Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1618: Those reunions

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"This problem ... is actually because of this cloak on my body. As long as you put on this 'lurker's cloak', it can hide all the breath from me, not only that, based on your reaction It seems that even information such as temperature and smell can be hidden together ... So Ophelia, would you please let me loose a little first, I can take off this cloak. "

"There are still such powerful magic items? If all you say is true, then this cloak may not be much different even if it is not a legendary magic item? And ... you will not disappear directly?"

Because of the height of Ophelia, Zhang Yang, who hugged Zhang Yang tightly at the moment, could almost touch Zhang Yang ’s lips when she raised her head to speak, and in this case, the already ambiguous atmosphere that had already cooled down suddenly changed. It's going to be a bit richer.

In this way, although Zhang Yang has always been calm and restrained in the face of all kinds of temptations, when facing Neil Jielina or Ophelia, it may be because he has completely put down his defenses in his heart. On the contrary, self-control and control have obviously decreased.

So at the moment when he felt the breath coming from Ophelia's mouth, Zhang Yang suddenly felt stiff all over his body with a complexion. Fortunately, Zhang Yang, who was no longer confused in his heart, instantly recovered, so that while secretly admonishing himself to relax, he tried to maintain the original tone and explained:

"Actually, this cloak is not as powerful as you think. As far as I know, it is only a relatively rare fifth-order magical equipment, only because I am used to hiding my breath on weekdays, so the two are superimposed. The effect will be so extraordinary. So according to my guess, if faced with a stronger person than me, then the effect of this "lurker cloak" may gradually become invalid as the difference in strength between the two sides increases, but unfortunately it has not been found Opportunity to try it. "

Even looking down at Ophelia's eyes at this distance makes Zhang Yang's heart beat faster, but in order to make the opponent feel at ease, Zhang Yang seems to have no other better choice. Fortunately, his remarks sounded very serious, so after taking a deep look at Zhang Yang, he already hugged Zhang Yang's waist tightly and made a leaking Ophelia. Released his arms.

(Huh ... this is ... the hardest thing to do with beauty?)

Suddenly the thought flashed in his mind, Zhang Yang shook his head at the bottom of his heart. Since he had already made a choice, he shouldn't be swayed, otherwise he might end up hurting himself and even his friends.

So after nodding at Ophelia, Zhang Yang raised his hand and took off his cloak. Until then, although it was faint, but finally felt the existence of Zhang Yang's Ophelia, it really looked relieved.

However, for many people, the decisions and actions made when they are impulsive or excited are difficult to reproduce after a little calm down, just like Ophelia at the moment, and clearly want to hug each other again. But when I really wanted to do it, I didn't have enough courage to take that step.

Furthermore, if it is true that the two love each other, should n’t the boys be more active in this situation?

(Sure enough it's a wood ... or ... forget it, at least he really came back, I'm not dreaming!)

Although it felt a little pity in his heart, Ophelia quickly adjusted his mood, and then looked up and down again before Zhang Yang Yifan said:

"Although after you take off the cloak, I can finally perceive your existence vaguely, but it hasn't been seen for half a year. Wright, your strength seems to have become stronger than when you left."

Perhaps feeling the change in Ophelia's state of mind, Zhang Yang, who was finally relieved at the moment, also smiled.

"It's really a little stronger than when I left, but this is also a little bit of achievement after many dangerous deaths? And I don't hide from you. Compared to you who are normally practicing fighting spirit, I now want It's quite difficult to advance safely, so I think that your talents should be able to catch up with me as soon as you work hard. "

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Ophelia even blew him a smile, and then sighed helplessly and said:

"How can there be so much time! Nowadays, it is very reluctant to stick to routine practice every day. After all, just dealing with various things has exhausted my body and mind. In this case, I want to catch up with your progress. You ca n’t do anything just to practice arrogance. And ... you ’ve become a bit coaxing when you do n’t see Wright for a while! "

"Really? I don't feel it myself, just say what I think."

"Oh? It looks like your‘ travel ’is exciting this time? But compared to talking about these, what important things should you tell me?”

"Did the young guard captain say in his report?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered the young guard captain who was "stunned" before, and the young man who seemed to be quite steady, how could he not be stretched after seeing him? Could it be that they knew before? Thinking, Ophelia shook his head unexpectedly:

"He shouldn't have said it. After all, it's Meli who told me you came back. But it's easy to guess? If it's not something that matters, you should come back to Balxus as soon as possible. Instead of coming to the Silver Pegasus Legion. "

While talking about Ophelia, who seemed to have calmed down completely, he turned back and took the wine set from the table to pour a glass of golden wine for the two, and this move is seen in Zhang Yang ’s eyes today. There is such a slight suspicion.

(How come it sounds a little unhappy? Could it be ...)

Thinking of a possibility that even he felt a little unbelievable, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled bitterly. However, it is undeniable that if it were not for that incident, I am afraid that the result would really be like Ophelia's random guessing, right? Moreover, it seems that this kind of question is not very easy to answer?

"Really? Because it was borrowed from the long-distance teleportation magic circle directly from the Pompeii capital Dalaran, so naturally came directly to your side first, and suddenly it was teleported away. I think you should be quite I ’m worried, so I ’ll come here to report safety first. ”

"So I guessed wrong ~"

"Of course, there are indeed very important things to tell you. Not only that, it seems that during the time I left, the French Empire also had big problems?"

"Well ... that's true, in fact, you should have heard and guessed it a little bit, right? Because the seven princes have been fighting for the throne and never giving each other, leading to the fact that not only the provinces they govern now are independent Even some big nobles have severed to become kings. Even ... Even Moxim and its surroundings, which have always been sheltered by our Silver Pegasus Legion, chose independence in order not to fall victim to the throne ... And I was only officially The commander of the Silver Pegasus Corps, who has not been in the squadron for a long time, is currently reluctantly elected by the public and officials as the "Queen" ... "

"Well ... It seems that I am really far-sighted ~ Then should I call you" Queen Queen "now?"

At this moment, Zhang Yang smiled and imitated Ophelia's tone of speech, apparently joking casually, and it was this attitude that was not too surprised and not so alienated, but made Ophelia feel very at ease and relaxed. Therefore, Ophelia, who was obviously in a low mood every time he mentioned this topic, this time was slightly naughty while handing a glass of wine to Zhang Yang with a smile:

"As you said, wouldn't I have the ability to predict? After all, when I agreed to join the Silver Pegasus Legion, everyone disagreed ~"

"Maybe it is? If there is a **** of destiny, I really want to meet him, but I should be very upset by then? Should I thank him? Or should I beat him?"

Although Zhang Yang's joke was interesting, she still heard a bit of seriousness from these words, so as soon as Zhang Yang drank a glass of fine wine from Ophelia, she immediately frowned slightly and asked:

"Did something happen again?"

"Yeah, although I know that you have enough troubles now, the threat represented by this news is no worse than that of the demon invading Orlando!"

Zhang Yang's person is always very clear of Ophelia, so the news that can make him pay such attention is definitely not simple, so almost subconsciously, Ophelia's face suddenly became more serious.

"Please tell me Wright, do n’t we have to face even the worst problem? Is it the south ..."

Although Ophelia did not finish, Zhang Yang already knew what she wanted to say, so she shook her head and said directly:

"The crisis did not come from the orc kingdom of Campas. Even to some extent, the orc kingdom of Campas will be the victim of this crisis. The real situation is that I accidentally discovered it when I passed the desert of death. A powerful invader from the outer plane! As far as I know, they are called evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, and more importantly, they are not only powerful and aggressive, but also adaptable to the environment and reproduction speed even demons I ca n’t compare it! So I immediately understood that this is a more urgent and thorny threat than the demons in the Devil Realm, so I went to the magic kingdom of Pompeii next to the death desert for the first time and told this news. Queen of Magic. "

"Ah? There should be such a thing ?! In that way, could you just use the super long distance teleportation magic circle from the magic kingdom Pompeii, is it because they delivered the news for them?"

"Although there are still a few twists and turns, but that's it! Not only that, but shortly after I informed the Queen of Magic of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg invasion, Pompeii was hit by the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg's self-death desert The attack launched. It ’s just because I ’m using the teleportation magic circle, and the specific information related to it may be transmitted to the **** in a few days, so if possible, Ophelia, you ’d better Prepare early! "

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