Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1619: Situation and countermeasures

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If Ophelia was excited before seeing Zhang Yang's return, then when she learned from Zhang Yang's mouth that such an eccentric creature called 'evil Ahn'Qiraj' invaded the Orlando continent, Ophelia Leah's mood can only be described by falling to the bottom.

After all, as far as Ophelia is concerned, the world she is familiar with has been completely messed up recently. Various natural disasters and man-made disasters continue to emerge, and now a group of 'evil Ahn'Qiraj worms' have blended in out of thin air. . All this is really pressure for Ophelia, who is now in power.

The only thing to be thankful is that Ophelia, who has experienced many setbacks and tribulations at a young age, has the tenacity to not lose to any man at all. Not only that, if Ophelia will become more vulnerable due to responsibility and pressure some time ago, then now that she sees Wright returning, she is already fearless!

After all ... starting from knowing this person, even if he had no power at the time, this person never chose to admit defeat or give up. Not only that, no matter what difficulties Ophelia encounters, he will do his utmost to help her and stand on her side. For Ophelia, this support is the source of endless courage and strength!

So Ophelia, who drank a toast of Chinese and American wine and pressed down on the confusion in his heart, finally exhaled a firm smile after exhaling deeply:

"You shouldn't be able to avoid it anyway, but if you can make preparations early ... How can you look at it even if there is one more enemy? Then Wright, what is the overall strength of the Zerg invaders you see in these heteroplanes? What about individual combat power? "

Looking at the front of the blink of an eye and cheering up, and re-exposing the memory of Ophelia who refused to lose his smile, Zhang Yang trembled suddenly in the trance, and then felt from the bottom of the heart of Ophelia bathed in the afternoon sun, as if He also began to emit a hazy light!

(This bright and dazzling courage, this fearless determination, and indeed Ophelia in this state is the most beautiful ...)

Maybe it ’s because Zhang Yang is always used to his face without expression. At this moment, Zhang Yang, who has clearly fallen into his own thoughts, seems to be thinking in the eyes of Ophelia, so until Zhang Yang returns to God. Of course, Ophelia didn't seem to find Zhang Yang looking at her fascinated, but stared at Zhang Yang's eyes so quietly with a pair of dark blue eyes open.

So far I have to admire Zhang Yang's calmness, or to say silly kung fu, right? Anyway, after recovering, he didn't even have a breathing disorder, but answered directly:

"As far as I know, the evil Ahn'Qiraj reproduce not only very fast, but it also seems to be able to quickly adapt to the local environment through predation and to some extent acquire the ability of the predator. So the evil that suddenly invaded Pompeii at that time The Ahn'Qiraj Swarm is not only as many as tens of thousands, but also generally equivalent to the level of Warcraft IV in terms of individual combat power. The most important thing is ... The Emerald City in Pompeii, the magic kingdom at that time, helped to resist the evil Ahn'Qiraj In the battle of the Zerg invasion, I once fought with a high-order Zerg that is infinitely close to the seventh-order legendary level, so no matter whether it is high-end combat power or ordinary Zerg!

"Damn! Not only are there a lot of numbers, but also the individual strength is so strong, so that its overall strength is not much higher than the demon demons that once invaded Orlando ?!"

"So I will send this news back as quickly as possible. After all, as far as I know, the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg should have just arrived in Orlando, so they can be said that they are still in the stage of recovery and development, So if you want to stop the disaster as soon as possible, now is the most critical moment! "

"It's true to say this, but why did you catch up to this point of view ... As far as the situation inside the French empire is concerned, it seems that it is impossible to organize forces to fight against it, and because the Slavs in the extreme northern snow country has been immortalized. The relationship completely occupied by the undead, not only the power of the Slavic kingdom in the four human kingdoms can be expected at all, but even in order to suppress the invasion and growth of the undead, most of the combat power of the mercenary country Radovia is invested in the northern defense line Once again, considering the extremely sinister environment of the dead desert, I am afraid that even a large army can be organized ... "

Hearing Ophelia's explanation, Zhang Yang felt very difficult. After all, for those French nobles who have faced the threat of undead in the immediate vicinity and have set off a division of civil strife, what is the threat of the desert of death?

It's just that for Zhang Yang, who really understands the harm and power of the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, choosing to let it go is almost equivalent to self-defeating! Moreover, judging from the known situation, I am afraid that even if the magic kingdom Pompeii does everything possible to fight against it, whether it will succeed or not is still unknown.

Therefore, it is extremely rare that Zhang Yang fell into contemplation by touching the stubble on his chin. And this action in Ophelia's eyes made her instantly understand the seriousness of this matter!

(I do n’t seem to have seen Wright showing such thoughtful expressions in his memory? No matter he was still weak when he faced the crisis in Jotan City, or he accompanied me in a dangerous ancient Pegasus trial, Has n’t he ever been so worried? So that means that even if Wright is so strong now, will he still find the evil Ahn'Qiraj Zerg very tricky?)

Immediately thinking of these, Ophelia bowed his head and calculated, then raised his head in a tentative tone and said:

"Although I don't know if I can succeed, but since it's about the safety of the entire Orlando continent, then I think it should be feasible to announce the news immediately to the whole country? In this way, under the threat of a common enemy, maybe those princes and nobles will stop Hostile, temporarily unite to fight against those Ahn'Qiraj Zerg? "

"Is the safety of the mainland? It should not be possible. After all, in view of the current situation, the damage caused by the undead spirits in the north has long threatened the safety of the entire continent, but the princes and nobles have nothing to do with themselves. Do you only care about fighting for power and profits? So I do n’t think it ’s possible, but on the contrary, I ’m raising my hands in favor of announcing the whole news to the whole country or even the world as much as possible. ”

"Ah? But Wright, didn't you say it might be useless?"

Listening to Zhang Yang said Ophelia was stunned for a while, but soon she seemed to think of something, and then she suddenly showed a general look. And at this moment Zhang Yang had already explained:

"Maybe you can't expect the chaotic French Empire to temporarily give up the hostile alliance as you expected, but on the one hand, this can first give everyone a wake-up call. In other words ... Only the words of Ophelia reminded me . "

"Uh, my words?"

"Yeah, as you just said, in order to suppress the undead in the north from continuing to expand, so please hire the mercenary country Ladovia to send troops to suppress the matter."

"But ... the two don't seem to have anything to do with each other? And as far as I know, Ladovia has been struggling just to deal with the undead spirits, plus how much Ladovia is because of the location adjacent to the death desert It will also leave some troops for self-protection? So it should be impossible to free up the south to fight against the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg! "

Seeing that Ophelia didn't really understand what he meant, Zhang Yang simply smiled and said straightly:

"In fact, it's very simple. If I am right, the reason why the mercenary country Ladovia will send troops to deal with the undead in the north should be the employment of the noble union in the north of France and the rest of the Slavic people. After all, as far as I know, for a free country founded as a mercenary, the high-level tasks and large rewards issued by the mercenary union are the real motivation for them to work hard for it? "

Zhang Yang said that Ophelia might not understand it, so she saw an expression of sudden enlightenment, and then said in a surprised tone:

"How come I didn't expect this trick! As long as the news of the invasion of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg is announced, and the first large amount of reward is launched in the human kingdom, then not only the remaining mercenaries in Latvia will choose the task here, just afraid Some capable mercenary groups in the human kingdom would like to take this opportunity to make a fortune? After all, this kind of mission in the name of "Saving Orlando Continent" will have fame and fortune once completed, and it will not be mixed. In the power struggle within the French Empire, it was indeed a good idea Wright! "

Seeing Ophelia understood what he meant, Zhang Yang first nodded his head in affirmation, and later added:

"Not only that, because I have already reached a consensus with the magic kingdom Pompeii, so as long as I communicate with the other side through the Magic Guild, I can say that I can move Pompeii to initiate a reward and send a large number of magicians to help go to fight against security. The Qiraji Zerg mercenaries not only have a greater influence, but also solve the problem of the lack of magicians in most of the French and Latvian mercenary organizations. In this way, even if the evil cannot be put in one breath The Zerg threat is cleared, but at least it can serve the purpose of suppressing its development, and at the same time it can be considered to buy time for the entire continent. "

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Ophelia suddenly looked at him for a while, until Zhang Yang unclearly tilted her head slightly, she exhaled with emotion.

"I said Wright, although you have known that you have a lot of ideas, but you can come up with this kind of tricks, it is really a hit! Not only in just a few years, the strength has reached a point where I am beyond the reach of even The wisdom is also much stronger than those civilians in the tactical room of the Legion, so that at this moment I have begun to wonder if you were really born in such a common remote mountain village? "

"Oh? Really?"

"Yeah! And I wanted to ask you a long time ago. When I first saw you, you still had brown hair, and your appearance was not very similar to what you are now. How did you suddenly change your appearance from a year ago?"

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