Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1161: Unstable element crystallization

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Zhang Yang has never been a person who likes to be threatened, even if he didn't intend to fight with the orcs in the orc kingdom of Campas, but if he was forced to be helpless and his own safety was threatened, then Zhang Yang would not be stupid Well, Haw still has the idea of ​​a peaceful settlement.

So when Zhang Yang, hidden under the cloak, perceives that there are three empty knights passing above him, and finally hovering for a while, leaving two people stopped in the air without leaving, he feels that he has probably been exposed At least it also attracted the attention of searchers.

In this case, it seems completely impossible to leave safely, but if you get up and kill, Zhang Yang ’s strength is not a problem. However, Zhang Yang ’s death does not believe that there will be nothing to report to these empty knights!

You know, just because Zhang Yang met that small group of front-line fighters just now, these difficult knights were brought in. And if he can't kill all these dozens of empty knights in an instant, as long as the other party reports, and then waits for Zhang Yang, it may be the endless pursuit of more orc warriors.

This is no longer a problem of inconvenience. Even if Zhang Yangneng made a great deal of prestige to kill all the orc warriors who followed him, he could wait until the orc warriors he killed gradually increased, and then he would sit on the front line of the **** battle. I am afraid that they will not continue to wait for idleness.

Not to mention, if Zhang Yang really wiped out this group of new bipedal dragon knights such as Hussein and Square Enix, then the loss of these people alone is enough to attract the attention of the seventh-level legendary super powers. Now!

If this is the case, Zhang Yang ’s good life is coming to an end. You know that with his type of “immediate strength” that has withered, facing the real seventh-level legendary super powers, I am afraid that except for the beginning You can only let it squeeze and squeeze round after being touched by the other party ...

So Zhang Yang thought about it, still resisting the urge to get up and work hard, still hiding in the narrow space that he supported with his arrow shaft and thinking of other ways.

However, at this moment, a tiny voice suddenly came from the land under Zhang Yang! This really surprised Zhang Yang. After all, in such a weird environment around the front line of the **** battle, can there still be creatures living and living here?

However, it is obviously not suitable for further investigation. When it is found that there is a real underground existence here, Zhang Yang's mind suddenly becomes alive.

Therefore, in accordance with the principle of seizing the time, Zhang Yang even released a simple version of muscle coordination technique with his right arm alone while almost half of his body was still. On the ground below!

Xu Shi Zhang Yang's luck really came. As he punched this punch, the surface that had originally looked good suddenly shattered and collapsed a large piece, but then there was a Mi Xu Kuan narrow and oblique direction. Round pothole underneath!

Not only that, when the earth and stone that originally covered the surface of the cave fell, Zhang Yang vaguely saw a slender brown tail flashed away in the depth of the cave! From this, Zhang Yang speculated that the creature digging a hole here is probably a creature like a mouse or a mole.

The only difference is that this so-called ‘mouse’ looks too big! After all, judging from the width and size of the cave, the size of the "rat" must be at least about two meters long, and the mouse is about two meters? This should also be a kind of super adaptable Warcraft, right?

Fortunately, Zhang Yang himself is well-informed, and no matter how big the "mouse" is, his strength is not too strong for Zhang Yang. At least compared to these orc bipedal dragon knights above the head, a few ‘big mice’ are not a big problem.

Moreover, the reason why Zhang Yang could punch a big hole in the ground with one punch was, in the final analysis, because the place he chose was originally a hole dug in advance by those big rats.

So when the hole appeared, Zhang Yang hesitated a little and then drilled in. As for the gorgeous big bang, Zhang Yang, in order to prevent the orc searchers from continuing to follow up, placed a crystal of unstable elements that had been placed in the ring of space before the cave entrance.

Of course, the name ‘Elemental Crystal’ is nothing more than Zhang Yang ’s own name. The real name of this thing is the Crystal Energy Festival, which is the energy bar used by the legendary Titan known as the Protoss.

You have to know that when Zhang Yang got the only space ring, these element crystals made by Titan have been stored in the space ring. It's just because Zhang Yang hasn't used this thing, so it's hardly used.

However, Zhang Yang discovered a problem when he was in the Slavic snow field. Not all of these element crystals are very stable. Although most of them are as solid as naturally-formed crystals, there is no problem even if they are knocked.

However, there are still a few elements that are crystallized but not so safe. Not to mention, just look at them as bright as a light bulb, Zhang Yang suddenly connected it with the words about to explode. together.

The reason why they are still intact so far, Zhang Yang feels that this should depend on the relationship of the unique spatial structure inside the spatial ring.

So when Zhang Yang discovered the crystals of these unstable elements, Zhang Yang looked at the power of the element crystal that he had deliberately detonated, and regarded it as an unstable bomb.

For such things as the collapse of the hole, Zhang Yang felt that nothing could be more suitable than this unstable element crystallization. So just before he got into the hole, Zhang Yang took out an unstable element crystal and put it in the hole.

According to his original estimate, even if no one triggered it, the state crystallized from this unstable element would probably explode after a few leaks. In that way, I wouldn't say that the hole and the tunnel are, even the last evidence of Zhang Yang's existence will be reduced to dust and disappear.

But the plan is always faster than the change, and no one expected that when the Square Envoy Bipedal Dragon left to think about Hussein's report, the two bipedal Dragon Knights guarding above seemed to want to prove I or something else, even ignoring the order when Squarewell left, I drove the two-footed dragon to land on the ground without saying, and I wisely transported the energy chopped just like the short-lived not long before, like Zhang Yang disguised as a space hack go with!

This is great! The cloak that Zhang Yang used to hide was naturally unable to withstand the energy released by the fifth-order powerhouse. It was easily penetrated, not to mention that even the supporting shafts inside were also cut a little.

However, the unstable element crystal is not used to who, and the unlucky child who released [Blood Gas] is the top of the unstable element crystal!

This is so good that the unstable element crystal that is about to collapse on its own is suddenly completely excited and a violent explosion occurs! And the power of this explosion is not what the two new bipedal dragon knights who have just been upgraded from the third-tier senior to the fifth-tier senior in one fell swoop can expect and bear.

Only this pink crystal rod, which is only about a foot away, the colorful fire cloud burst out during the explosion can completely cover the range of 15 meters!

And the ten-meter safety distance they reserved before was really insignificant in the face of this big explosion. After all, in terms of energy intensity, this element has been compressed into a crystalline element crystal, which itself is equivalent to a fifth-order strong body. All the energy!

It's a pity that these don't say that Hussein and others are unclear about the reason. Even Zhang Yang, who had just drilled into the underground tunnel, didn't expect that the unstable crystal of energy would explode so quickly.

So that Zhang Yang, who had just drilled into the underground tunnel and was walking forward along the dark tunnel, suddenly felt a violent shock, and was almost buried alive by the collapsed earth behind him!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang felt that it was not good for a while. He struck hard and struck forward. Finally, he reached a relatively stable structural hall with five or six bifurcated holes before the cave completely collapsed. And this is also the time when Hussein, Square Envelop and others saw the explosion and rushed past.

"Go and see if they are still alive! Damn, this is really a trap!"

Square Enix did not see what the two men did because of the angle he was in, but Hussein only saw the two men move down, so he did not agree with Square En, but I do n’t know why. Sein didn't refute, but rushed to the other two biped dragons without saying a word and rushed to the place where the explosion occurred.

In fact, at this moment, a round large pit with a size of several meters has been blown out by the crystal of the element, and besides, a large piece of land was cut away by the shock wave emitted by the explosion.

But what made Hussein finally relieved was that perhaps because of the relationship between the explosion center and the two brash guys, they barely survived. After all, it is also a powerful warrior with a fifth-level advanced strength, and his physical qualities are stronger than human professionals of the same level because of the relationship between blood energy. And even if they lack experience, under the instinct of self-preservation, they finally managed to transport part of their blood energy to protect their vital points, thereby saving their lives.

It is a pity that the wave and flame emanating from the crystallization explosion of the element are far more than the ordinary flame, so that now the two people are now ruined, and the skin on the surface is burned like coke and it is almost humanoid.

However, this still relieved Hussain very much. The orc warriors respected the power and did not pay attention to their appearance. Some even pride themselves on their ugly and scary face, so what is disfigured is not a problem at all. As for the two guys who were seriously wounded and comatose now, with the ability of those shamans to sacrifice, they can easily be saved.

And the only thing that Hussein couldn't figure out was, what exactly was the enemy who made all this, and where is it hiding now?

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