Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 127: Hokuto Gakuin

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In the early morning of the next day, except for Medici, who was looking for a house in the city, the others went to Beidou College on the northern edge of the city. After about 30 minutes, Zhang Yang and others arrived at the entrance of Beidou College, a famous continent. At this time, what appeared to everyone was a large wall with a height of at least 20 meters! If you look closely, the surface of the wall is very smooth and has a light green texture. The gate at the end of the road is very abrupt compared to the surrounding wall. Zhang Yang visually observed that the gate is only about 5 meters high and only 4 meters wide. Such a gate is a little too small for Beidou, a famous continent.

Just as Zhang Yang and others slowly came to the door, the two extremely tall and burly soldiers came forward with an axe blade gun after seeing several people. At this time, only one of them shouted:

"Please show your identity dossiers, idlers, please leave quickly!"

Ingrid looked at Zhang Yang without a trace, then stepped forward and took out the certificate issued by the City of Dharaos to the soldier. After opening the warrior, the soldier looked at Ingrid and others unexpectedly, then returned the scroll to her and asked:

"It is rumored that a serious plague broke out in the city of Tororos. What happened at this time?"

"Thank you friends for worrying, the undead plague has been eliminated, but many people have died ..."

He also sighed when he heard this, but he immediately responded and asked loudly:

"Undead plague !? How could this thing appear? Is there a lich there !?"

Ingir was very impressed by the enthusiastic soldier, so he replied casually:

"Yeah, there is a half-lich. But it has been killed. Ha ha, let's not say now we want to go advanced?"

"Ah ~! Okay, please come in a few. Follow the road straight, you will reach the pick-up city of Beidou College, and someone will take care of you."

"Thank you so much! Good luck ~!"

Saying goodbye to the guards, the group walked straight in from the slowly opening gate, and saw that the porch was dim and long and was exactly 100 meters long. During that period, it was not directly through the city, but turned around several turns. Seen this way, these should be designed to prevent intrusion.

The 100-meter channel is not long, and a few people walked out of the door in a few moments. With the sunlight shining in, the scenery at Beidou College finally came into view.

The high wall in front of me seemed to suddenly enter another world! I saw that the white towers around the courtyard can be seen everywhere. Most of the scattered fortresses are surrounded by water around 100 meters. The neat and crisscross stone roads are almost spotless, and the pieces of stone slabs seem to be tightly jointed and smooth. On the large grasslands on both sides of the road, there are towering stone tablets standing up and down, and the surrounding lawn is about a foot high. As the breeze of Xi Xi hits, there is a green wave. Occasionally dotted with thick ancient trees, it is a beautiful scenery like a paradise!

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Zhang Yang even felt a little unrealistic. This place is so beautiful ...

"Good, beautiful!"

"The rumor is true ..."

"Mother's! Really good knowledge!"

"No wonder these people always want to enter the Big Four, this level is the same as that of the Royal Garden!"

After a long time, all the talents came to a halt, and suddenly sighed out loudly. Even the elf Jason, who has a relatively high aesthetic ability, surprisedly pulled down the hood on his head.

Although Zhang Yang lamented the beauty here, he did not forget the purpose of this trip, so he greeted everyone to move forward along the clean path under his feet. After walking for more than a thousand meters, a castle-like building appeared at the end of the road. I saw a clean and tidy step leading directly to the upper gate, and there were two guards standing there every ten or more levels on both sides of the step.

This field alone does not look like a junction, but more like a palace.

Now that they had come here, the crowd went directly to the upper palace in batches according to the guidance of the surrounding guards. Zhang Yang looked really, the leader Ingir was asked to enter the left portal alone, while Charlotte, Sean, Lanster and Jason entered the middle gate together. It is likely that there are other initiatives such as testing, so they will enter in batches. Just thinking, the guard in the hall had come to him, and said politely to Zhang Yang:

"Sir, please enter the gate on the right. There is a place for servants to rest. Later they will meet you again after taking the test. At that time, someone will be responsible for the arrangements at Beidou College."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang already had some ideas in mind. It looks like everyone else in the team has to take the test except for his own logistic staff who doesn't need a test. Thinking of here, Zhang Yang no longer worried about Ingir and them. How did these five people have experienced many battles and fights, but should a simple test not fail them? So Zhang Yang also politely replied:

"Thank you for your advice, and wait in the rest hall here."

"Old gentleman is welcome, please!"

Don't pass the guard, Zhang Yang walked slowly into the door on the far right. After passing a long corridor, Zhang Yang came to a spacious and bright hall. I saw that there were many tables and chairs seats, which seemed to be enough for hundreds of people to rest. But at this time, it seemed empty here. There was only one long-bearded old man in white underwear who was drinking tea in the house. He saw Zhang Yang walked in and said hello:

"Brother come here to sit here, my brother is really boring to drink tea alone!"

"Then respect is worse than obedience."

Zhang Yang's appearance at this time was much younger than that of the long-bearded old man. It was quite appropriate for the man to call Zhang Yang a brother. After Zhang Yang sat down, the old man with long beard opposite poured a cup of hot tea for him before asking:

"I don't know where the brother came from, how to call it?"

"Brother just call me Wright. We are from the city of Dharaos. Seriously, this is really the first time I came to Beidoucheng and Beidou College. It is really eye-opening now.

"Doronis City? I remember I visited 12 years ago ..."

After a few words, the two were chatting more and more speculatively. During the chat, Zhang Yang knew a lot about the Beidou Academy and the exchange team ...

Let's not talk about how leisurely Zhang Yang is. Both Ingir and Charlotte have already begun their test.

After entering the leftmost gate, Ingir walked around for a while before coming to the first room. There was already a warrior with a sword and shield waiting for her.

"Oh? What are you doing? What is the situation now?"

The Ingrid artist is bold and does not worry about her safety. She is just curious about the current situation. Hearing Ingrid ’s question, the young soldier answered without hesitation:

"I am the tester of the first level. As long as you can beat the next level, you can go to the next level. The more levels you pass, the better you will get."

"Hehehe! Something interesting, so what are your strengths?"

"Oh, I'm just a silver junior warrior. It's enough to guard the first level."

"Oh? Are you a mentor here?"

"No, I am just about to graduate."

Hearing this, Ingir began to pay attention to this place in his heart. Will the graduating students all have the level 4 silver elementary grudge strength ...

"Okay! Then you have to be careful! Watch the trick!"

Just listening to Ingrid sipping, pulling a long sword from behind and attacked!

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