Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1162: Underground

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Zhang Yang has always disliked burrows. After all, in his memory, every time he burrows, there seems to be no good thing. It was as if he was a captain of the 'Black Tiger' special forces before he was reborn on the mainland of Orlando. When he went on a mission once, he entered the mountain tunnel in the Golden Triangle area in pursuit of drug dealers, and was almost killed by poisonous snakes and worms.

Since then, Zhang Yang has no good feelings for the dark and damp tunnel. Coupled with several encounters after being reborn in the Orlando world, it almost shows that Zhang Yang is out of the tunnel. It is a pity that fate seems to like to fool people. Many times Zhang Yang doesn't want to see anything, but the easier it is to become a proverb.

The situation now seems to be the same, but compared to staying on the ground with the death knights of the two-legged flying dragon knights, Zhang Yang chose the one that is likely to be excavated by mice in the light of the two evils. .

However, what made Zhang Yang a headache at the moment was that, in the face of the big pile of roads in front of him, he was really a bit blind! After all, problems like lighting are easy to solve, but Zhang Yang can't expect a group of mice to equip the tunnel they dug with obvious road signs, right?

So looking at the five holes with the same size and specifications in front of him, Zhang Yang frowned and released the perception first. It's a pity that the perception of Bailing this time is not very useful. I do n’t know if the land composition here is special or for other reasons. Zhang Yang ’s perception is just barely spreading out dozens of meters to the surroundings and ca n’t be extended anymore.

At the moment, he is about 30 to 40 meters underground, because the rear passage has been completely blown down, and Zhang Yang cannot tell the direction by air flow. As for listening to the ears, trying to find out the traces of those big mice is also very unreliable.

You know that at the bifurcation of this cave, there seems to be a subtle sound coming from each entrance. Want to judge which is the feasible exit? It seems that Zhang Yangruo could be transformed into a big mouse.

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang finally decided to use one of the most classic methods, that is ... just go and try one by one and you will know!

(One, two, three, four, five, hit the tiger on the mountain, the tiger didn't hit, hit the small, pine, rat! Okay! This is it!)

Pointing back and forth between the five caves in the front and back by pointing the rivers and mountains, Zhang Yang ’s finger stayed exactly in the direction of the cave in the middle until the ‘mouse’ silent exit. So in accordance with the so-called fate guide, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to crawl to the cave ......

Perhaps it is because the overall climate of the Campas Orc Kingdom is relatively dry. Zhang Yang did not feel even a touch of moisture even when he was underground tens of meters deep. Not only that, but in some places, because of the extremely dry surrounding soil, Zhang Yang made him look dusty after climbing over.

After so silently creeping forward for nearly ten years, Zhang Yang still did not see the end of the hole! It should be known that although Zhang Yang's creeping speed can't be compared with the speed of walking and running at ordinary times, but in total, this is very leaky. Zhang Yang also climbed at least two or three miles.

If only this is the case, after all, for a group of large rats that are more than two meters long, it is not surprising that a few kilometers of tunnels were dug out of the ground. However, even if Zhang Yang does n’t know much about Warcraft, he does n’t think that the rodent Warcraft will be a clean-loving species. Now Zhang Yang feels that the problem lies in this point. This tunnel is too clean, even clean to crawl. After so long, Zhang Yang didn't even see a piece of feces!

(Are you really encountering a rare breed that loves cleanliness? But what about the faint light in front of you?)

In terms of Zhang Yang ’s physical strength, there is no pressure at all to climb a dozen points, but the ordinary clothes outside him ca n’t stand the friction and rubbing, so that now the joint position has been worn out. The position of the big lapel is even covered with breaks and holes.

Even so, Zhang Yanglu's skin on the outside is still intact, except for a lot of dust, there is no trace of broken skin. Of course, these are just trivial things, what Zhang Yang cares about is where the dim light in front comes from!

It's just that there is no bifurcation in the middle of this tunnel. In addition to vaguely feeling down, it can't be smooth anymore. So after about a minute, Zhang Yang finally reached the position where the light source came.

However, Zhang Yang was shocked to see all this! He never thought that he was forced to enter the ground in order to avoid the enemy's search, but he could finally find such a miracle place!

As far as Zhang Yang's sense of distance is concerned, he can be absolutely sure that his current position is exactly 100 meters below the ground level! But at the end of this tunnel that is narrow and crawling for him, it is connected to a subtle underground city with a height of at least 30 to 40 meters and an area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square meters. !

That light came from here, but it was different from the fire light that Zhang Yang was familiar with. At this moment, it was not the burning flames and oil lamps that brought the light here, but a bunch of weird plants that exuded all kinds of light, and Zhang Yang couldn't name it at all. A few shiny transparent crystals!

In fact, the light emitted by these things is obviously not comparable to that of fire. Even if it is the huge crystals that exist as the brightest light sources here, the light emitted can only barely achieve the effect of the setting sun.

It's just that the existence of this world is relative. Although this underground city is not particularly bright, the overall feeling is really soft and dreamy.

And since it can make Zhang Yang think of it as an underground city, there are naturally houses and residents. It's just that everything here is like a refined miniature version. The house is only about one and a half meters, and the size is only a few meters.

But what really surprised Zhang Yang was the residents here! If it were not for him, he clearly remembered how he got here, otherwise Zhang Yang might have thought that he had passed through a portal by accident, and he might have gone to some strange world to somehow.

(This is a dwarf? No, when I read the Continental Journal in the Beidou College Library, I can see that there are only dwarfs in the Orlando continent, and there are no dwarfs or dwarfs. Moreover, these "little guys" look one by one. They all have the characteristics of orcs, so are they a branch of orcs? But it seems that I have never heard of any orc race living underground?)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang was a little more cautious, and the whole person shrank back into the shadows behind, and even the face was covered with the broken cloak outside, and only a pair of dark eyes was still cautiously. Look down.

The fact that Zhang Yang is so careful is not unreasonable. It is important to know that most of the creatures living underground have adapted to the darkness, and almost don't need any light, and some don't even rely on their eyes to observe things. However, the other situation is completely the opposite. If these guys who live underground still need lighting, then it is likely that their eyesight will be so good that they only need a hint of light to see everything around them!

Moreover, Zhang Yang has not yet figured out the strength of these mysterious underground residents. Although the surface looks like a powerless form, who can tell if they have any special abilities?

Not to mention, Zhang Yang has been able to confirm that these underground residents can control and drive the giant rat. After all, just now, he also saw several "little children" with a height of less than one meter riding at a length of two. Mido's brown giant mouse walking through the city nearly three meters.

Zhang Yang is not clear about the fighting power of these weird ‘knights’, but after carefully detecting with his senses, he has come to the conclusion that these huge mice are indeed all Warcraft, and their strength is about three orders!

Then the question is coming, they who can control the third-order Warcraft of the Imperial Envoy, how can their strength be in the third-order upward? But why does Zhang Yang still think that the two underground residents who disappeared after riding a huge mouse just now seem to have the same strength as ordinary Meng Orcs?

However, even though Zhang Yang was already careful, he still found himself stared!

At this moment, although Zhang Yang couldn't see anyone approaching at all, his extremely sensitive perception found that at least thirty groups of heartbeats and breathing sounds were vaguely gathering from all directions to his location!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not feel any strong threats in his perception at this time, which only shows that these underground residents who surrounded him did not have enough strength to die. So at the same time, when I think of the way I came when I came, the feeling of 'surrounded in all directions' makes sense.

Now that Zhang Yang has been discovered, he naturally has no need to nest in this tunnel with a diameter of more than one meter. So I saw Zhang Yang squeezing the hole with both hands, and the whole person instantly turned out of this tunnel, but a twisted kung fu was already standing steadily on an empty ground about ten meters below.

But at this time, as Zhang Yang made this action, on many walls within a dozen meters around him, it was broken one after another, and then a hole with a width of one meter appeared! At the same time, more than thirty big rat knights wearing pocket black leather armor and wearing masks with a height of less than one meter, all appeared in front of Zhang Yang with a small and delicate crossbow bow drilled out of the ground!

"Get down! Don't move! Otherwise we will ***!"

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