Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1158: Zhang Yang's Concealment

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Looking at the corpse under the ground, Zhang Yang suddenly recovered. This should not be his style of doing things! Why did he become so cold-hearted just now?

In fact, Zhang Yang remembers exactly what he said and done before, but because of this, he would feel terrified! You know he is a strong man who already has the power of soul! Although the strength is not really enough to be legendary, there is no difference in essence.

In this way, the **** battle front is indeed a weird place, with some unknown and extremely powerful force, which can actually affect people's emotions and minds.

Thinking of Zhang Yang ’s fear of this **** battle area, he suddenly went to a new level, but he felt how bad it felt that his heart was full of tyranny and involuntary after being demonized, so since then, everything that can affect the mind Zhang Yang Almost all hold the mentality of being near and far.

However, nowadays, if you want to leave the Campas Orc Kingdom and return to the human kingdom, it seems that you can only choose to venture through this **** front line.

Although in theory Zhang Yang can also choose to go to the east pole of the orc kingdom of the Campas and leave by boat, and finally land from the mercenary country of Ladovia, the problem is that since ancient legends, the danger contained above the ocean is far superior to land , Warcraft in the sea is more unknown than the mainland.

Secondly, due to the hostile relationship between the human kingdom and the Kampas orc kingdom, Zhang Yang really doubts whether this theoretical sea route can pass through, and whether there will be such a lifeless guy who dares to sail between ships. Between the two kingdoms?

Of course, other time is also an important issue. You should know that the map that Zhang Yang bought from Baker-Bloodhoof shows that Red Rock City is located in the northeast of the orc kingdom of Campas. It is only a few hundred miles away from here to go back to Flange through the front of the **** battle, but if you want to go to the seaside of the East Pole of the Orc Kingdom of Campas, you need to cross a long distance of nearly a thousand miles.

Besides, if Zhang Yang finally passed by and found that he could not find the port and the big ship that could go to sea, it was not just embarrassing and simple at that time, so now the only way out before Zhang Yang is to cross this strange **** front.

It's just that before leaving, Zhang Yang still has to find out how to solve the problem that he will be affected, otherwise it will not be fun once the impact becomes more and more deep as the time of entering the **** battle front grows.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yang was not given more time to think, just when he apologized to gather the bodies of the orc warriors he had killed and prepared to burn when he left. A row of small dots appeared on the sky not far away!

If they are just ordinary beasts or flying warcraft, they will never actively approach the frontline of the **** battle if they are sensitive. Come to think of it, these must be tamed combat mounts!

Even though Zhang Yang is still thinking about why he is so, he still pays attention to any wind and grass around him, but whenever there are dangers and threats, Zhang Yang will perceive it as soon as possible. Not only that, because Zhang Yang still has the power of the soul, sometimes even if he is not particularly vigilant, he will instinctively feel when the danger is coming, just like at the moment.

(Isn't this the reinforcement that the cattle warrior recruited after breaking the talisman? The speed of the reaction is really extraordinary. If you count it carefully, I am afraid that there will be only about five points missing? Did this attract a group of air cavalry?)

At this moment, Zhang Yang's state has returned to its original state, so as long as there are no seven-level legendary super powers or three or more sixth-level senior powers among the group of empty knights, Zhang Yang is basically not afraid.

After all, there is a big move called "Lei Ji Outbreak", so Zhang Yang still has some confidence in his heart. It's just that Zhang Yang wasn't the time when his mind was affected, and now he won't kill him without a word. So on the principle of not wanting to provoke right and wrong and trouble, Zhang Yang took out a bottle of kerosene, sprinkled it on the corpse pile and lit the fire, and ran to the east quickly.

In fact, Zhang Yang did this on the one hand because he was a little guilty about his previous behavior, and on the other hand, he wanted to distract the attention of these empty knights through the blaze of the fire, so that he could use the principle of black under the lights. Get a little time to leave.

Unfortunately, the terrain of the Campas Orc Kingdom is mostly flat, and no trees and plants can be seen near the front line of the **** battle, which adds great difficulty to Zhang Yang ’s sneaking away from the sky.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's soul power is now fully restored and he can freely use the ring of space, and the materials and clothing he prepared in advance have become an important means for him to leave safely.

What's not mentioned here is like the gray cloak he put on at the moment. If Zhang Yang doesn't move at all after putting it on, then from a distance, it looks like a stone. And because Zhang Yang has the relationship of controlling the body at the [entertainment] level, he can completely converge all his breath.

Even if it is the easiest to expose his heartbeat and breathing, Zhang Yang can rely on his powerful body control ability to achieve a complete stop in a short period of time, or it seems that it is impossible to skip a jump every time as if sleeping.

Besides, Zhang Yang also has the power of the soul, so that unless there is a strong person with the same power of the soul as the searcher, it is even more impossible to find him with the ability of mental power perception.

So all this adds up to create the possibility for Zhang Yang to be completely hidden!

As long as he avoids this group of empty knights and is not hit by their heads, then Zhang Yang can find a place with a few rocks next to him and squat there to play and disappear directly.

In this way, in terms of the search capabilities of these empty knights, there should be more than 80% of the possibility that they will not be discovered. After all, whether it is a bipedal dragon knight or any other orc air cavalry, their flying height is at least tens of meters above the ground.

Such a height, coupled with the speed of the flash, if this can be discovered, Zhang Yang can only admit that he is out of luck, and it can never be a problem with his hiding ability.

In fact, Zhang Yang did just that, just after he lit the corpse, but in just three instants he accelerated from a very quiet connection to the ultimate in his normal state!

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yang jumped to the east for a distance of more than 100 meters, and even more surprising and commendable, in order to prevent these pursuers from going down to the ground to track his footprints, Zhang Yang also particularly relaxed In your own footsteps.

Considering the little wind that has been blowing on the wasteland of the Campas Orc Kingdom, the dust and the mark will disappear completely in a moment.

It's just that there is only one flaw that Zhang Yang can't completely solve at present, that is the smell!

Speaking of Zhang Yang ’s body, he ’s already brought him too many surprises. Be aware that in addition to being unable to practice energy such as grudge and magic with ordinary methods, his physical strength, strength, reaction speed and the like are all already. Beyond the reach of normal humans!

Even one time Zhang Yang also discovered that no matter how tired his body is, he will not sweat! From this, in theory, as long as he wears nothing in his clothes, then he will not emit any taste!

However, in fact, Zhang Yang did not have the vigour to play with clothes and fruits, plus the relationship between being in the Campas Orc Kingdom and needing to be dressed up as an orc, Zhang Yang inevitably used some biological materials and even hair. This, combined with the smell of the clothes on the body, made Zhang Yang have such a flaw that can be traced.

It seemed that Zhang Yang's luck had improved again at this moment. After he ran eastward for more than a thousand meters at the fastest speed, the more than ten empty knights would reach the place where the corpse was lit.

The cremation in the Campas Orc Kingdom is a kind of respect for the war dead, so that Zhang Yang's current behavior has not angered these trackers, and even slightly made these powerful and proud air knights produce a little bit of him. Goodwill.

After all, the ultimate enemy is to respect yourself, and such a person will also gain the respect of other opponents.

It's just that Zhang Yang's move only made these empty knights hover a few times at low altitude, and didn't make them land and check as he expected, which involved more time. However, this situation was originally within Zhang Yang's expectations. After all, if he exchanged his status with those of the trackers, wouldn't the golden time of chasing the enemy be wasted in Zhang Yang's way of thinking like a battlefield veteran Remember the dead.

Compared to this, he prefers to use the blood of the enemy's life to comfort the dead soul ...

The distance of more than a thousand meters sounds very far, but it is almost a negligible distance above the vast wilderness. Not only that, for the air knights flying in the sky, their sight can easily see five kilometers or more under this environment!

So when they dived past the fire, Zhang Yangxue, who was running sideways, took a chance and plunged into a shallow pit that was shallower than twenty or thirty centimeters, and then remained completely still. At this time, an empty knight strongman who was thousands of kilometers away just turned his gaze to this side.

However, I have to say that Zhang Yang chose the right timing, and the color of this cloak outside him is also in harmony with the gray land here. So, after discovering that there is nothing strange, this sheep warrior, who has just advanced to the fifth rank, has turned to other places with some confusion ...

"Square, did you notice anything?"

"No, sir. Hasn't this murderer been away for a long time? How can I not even see half of the figure?"

At this moment, the sheep warrior Square Enix, who was riding on a young biped flying dragon, said respectfully to a small white monkey family beside him. The look in his eyes was completely reverent from the heart. But for his remarks, the other party seemed to disagree.

"Not seeing does not mean non-existence, and have you forgotten? How long has it been since the message was received? The most important thing is ... this fire just burned up!"

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