

Mo said Zhang Yang was a little surprised when he heard Zuo De ’s words, that is, the remaining soldiers behind the clawed claw brigade who had shrunk behind him. After hearing Zuo De ’s words, most of them also turned their courage to their courage. To Zuo De's side.

So at this moment, whether Zuo De was out of sincerity, or he still did not forget to buy people's hearts before he died, anyway, after his remarks, Zhang Yang had already been scared by Zhang Yang, and almost lost all his courage and confidence. Soldiers nowadays have somewhat restored the courage they should have.

However, Zhang Yang asked only three words:


If it is an ordinary person, hearing Zhang Yang's question will definitely make me confused. But perhaps Zuo De was really a rare and wise man among the wolf clan, so when faced with Zhang Yang's headless and endless words, Zuo De's cold face suddenly showed a smile-like crying expression, and then he did not shy away. To openly say:

"Actually, I really don't hate you at all. After all, what our hook-claw bounty hunter team did on weekdays, I know better than anyone. Even now our companion team is dying in your hands, but since we chose to launch Attack, choose to do this **** business, naturally prepared to fail and be killed, after all, these are business, it is normal. And now ... I can finally leave this **** place. "

Speaking of which, Zuo De suddenly pulled the emblem belonging to the hook claw bounty hunter group from his leather chest, and continued to throw it away after the other people's surprised eyes watched:

"As for Boyle's death, I can only say ... really thank you Lord Woking! Thank you for your revenge!"

As soon as Zuo De's words came out, everyone including Zhang Yang looked surprised or curious. Fortunately, Zuo De seemed to want to tell this thing long ago, so he didn't hang these people. Appetite, but by saying:

"Actually, I have never forgotten my life experience. My parents and loved ones were killed by Boyle, and his purpose of raising me is only to sell his life for him. Speaking of which, if this action he was not killed. Lord Jin, if you kill me, I will find a chance to kill him and avenge my parents in the days to come! "

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