Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1148: Part ways

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No one expected that there would be such complex hatred and entanglement between Zuo De and Boyle. After all, in the perception of the soldiers of the hook claw bounty hunters around him, Zuo De has always been Boyle. The left arm and the right arm are the most trusted and close people around their powerful chief.

So for a time, the remaining claws of the Bounty Hunter Brigade left by Zuo De were all looking at me, I was looking at you. In addition to being unbelievable, I didn't know how to decide what to do.

After all, in principle, they obeyed Zuo De's arrangement. In addition to Zuo De's own strength of the fifth-order strongman, what is more important is his position as deputy assistant of the hook claw bounty hunter team. Therefore, when Zuo Dejing threw away the hook claw bounty hunter badge, the others suddenly didn't know where to go.

However, in addition to luck and strength, these hook-claw bounty hunter brigades who can survive from the beginning of the battle have also played an extremely important role.

So when they were keenly aware that the opposite superpower didn't seem to mean to kill them all, they then thought of Zuo De's performance, and their brains turned fast, suddenly realized that Zuo De looked like his own chest. The emblem belonging to the Hook Claw Bounty Hunter Brigade was removed and thrown aside.

It was as if this behavior was contagious, but just a few moments later, the group of orc warriors standing in front of Zhang Yang's eyes all recovered their identity as freedom fighters.

In fact, many people later wanted to understand that since Boyle is dead, this hook claw bounty hunter team built with his strength as the core is considered to be finished. Zuo De, as Boyle's deputy of trust, if he can survive this time, then he who holds the position of Boyle's property is fully capable of rebuilding a bounty hunter organization or adventurer team!

What are they hesitating for?

However, Zuo De did not think so much at this time. He just wanted to die as a free man after he fulfilled his wish, instead of killer of the hook claw bounty hunter brigade.

So when Zhang Yang didn't say anything about it, but came to Zuode calmly, Zuode suddenly closed his eyes calmly. But compared to him, the original hook claw bounty hunter fighters behind Zuo De who wanted to hug Zuo De's thigh, but they did not know what to do.

Should they stay motionless and invisible, or should they stand up in front of their future boss?

It is a pity that Zhang Yang is very close to Zuo De at the moment, so when most of them are still entangled and hesitant, Zhang Yang has come to a place about one meter in front of Zuo De.

"Since the lord revenge for me, then I should repay Lord Woking, but I accidentally killed the lord and the person you care about is an indisputable fact, so if you want my life, Lord Zuo De Willing to lead the death! "


"Step aside."

"Uh ?! Master you ..."

No one thought that Zhang Yang would say these two words after being silent for a long time, so for a time Zuo De seemed a little disbelief in what he heard. Fortunately, there was a short Badger Warrior behind him who responded faster. When Zhang Yang dragged the long-handed serrated tomahawk and continued to walk forward, he hurriedly stunned Zandra to the side.

So with the movement of Zuo De, the dozens of soldiers of the original hook claw bounty hunter group immediately hulled and flashed to the two sides, giving Zhang Yang a channel more than three meters wide.

Seeing Termish's expression here seemed to have been expected, but Dave couldn't bear it.

"Cousin! Wokin's guy would let these people go? They are enemies! And the wolf tribe he ... he seems to be the other's No. 2 leader. Isn't it letting go after such a release? Again, they said My hands are also contaminated with the blood of my hands, or let's cut them off! "

Dave originally wanted to say that Zuo De was the murderer who killed Lier, but thinking of the disgraceful role he played in it, Dave turned the topic off.

However, Termish was unimpressed with his proposal. She only looked at Zhang Yang, who was walking farther and farther, before she spoke after a while:

"There are enough people dead today. There is no need to put any effort into these guys who have left the hook claw bounty hunter group. And since Vol'jin did not take action against these people, it means to let them leave. , So let ’s go, we should gather up the bodies of the war dead and leave this **** place. "

Hearing Termish say this, Dave was helpless. You know that with him and the remaining less than twenty men, if you do n’t get the help of Termish and rush through, it ’s no different than finding death.

Now Dave can rely on the strong man of Termish. If she does n’t want to shoot, then whatever Dave wants to do is in vain ...

In desperation, Dave can only instruct the soldiers to gather the body of the war dead as he said, and cremation. Be aware of this except from the camps of the Kampas orc kingdom. In addition to the respect of the fighters, the fighters who survived this process can collect some money and weapons of the dead, but these are really a waste of time in the eyes of Dave. If it were not for Tamirsh, he was in a crisis situation at this moment. In other words, Dave will definitely choose to leave directly and let these corpses go to the wilderness ...

When it was determined that Zhang Yang was not ready to take his own life, Zuo De paid a salute to Termish from a distance, and then began to direct his men to gather and burn the bodies of the dead companions. At this time, a weird scene appeared. The two people who had just been killed and killed just now seem to be indifferent to each other, even if they are only a few meters away.

It's just that the soldiers of the Hook Claw Bounty Hunter Brigade were actually killed too much by Zhang Yang. The hundreds of corpses must be handled and burned for a while. In contrast, Dave is much easier to get here, not to mention more concentrated, only a dozen or so.

Everything seemed to be going well, but when people found Lier's body, it was a bit difficult.

According to the current traditions of the Campas Orc Kingdom, slaves generally cannot receive the same treatment as warriors when they die. According to legend, after the glorious war dead of the warriors, the flames will take their souls to the place where the **** of war, Campas, is a legendary land for the warriors, a place where you will never have to worry about food and have no pain.

Therefore, for those who have a clear slave status, if they go to the kingdom of God of War with the flames, it is a blasphemy against the great Flame God of War Campos!

So according to the usual practice, most of the time the slave's body will not be questioned, that is the real corpse wilderness. It's just that in the barren Campas Orc Kingdom, corpses are a rare and delicious food for many Warcraft and Beasts, so even if no one cleans up this battlefield, it will be cleaned up by the nearby Warcraft within two days.

So how to deal with Lier's body became a problem, even for Dave, he dared not rely on the past to see Lier's face and eyes! It was just that Dave did not find out that the charming and lively Dyer, who was originally charming, now became very quiet, and even with her occasional look at Dave, it was no longer as affectionate as it used to be. It's ... something more.

Fortunately, in the end, Termish couldn't see past and dealt with Lier's problem personally. I saw that she cut a rectangular deep pit on the ground with a few knives, and then from Dave's side came a beautiful blanket to wrap Lier's body before putting it in the pit and buried it.

(Born in the earth, attributed to the earth, I hope your soul can rest in peace. If there is a real reincarnation, then you must find someone who really loves you and cares about you, and do n’t repeat the pain today ...)

Definitely watching Dave's men fill the dirt pits quickly, Termish finally prayed for Lier in the heart. In addition, after the location of the pit was restored to its original state, Termish took out a delicate vial containing green unknown liquid from her small bag. After she opened the cap, she buried Lier. A few drops of that green liquid sprinkled everywhere, which immediately made Dave stunned:

"Is this a sixth-order Warcraft body fluid? It seems a bit ... um ... not necessary?"

Telmish knew that Dave wanted to say the word waste, but fortunately he finally changed his tongue. In this regard, Termish, who was still increasingly disappointed with Dave, glanced at the other party, learning Zhang Yang's tone lightly:

"You are wrong, this is not the body fluid of Tier 6 Warcraft, but the urine of the legendary Warcraft 7 that I accidentally collected."

"Ah !? The urine of Legendary Warcraft! Isn't this a good thing that is hard to find?"

Seeing Dave shocked, Tamilsh suddenly felt very irritable, so she was no longer in a mood to stimulate Dave, but said coldly:

"How to use my things, how to use them, what are you doing?"

After saying this, Termish turned around and ignored Dave, which made Dave only touch the nose with a smile, and turned to look for comfort at Del. However, after Dave left, Termish looked back at the place where Lier was buried, thinking in silence.

(A few drops of urine from Legendary Warcraft, I believe that if you change to the Woking guy, in order to give you peace after death, he will not be distressed by pouring this bottle down, but why recently I always feel a different taste from the voice of the guy in Woking? Otherwise, why should he always leave the benefits to his sister Hess? It ’s a blinding guy ... he this time Where is he going to leave? Or ... Is there any place where he can be a life threatening to him with legendary strength?)

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