Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1497: Page's Happy Time (6)

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For any living thing, the survival instinct is definitely ranked first among all instincts. After all, you can only think about other things if you live. Therefore, whether it is the instinct for eating or the instinct for mating and reproduction, it must be ranked after the survival instinct.

So at this moment when Page truly felt that life was about to leave him, this young man who always seemed to lack courage and looked a little weak on weekdays suddenly turned his eyes completely red!

So when the other jumping lizard opened his blood basin with a large caliber and bite at his head, Page, lying in the mud, lifted his injured and bleeding right when his hands were unavailable Leg, kicked **** the chest of this jumping lizard!

You must know that Page is also a warrior with advanced Tier 4 silver strength. Therefore, when his will to survive overwhelmed his own fear and the whole person fell into a crazy state of exhaustion, his instantaneous burst of power was simply amazing. Sideways!

So that this foot not only flew the lizard jumping more than one hundred and thirty pakri out of more than ten meters, and then under the mad force of the whole body, the two swords in the hand broke free from the previous one. Jumping lizard's claws, even spared no effort to completely twist the whole neck of the jumping lizard!

So at this moment the green blood and flesh suddenly scattered, not only drenching all the surroundings within three meters and three meters into a mottled green, the huge lizard head with a half neck was even exerted by the strength of the Pecs sword. Under the action, it rushed up several meters in an instant, and then smashed into the muddy water next to it.

However, this is not over. Paige, who just strangled a jumping lizard, has completely lost any sense in his eyes at this moment. He pushed the half of the body of the jumping lizard pressed to him a few times, and then it was even more. Ignoring the dozen **** wounds on his body, after the whole person threw up from the mud, the whole body was light green and the light of anger was instantaneously at the same time, his person already twisted his face to the other jump lizard. Rushed past!

This state seems to be somewhat beyond the expectation of the other jumping lizard, but the remaining jumping lizard also seems to be stimulated by the death of his companion, not only does it mean no retreat at all, even at the moment of getting up, there is Yu Li twisted his tail and shot a meter-long "enhanced wind blade" towards Page, who was rushing straight!

Therefore, from this point of view, since the birth of the World of Warcraft desperately for survival, under the same desperate circumstances, its fighting instinct is also much stronger than the rookie Peggy. So, Page, who was in a high-speed sprint, was too late, or did n’t even want to avoid this enhanced wind blade, so after a flash, this was a full green equivalent of the length of most of Page ’s body. The wind blade suddenly cut obliquely on his body!

Therefore, he heard a puff, this huge wind blade enough to divide the ordinary armor into two, and suddenly left a narrow wound on the chest of Paige from the left shoulder to the right crotch!

This is due to the fact that before Page subconsciously exploded all the qi in the body, the shape of the body became a layer that was not as good as [Lock Mist Clothing], but it was still quite a thick protective layer of qi. The wound is so simple, it is normal to split it in half.

And Page, who was hit again and then spurted blood, seemed to feel no pain at all. At the moment, he was only a slight meal after the blow, and then he rushed back.

So this is all right. I think that the third-order wind magic [enhanced wind blade technique] that should have played a role in blocking the enemy turned out to have little effect. This suddenly made the jumping lizard twisted and ready to come again. Unprepared. So in this case, the page that seemed to be screaming like a beast, finally managed to reach within two meters of the other party, so that the next page did not use any fighting skills or even martial arts, it seemed like a madman fighting. , Dancing wildly, the pair of already long cracked swords were cut off without a head or face.

Where is the grace and calmness of the ‘sword dancer’ in these situations, and even the attacks launched by the Slavic Berserkers after their madness look more beautiful than Page ’s movements.

Not only that, do n’t look at Paige, who cut the jumping lizard covered with blood almost instantly, but because of the loss of reason, the two long swords are not even as effective as two machetes or axes in his hands at the moment. .

Therefore, even though this jumping lizard looks very miserable at the moment, all the wounds are large and small, but the actual injury is not serious, and even the skin trauma is not excessive. So after the first few moments of being beaten up, this jumping lizard, who had passed the gods, was so fierce that he was so fierce that he completely gave up the magic attack at this moment, and he also learned to Peggy With his own claws and fangs, he releases the mad bloodthirsty desire in the body.

So at this moment, the two sides were completely twisted in one place, and you came and I suddenly left a deep or shallow wound on the other side. But at this time, Page, which had almost no grudge, left the opponent with a third-order wind magic [enhanced wind blade technique], and now the remaining grudge is completely exhausted.

Therefore, just now you can come and go with this jumping lizard, and you have a hard-touch page. After losing the strengthening of the body protection, only two sharp foreheads were marked by the two sharp front claws of the jumping lizard. !

In this case, Paige, who has been injured many times and lost a lot of blood, even in a state of madness, still began to feel the rapid loss of blood, temperature, physical strength and even vitality in his body, so he fell into a mad state because of fear. Oddly, I once again came back to God because of fear!

At this time, Paige, who had regained her reason, miraculously stopped feeling fear, or at this moment, he was already numb because of the extreme fear. So at this moment that almost determined his life or death, Page even felt that the whole world had become extremely quiet.

Whether it was the hissing sound of the jumping lizard in front of him, or the rustling sound of the wind and grass blades around him, even his own heart-beating sound like a drum beat was completely unheard at this moment.

Therefore, in this extremely peaceful state, Page only had the claw that the jump lizard waved to him in front of him, and the one on the other party's head that had been stained with his own blood and now became more verdant Eyes!

So at this moment, Paige, who was completely exhausted, and the whole person was on the verge of death, waved the long sword in his hand like he had never done before, like the movement of clouds and water!

Suddenly, I saw Paige's left-handed sword swaying lightly from side to side. Although the force was not so great, it was enough to swing the pair of claws that the lizard jumped from top to bottom, and then dangerously and dangerously. Waving down from both sides of his slightly side body.

At the same time, Paige, who has turned his body sideways, has the opposite of the soft movements used by his left hand. Not only is the movement clean and neat, this is a sword that is accidentally stabbed from top to bottom, and its accuracy is even higher. Believe it! So that when the jumping lizard looked over to prepare to bite off his head, the long sword in Paige's right hand had already pierced the brain from the jumping lizard's left eye, and instantly made It stopped completely!


As the first boy of the younger generation of the Lannister family, Page was treated and cared for by all the elders around him from the very beginning. Therefore, even if he did not inherit the blood of any magician from his mother like his father and even his ancestors, but he was found to have a higher temperament and talent for cultivation, but he still became the expectation of the elders of the family for the future.

And since he was obedient and obedient, he also lived up to the expectations of his elders in the family. He not only successfully condensed the whirlwind at the age of eleven, but also became a real warfighter. In the following years, it was at a remarkable speed. He became the second fastest person in the family's history.

It's a pity that he was a little too clever and cowardly. He was overprotected so much that even though his temper level entered the country very fast, he only trained and had never been in actual contact with actual combat. After silver advanced, almost no more than two years.

So when asked by all parties, Page and the elders of the family finally understood that this was because of his lack of practical training. Unfortunately, the brothers and sisters of Peggy ’s peers were not disappointed, even though they were all beautiful and smart, but there was no practice. Talent, the strongest except him, has not yet entered the gate of Tier 4 silver level.

Therefore, even in this case, even for the purpose of supporting the scene, the family can't allow Paige to take risks, so over time Paige became a "bubble" that can only be seen and not used ...

In fact, to some extent, this is not bad. After all, the sword is blind, and even the most powerful professional needs to face various unpredictable dangers in battle. Therefore, if you can't fight for a lifetime and simply be an aristocrat with empty and grudge level, perhaps this is also a very lucky thing in itself.

However, as a member of the Holy Spirit Academy's Douqi Branch, even if Page was cowardly and obedient, after being bullied by the Magic Academy for two or three years, his heart would gradually accumulate anger. The arrival of Zhang Yang, as well as the strength he displayed, made Paige suddenly breathe a bad breath, and also made him see the dawn of being a warrior!

So at the age of nineteen, with a heart of blood still in his heart, Paige finally made this decision, whether it was right or impulsive.

Unfortunately, Page's luck is really bad, because the time is too tight, and you want to achieve amazing results in just one month, how can you do it without the "strong medicine"? Conversely, if there is plenty of time, Page should gradually have no need to suffer this kind of suffering.

Of course, in the final analysis, the core issue of all this is still in Page himself. After all, he is still determined to underestimate the hardships he has to pay to embark on the road to the strong, but unfortunately it is too late for him at this moment. Now that I have chosen this path, I can't look back now ...

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