Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1157: Border turmoil

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The more sensitive people are, the more they can perceive the silent terror and shock contained in the front line of the **** battle. The souls entangled here are left by countless living creatures. They were all bound in this land by an unknown force.

There are no trees and dead grass, and there are no dead bones scattered everywhere. Looking around this black land that can't be seen at a glance, there is nothing except the broken armor and weapons occasionally discarded in the cracks of the stone ...

This is a depressing black zone, but in Zhang Yang's eyes, he can see countless souls of the dead who are bound to hover here!

They seem to be wandering, floating and floating here as if they were absent, as if this black area is actually a sea to them. Among them are humans, orcs, and even a few kinds of Warcraft and sporadic elves!

Zhang Yang has seen countless big scenes, and even the plane void has been visited more than once. Even once he thought that the sea of ​​bones he saw in the Devil Realm had already represented the limit of death, but what does it seem now? It seems that this black area full of souls is better at interpreting death ...

(Is this ... the **** battle front?)

Zhang Yang's standing position at this moment is still a distance away from the black zone in front of him, but even then he can still feel a faint attraction. It felt like he was urging him to walk in so that he could stay there forever.

Fortunately, this feeling is not very strong, and in Zhang Yang's cognition did not feel any danger. Compared to this, dozens of tall, strong and powerful racial warriors have already sprung up from the few small orc-style fortresses not far away. In this way, they should be Zhang Yangyin. And when I was shocked, I found him,

After all, here is in a large wasteland, if a person walks so blatantly, I am afraid that a few miles away is enough to be discovered.

"The guy in front, you stop me!"

While Zhang Yang was still looking at the wonder in front of him, dozens of orc warriors had rushed to him and stopped a short distance away, and what seemed to be speaking at the moment seemed to be the captain of this group of orc warriors. .

"Say you! Are you deaf? Mommy! Take the cloak off my head!"

When this guy spoke for the second time, Zhang Yang recovered, but in the face of this arrogant attitude, Zhang Yang could not be obedient.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Nonsense! Are there any other gasps besides you here? Obediently pull down the cloak for Laozi and let Laozi see what you look like, otherwise don't blame Laozi for doing you!"

"This ..."

Even in the period when Zhang Yang was so weak due to overload, he would not take such a little scream of ordinary guys in his eyes. In addition, these Orc warriors are essentially mistaken, that is, Zhang Yang is not an Orc! And in terms of his current strength and status, dare to talk to him like this, really needs a little courage and not afraid of death!

So these orc warriors who were rushing around saw a knife, an ordinary wolf scimitar, and then ...

"You, dare you dare to fight against the soldiers on the frontline of the **** battle? Boy, you are doing something! You are doing something big! You will kill me if you have a species! Otherwise, as long as I pass on the good things you are doing here Go out and you are waiting for the killing of the entire Campas Orc Kingdom! The entire kingdom will no longer have your place! "

Don't look at this cow leader's speech at this moment, it's still tough, but if you see him kneeling in front of Zhang Yang and being pressed against the neck by a **** machete, I'm afraid no one will feel that way.

Originally Zhang Yang was not a cruel killer, but now he seems to be influenced by some strange emotions, but it is just a word, he actually really missed what the cattle captain said, except for staying Apart from his breathing, he killed dozens of other orc warriors!

Such a cold-blooded and cruel, such a murderer who does not say a word, is very different from Zhang Yang's usual practice!

It's a pity that Zhang Yang himself doesn't feel anything at all now. He just looked at the captain of the cow clan who was kneeling in front of himself but still almost as high as himself, and then spoke with a voice without any emotion :

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Humph! Do you think I'll tell you? You will kill the old one if there is one ... Ah ~!"

Sometimes the toughness also depends on the target, just like in front of him, Zhang Yangming has already slaughtered dozens of orc warriors without saying a word, where can he still be the leader of the cattle clan? Isn't the reason to keep him alive just to ask for some information?

And the result of Zhang Yang's toughness at this time ... is that this tough, squad leader of the cattle tribe will always say goodbye to his left arm!

Seeing this guy hidden in his cloak in front of him, he once again put the **** scimitar on his neck coldly. The cattle who had been cut off their feet before and now have their arms cut off The captain finally saw the reality at the moment.

Man-made knives make me fish-like. Sometimes, even the real warriors who are not afraid of death should make some wise choices.

"You, what do you want to know?"

"Why stop me?"

"This one……"

Now that the meat has been opened, Zhang Yang will naturally not tolerate this guy to hide anything, so just when the cow squad leader hesitated a little, Zhang Yang suddenly pressed the machete in his hand, and the sharp blade was suddenly on the other side. There was a blood stain on the thick neck.

"Wait, wait! I said! I will tell you all!"


"We received news that we were looking for a hybrid orc named Vol'jin who targeted the front line of the **** battle, but it didn't let us do it, only let us find the news after we found it."

"Do you think I am Woking?"

"Of course! Although I haven't seen you yet, most of the tribes in this place in the **** battle front haven't had time to hide. Where did you get together? So you should be that half-blood orc Wojin?"

Han people also have a method, and Zhang Yang has to admit that the captain of the cattle tribe orc is right. It's just that Zhang Yang doesn't understand. Who is wanting him now? Is Ted Turk? Anyone else?

Seeing Zhang Yang not speaking at this moment, the cattle captain confirmed the identity of the person in front of him. However, at the moment when Zhang Yang was enchanted, he suddenly made an amazing move!

It is said that at this moment the captain of the cattle tribe has been abolished three of his limbs, but he is using this left right arm to snap a talisman on his neck!

If the average person may not pay attention to such a small detail, Zhang Yang will not. Although he has no time to prevent this from happening at this moment, Zhang Yang can still guess one or two.

"Did you send the message out? I didn't expect you to be really afraid of death."

As the scimitar in Zhang Yang's hand gradually lifted up, the cattle captain had to raise his head accordingly. However, there was no fear at all in his eyes at the moment, as if all the expressions just now were pretended.

"You are not from our Campas orc kingdom, or even you are not an orc! Hum! Half-breed bastards, are you a spy from humans and orcs, right? Unfortunately, the details of the news cannot be transmitted, Otherwise, you are waiting for the killing of the high-level powerhouse! "

The other party's remarks made Zhang Yang stunned. He asked himself if he was pretending to be good. Even the strong men like Teltek and Telmish could not see any flaws. He was a little How did the cattle captain orc warrior and the leader of the third-order team find it?

"Why are you so sure?"

"Hahaha! This is hard to guess! Anyone who pulls out our Campas Orc Kingdom knows, but no one who can serve as an officer on the front line of the **** battle is afraid of death! And you do n’t even know it at all. At this point, what else is there to say? "

"Oh? Is it impossible for me to live in isolation and almost never get in touch with people at all?"

"Huh! That may not be the case, but it is definitely not a guy like you! Who will come to such a place where it is extremely dangerous at a glance? And you? Obviously came here on the initiative!"

Hearing here, Zhang Yang was a little bit reluctant to kill him. Who said that the cattle orcs were brainless? Whether it ’s the Baker General, Baker who likes to pretend to be a tavern owner in Red Rock City, or the **** hoof in the mercenary squad, even the squad leader of the cattle who looks silly in front of him now looks like a big wit. That type.

If you don't pay attention, you may not be the one to be fooled.

"You may be right, but it's a pity that you have no chance to tell others. But one thing is wrong. I'm not a spy, and I don't serve anyone."

Not only did Zhang Yang not like trouble, but he also didn't like to find trouble, so the captain of the cattle clan orc was destined to be unable to survive, and even he himself had this consciousness at the moment.

"Do you think I will believe this? Huh, get ready to do it, spy!"

"... you are a good warrior, go all the way."


Many times, the hatred between the two races is piled up bit by bit. Today you killed our people, tomorrow we killed your people ... This is hard to distinguish between right and wrong. What's more, there is no clear right or wrong and boundary between the war that broke out between humans and orcs in order to compete for living space.

And life is so fragile, like epiphyllum, blooming and dying with the bright red burst ...

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