Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1496: Page's happy time (5)

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Carefully plant flowers not to bloom, carelessly willow shade. This may contain the fundamental truth of the operation of all things in the world, or it may just be another joke that fate makes to people.

So when Page started to run away in desperation, but fell because of not adapting to the swamp environment, two successive air bombs not only exploded him from the muddy water marsh, his explosive power burst Even the protective layer of the body outside Paige's grudge [Lock Fog Clothing] was completely dispelled!

So at this time, the few wind blades that the two jumping lizards subsequently shot had played an unexpected role. In a flash, these slap-sized but extremely sharp wind blades not only easily penetrated Pei's leather armor, but also made several deep bloodstains on his waist and abdomen.

More importantly, one of the wind blades accidentally hit Paige ’s thigh without any armor protection, so that a deep bone scar was instantly created, let alone Paige. Lost the cost of fast movement!

So when Paige tumbling with blood and planted again in the water, he howled because of the biting pain, and there was already an uncoverable fear in his voice!

So an unexpected scene appeared, Paige, who was about to celebrate his 20th birthday half a year later, burst into tears while crying!

It is a pity that the jumping lizard as Warcraft has no sympathy, and for them, the fear of prey for them will inspire their bloodthirsty desires deep in their hearts, and then appetite.

So any mercenary or adventurer with some experience will always tell one thing when educating new people, that is, you must not let any enemy realize your fear, even if your heart is already afraid of shaking, but on the surface Pretend to be tough and fearless!

Otherwise, once the enemy finds out that you are afraid, the ensuing abuse and intimidation will definitely come! It is a pity that for Page, who has no actual combat experience, the teachings once obtained from the tutors have long been left behind.

At this moment, he didn't even care about the disgusting silt in the marsh that was all around him, so he rolled and crawled backwards desperately, crying screaming exhaustedly. However, for the two following jumping lizards in front of him, their ugly faces began to show an increasingly excited expression!

In this regard, some people may say that the jumping lizard is just Warcraft. Where can ordinary people see their expressions? However, don't forget that as long as they are intelligent creatures, no matter how intelligent or even their appearance, there will be emotions like liking, disgust, and even fear.

After all, can you deny that a dog that is so happy that it shakes its tail for getting food has no emotion? Or is a cat scared by a dog so scared that it is not emotional?

So when these two jumping lizards approached with a look excited by bloodthirsty, Paige, who was almost completely filled with fear in his heart, accidentally bumped into a dead tree root when he retreated The whole body was soft and flicking.

At this time, in addition to fear and despair, Page's heart suddenly burst into deep unwillingness and resentment!

He is only nineteen years old, his life has just started, he hasn't even got married and has children! And as the most professionally talented man of the Lannister family, he is not only expected to inherit the family industry, even if he can advance to the sixth-order purple gold level, he may be able to regain the glory of his ancestors and return to greatness as a servant Next to the magic queen!

Thinking that Paige ’s heart is still proud in the future, the cruel fact in front of him is like a pot of ice water, which directly extinguished the flames in his heart.

Paige really regrets this moment. Why did he suddenly have such a stupid idea to become stronger? And who is he bad for, he would find a cruel and irresponsible guy like Wright? ! This is fine, now he is in danger of life, but there is no one around him who can help him.

So at this moment, Page really wanted to understand many, many things, such as why Nalay did not choose a special mission, and had to choose the mission of hunting Warcraft as soon as he came up. This is obviously not wanting him to beg for mercy, he can only choose to fight!

And there are also problems in the choice of time. Although there are reasons why it is impossible to train in the soldiers branch during the day, it is also an important factor to be undisturbed during the night, right?

In addition, while Paige was in the mercenary union, although most of his attention was unconsciously focused on Alqi, the problem was that such an important task related to the mission goal, he also could n’t ignore it, and now I think about it. Although they are all quests to hunt Warcraft, but the target is also the third-order Warcraft. In addition to hunting the lizard in the forest salt marsh, there seems to be a mission to hunt the Ironback Bear?

So the question arises. Compared with the ironback bear that usually haunts between forests and hills, the jumping lizard seems to be weak, but with its strength and experience, how can it be unclear how the swamp terrain affects him?

Therefore, Page has reason to believe that the reason why the guy chose to jump lizard as the first goal is that he wants to use the terrain to restrict him from allowing him to escape!

So at this moment Paige was really scared and hated of Zhang Yang. After all, if his guesses were true, then this person was not only extremely powerful, but also very intelligent and computationally comparable. It's a pity that Page feels that it's too late to find out that it is too late. After all, even if he can survive this disaster, but before he swears in front of that person, he will not shrink back anyway. !

So in an instant I wanted to understand these many pages, and finally realized why the man repeatedly asked himself ‘Is it really decided? ‘This sentence, it seems that the man absolutely does not mean to joke with him, but he will really try his best to force him to make a choice between becoming stronger and dying!

(However, these Warcraft are really terrifying! And the body after being hit by magic really hurts and hurts! Now I want to come if I am not brave when I hurry, and if there is more grudge left in my body, I wo n’t hurt. Is it so heavy? Damn it! He must have calculated everything for me long ago, even mental activities and possible decisions have been taken into account, so that I can use the kind of rapid, but I have a chance to catch up It ’s all because of his calculations!)

At the thought of this, the pageant who had always been humble and kind suddenly had a flame of resentment in his heart, so that at this moment he really wanted to confront the person face to face, even if he could let the other side feel what he was bearing at the moment. Pain and despair!

So at this moment Paige suddenly felt that no matter from what angle he should not wait for death, let alone die in this disgusting mud on such a dark night!

Therefore, when the jumping lizard on the left had just cautiously leaned over to Page, and leaned over to prepare for a tentative bite on his calf, it used to be like a dead person leaning against a dead tree with his eyes closed. Paige, who was twitching next to the root, didn't know where to get the strength and courage. While suddenly opening his eyes, he suddenly raised the long sword in his left hand. In the neck of the head jumping lizard!

Suddenly hit hard, this jumping lizard suddenly uttered a scream with a slap, but unfortunately its neck was completely pierced from the weak part of Paige's angry sword. Even if he struggled for a while, he could not escape. On the contrary, the wound was further enlarged due to random twisting.

So at this moment, the big smelly green blood suddenly covered Paige's face from top to bottom, which not only made his face that had been flowered by blood, mud and tears more colorful, even the body The smell has become more unpleasant.

However, this kind of lizard blood that should be extremely disgusting to Page, in his eyes, is indeed so exciting at this moment! So at this moment, Page instinctively raised another long sword in his right hand, and thought about it, he bit his teeth and pierced into the position of the left-handed sword once again!

After the two swords, the whole neck of the unlucky jumping lizard was completely pierced. Unfortunately, from the position where the long sword pierced, it did not seem to cut the neck bone directly, but only cut the blood vessel, trachea and esophagus. That's it.

The problem is that any experienced mercenary and adventurer knows that the lizard Warcraft is notoriously tenacious, unless you can cut off its head with a sword or stab them directly into the brain, even if the heart is stabbed Wearing these **** lizards can continue to struggle to live for a short time!

So while Page was enjoying the thrill of killing or revenge wholeheartedly, he imagined that this jumping lizard, who was supposed to die, not only did not stop the struggling movement, but because it was fixed by the double sword throat When it comes to Page's relationship, the pair of short, sharp front claws on his chest snapped the blades of both swords in Page's hands!

So at this moment Paige noticed with horror that as the first jumping lizard with green blood spewed out after the first creation, the blades of the two steel swords in his hand even started to send out a grudge even if there was a grudge. An overwhelming squeak! It seems that after a few moments at most, these two most common but high-quality steel swords will be twisted by them!

However, the problem is that do n’t forget that Page is facing more than just a jumping lizard at this moment, so even if Page ’s sudden outburst shocked the other jumping lizard, but after a flash, it was angry because his companion was hit hard. He hissed and rushed towards Page again!

So when Peggy gritted his teeth and struck the injured jumping lizard, he was shocked to find that the other jumping lizard had already opened his blood basin with a big mouth and his mouth full of small fangs straight to his head. Bite it!

This situation was almost desperate for Page, so driven by the fear of death, Page half lying on the ground suddenly roared wildly!

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