Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 128: Beidou test

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As a senior silver swordsman of Tier 4 level, Ingir has felt like she has touched the threshold of advanced Tier 5 gold level after the most recent experience. She likes fighting and fighting very much, so when she finds a fight, Ingleton gets excited!

Faced with the aggressive attack of Ingir, this guarded warrior with a shield immediately felt very difficult to resist. Even if he now has a shield to cooperate with the defense, he feels that he will fall only when he starts a dozen strokes. defeat!

Compared to the hardship of the Shield Sword Warrior, Ingir is very easy to fight. She found that although this person has a grudge strength of Tier 4 silver junior, but the experience of fighting people is very general. Suddenly, Ingrid slashed hard with a sword, swaying the long sword of the warrior on the opposite side backwards, and then, while taking advantage of the unstable center of gravity of the other party, Ingel stretched out his beautiful leg and kicked it The warrior's shield! This made him instantly lose his balance and flew backwards and then fell heavily on the ground!

As soon as the Shield Sword warrior fell to the ground, a carp was required to bounce, but at this moment, Ingrid quickly followed up with his long sword against his throat!

"I lost ... beauty!"

"Hum ~ That's for sure!"

"Go on from here to the next gatekeeper. Good luck!"

"Thanks! You are not bad!"

Looking at the young man who seemed to be a little lost in front of him, Ingir turned back and smiled at him, waving his hand and walking into the entrance to the next level room ...

At the moment, Charlotte, Jason, Sean and Lance are fighting against the third group of opponents. The strength of the previous two groups of opponents was mainly bronze intermediate and black iron junior. When dealing with the previous two groups of people, even Jason only needed one shot to ease it. However, their opponents are now much stronger than before, and they are already a combination of four black iron intermediate players.

"Jason! You pay attention to the macho man on the opposite side who uses the giant shield. Lanster protects Charlotte and harasses the other two women when you have time. Charlotte, save some magic and get on!"

Sean was acting as a conductor among the four at this time. In fact, he did n’t know much about it, but the other three were completely unappreciable characters, so he could only catch the duck and command with a scalp. .

In the third level, they faced a group of two men, two women and four people. Seeing that Sean actually assigned tactics face to face, these four people suddenly felt very disdainful, so the giant shield warrior headed mocked:

"What a wonderful flower! Can we just beat a few tactics by casually saying a few tactics? I do n’t know how you reached the third level. But you are here to the end! Tactics No. 1 on!"

In front of the group of four were a heavy armored warrior with a giant shield and one-handed hammer, a sword dancer with two swords, a knight with a spear, and the last shooter with a short bow. Looking at this configuration, it is a very balanced combination of combatants. Although their average strength is only Black Iron Intermediate, they can repeatedly defeat their enemies with excellent cooperation. Therefore, the four of them can serve as the third guard at the level of intermediate students!

In a blink of an eye, Jason battled with the opponent's heavy armor! I saw the flat-headed blunt sword in Jason's hands wide open and closed, and the bright blaze of light attached to it, but the seemingly invincible attack was always easily coordinated by the warrior holding the giant shield and the nearby spear knight. As for Sean, he can only assist Jason ’s fight beside him at this moment. He is still not a grudge. He is not an opponent of female sword dancers. So Sean can only hide from Jason to receive his help from time to time. It's unsightly, but it can barely persist.

Charlotte held the scepter in a fast gathering of elements, and with the completion of the magic she released, a bright beam of light shone on Jason with a wave of the scepter! [Elementary Blessing]! In an instant, Jason's combat power has increased significantly, and one person can almost suppress the giant shield warrior, the spear knight and the double sword dancer!

"Xiao Qi! Shoot the woman in the distance! The other party has auxiliary professionals!"

Hearing the Shield Warriors shouting like this, the female archer named "Little Seven" who was shooting at Jason should quickly change the target and aim at Charlotte. How did the big fat man press his hands, and a pair of insignificant master hands suddenly appeared on Xiao Qi's chest! This claw seems to go straight to her chest!

"Yeah! Rogue!"

Where did Xiao Qi face such a shameless opponent? Suddenly panicked, the arrow that was aimed at suddenly lost its accurate head and flew over the face of the giant shield warrior!

"Little Seven! What are you doing?"

The Giant Shield Warrior was scared enough by this. Although he was injured here, he could be quickly treated by the exclusive sacrifice among the students, but if he was shot in the head, he might not be able to save it. So the Giant Shield Warrior looked back in his busy schedule. He wanted to know how the reliable Xiaoqi almost shot himself! But this almost made him mad! I saw a pair of obese purple mage hands flying up and down around Xiaoqi at this time! The more tricky the attack routine is, the more treacherous it is to attack the chest or pinch the buttocks and touch the thigh! The Shield Warrior is speechless, how can there be such a shameless mage? !

At this time, Lanster was really great, although the attack power of the Master's hand was not as strong as the real hand, but he was more flexible! At this time, the fat man has exerted at least 200% of his own strength! It seems as though Lanster finally found the true meaning of arcane magic. In a sense, Lanster ’s harassment tactics were too successful. A zero-order magic would abolish the opponent ’s at least a third-order intermediate archer ...

Seeing that the companion was being teased by the obscure fat guy on the opposite side, the female sword dancer of the double sword suddenly gave up Jason and ran straight to the opposite Lanster! If she is brought close, it is estimated that ten Lansters are tied together and it is not an opponent! At this time, seeing the sword dancer rushing towards himself, Lanster suddenly panicked, and the movement of the mage's hand began to become a bit stiff! But at this moment!


As Sean shouted, a red rocket suddenly shot from the top of his wand in his left hand! I saw that the rocket was so fast that it immediately struck the sword dancer's leg in the forward rush! The girl made a scream when she was hurt and fell to the ground! And Sean threw at her after releasing the rocket!

"Don't move! I have caught her! You lost!"

At this time, behind the sword dancer girl who fell to the ground, Sean had fallen to the ground and pressed the female warrior. I saw that he was breathless with his long sword on the girl's neck!

Seeing that the sword dancer girl was injured and captured, the other few had no choice but to stop, but at this moment the archer girl behind the giant shield warrior suddenly shouted!

"Ah ~! ~~"

Hearing this call, everyone looked back and saw that a pair of lilac mages' hands were desperately pulling the archer girl's skirt! Looks like that is the rhythm to be set off! And at that moment, the girl didn't even throw the bow and arrow on the ground. She pressed her skirt with both hands ...


"Ah! Pain! Pain! Pain! Charlotte, why are you hitting me!"

"Lust, you stupid rogue! Don't let go!"

"I just listened to Sean's words and implemented harassment tactics. You see how good the effect is! And why do you still hit me?"

boom! Ah ~!

"Go to hell! Lanster, you obscene pig!"

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