Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1625: Pegasus Pasture

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For an organization with a long history, such as the Silver Pegasus Legion, even if there is no explicit provision in the regimental rules that it is not possible to fly in the station, for the Silver Pegasus Legion soldiers with generally high personal comprehensive qualities, the norm His own behavior, consciously maintaining the environment and atmosphere in the station have long been the instinct of all Silver Pegasus soldiers.

Therefore, when Ophelia fought to pull Zhang Yang out of the regimental commander's office, and rushed straight to the rear of the Silver Pegasus station, he immediately caused a lot of commotion along the way. However, when all the witnesses discovered that the leader of the sprint was actually the leader of their legion and the majesty of the queen of the Moxim Kingdom, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion who originally wanted to stop them suddenly put down their guards. It bowed to salute.

However, it was not easy to seize the opportunity to get out of Ophelia, where can I still look after each other? Therefore, being able to take the time to wave and say hello in a hurry is already a limit, so when her wind generally disappears from everyone's eyes, almost everyone can't help but raise a question, that is: our army leader, this is the end What are you anxious to do? And who is the man lucky to be dragged by her?

So the news that the head of the Ophelia's regiment dragged a man in the station quickly circulated in the dark, but when everyone learned from the door guard captain's mouth, it was the rumored 'Wright' not long ago. 'After finally coming back, everyone showed the relief expression of' it was so '.


"Don't hurry like this, and you're not in a hurry to run the road, saying that everyone who sees you along the way seems to be scared by you."

Although Ophelia has been dragging his hands and running, this speed has not caused any pressure for Zhang Yang at this moment, so he can not only run while talking, but also make no difference in tone and peace. Ophelia wouldn't be surprised by this for a long time. After all, she was more aware of Wright's strength than most people.

So after Zhang Yang said these words, Ophelia finally reduced the speed a little bit and replied:

"How can you not be anxious! If it's just Meili or Sister Betty, it doesn't matter, but if the news of my outing is known to the temporary ministers, they must cry and cry that I have to stay? And Wright you But I do n’t know how annoying those temporary ministers are. Every time they meet, they will bring up a lot of difficult things for you to decide not to say. One by one, I still always ask me not to forget the identity of the queen and shoulder the burden of the queen. Class, it's really annoying! "

"Oh? Temporary Minister? This name is really rare. Who are they?"

Although Zhang Yang can only see the back of Ophelia during the run, even then he can still feel a trace of irritability from the other party, and Ophelia almost never thought of the questions Zhang Yang raised. Answer directly:

"Who else, except for a part of the Moxim City officials who originally belonged to the empire, almost all the rest are the newly elected elders of the Camaud family."

"Well, but since the Moxim Kingdom is based on the Silver Pegasus Legion, wouldn't there be any seats that belong to the Silver Pegasus Legion among the so-called temporary ministers?"

"How could it not be possible? The members of the Silver Pegasus Legion accounted for almost half of the temporary ministers? But I believe you can also understand that the temporary ministers from the Silver Pegasus Legion are responsible for daily management and material allocation. Not only are things like doing things less lazy to deal with, so they are more responsible for security and defense. So as long as there are no major events, these temporary ministers from the Silver Pegasus Legion will basically not come to me. "

After listening to Ophelia's words, Zhang Yang would understand. After a long time, she was so annoyed that she was annoyed by those `` daily chores ''? However, for a kingdom, these annoying trivia are often the fundamentals that support the operation of the kingdom, or issues that are closely related to people's livelihood. Therefore, if you do not pay attention as a king, then these trivial issues that are not properly resolved will eventually accumulate and Eventually it turned into a big crisis that could make the kingdom overturn!

So after careful consideration, Zhang Yang still said:

"This is also something that can't be done. After all, the king wasn't as good as expected. But this should also be related to the lack of trust and capable ministers and officials at the beginning of the kingdom, so I think you only need to know people Use it well, then it should not be so hard in the future. "

"such as?"

"For example, it's a good way to give Meili a lot of daily affairs. After all, she doesn't have the ability to say this, and is it worth trusting?"

"Well ... I probably understand that by saying that. Then wait for the selection of a group of officials, but now ... we are here!"

The headquarters of the Silver Pegasus Regiment in Moxim City covers a large area and even exceeds its size in most towns. So even if Ophelia let go of the speed run, it took about five minutes from the castle where she lived and worked to the Pegasus rearing area behind the station.

Even if Zhang Yang is not here for the first time, but every time he sees this vast grassy field glowing dimly in the sun, Zhang Yang will feel a kind of joy from the bottom of his heart. This is a place where Silver Pegasus rests and rests. It is a place where people can feel comfortable and relaxed even if they are surrounded by the city walls.


When Zhang Yang followed Ophelia over the guard and entered the pasture, and then found her Pegasus partner, and also the king of contemporary Pegasus, "Feiyun", Zhang Yang was surprised to find that he had accompanied Ophelia to participate in the test. The black silver Pegasus 'Mochou' who met with the "lucky" acquaintance even came here somehow, and even now you are wandering freely around Feiyun!

"Uh ... Ophelia, how could it be here?"

"Are you saying" Mochou "?"

"Yeah! Didn't the Silver Pegasus who lost the knight return to the Yunding platform? How could it ..."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Ophelia glared at him infrequently, before shaking his head slightly:

"It ’s right to say this, but at the beginning, I also said that only the Pegasus Cavalier who died at the end of their life will return to the Yunding platform. Otherwise, once the contract is reached, if the Cavaliers die, they will not Alone? "

"It seems ... it seems like this ..."

"So since you were hit with the random teleportation magic scroll that day and was teleported away, I let Mochou stay in Moxiximu, so that ..."

Speaking of here, Ophelia didn't say anything, but Zhang Yang already understood what she meant. Because there is a contractual relationship between him and Mochou, even if Zhang Yang is not around, but as long as an accident leads to death, Mochou, who has concluded a contract with him, may be immediately informed, and may even choose not to Will live alone!

So from this point of view, as long as Ophelia sees Mochou well, then he can indirectly confirm Zhang Yang's situation. Zhang Yang was quite emotional about telling the truth, after all, this concern and heart is really ...

(So ​​... Ophelia may come to confirm Mochou's situation every day? Otherwise, he will not be so close as soon as he sees Ophelia. In other words ... there was no contact for a long time, this guy I do n’t know my real owner anymore?)

Perhaps it is a bit too much to bear the sentiment contained in Ophelia's eyes at this moment. Zhang Yang did not speak, but slowly came to this extremely rare black silver Pegasus Mo Chou, pretending to calmly say:

"I haven't seen it for a long time. It seems that I'm getting fat recently. Has the strength become stronger?"

Maybe Zhang Yang is really not very good at making conversations, so obviously Mo Chou saw him with a pair of shiny horse eyes closely staring at him, but Zhang Yang opened his mouth, and the horse is very unique from the color to the character. The lone black Pegasus came slowly to Zhang Yang's side, and then ... opened his mouth and bit him over his shoulder!

This situation really makes Ophelia, who is familiar with the character of Silver Pegasus, dumbfounded. After all, although Silver Pegasus is also a Warcraft, but they are born with great wisdom, they are actually quite gentle. Therefore, even the wild Silver Pegasus rarely voluntarily attacks people, let alone the contracted Silver Pegasus attacks the owner.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's current strength is not a joke. If he will be bitten by a silver Pegasus whose strength is not even second-order, I am afraid that he will not know how many times he died. So in a flash, he saw his hands pressed against Mochou's nose bridge, which made Mochou, who is much more physically fit than the ordinary Silver Pegasus, no longer able to enter, and could only stomped there and sulked.

"Haha ... hahahaha! Wright, you are really stupid, don't you forget that Mochou is a 'girl'? It's enough to say that people's strength has not improved, even if they haven't seen them for so long, they say they are fat, no It ’s really weird to bite you, hahahaha ~ "

"Uh ... this ..."

Perhaps it is rare to see Wright eating deflated, anyway, Ophelia's smile really seemed to stop a bit, so that even the Feiyun, the king of Pegasus, who stood quietly sideways, stretched his head like Worriedly arched Ophelia.

To be honest, Ophelia Zhang Yang, who has no image to support Feiyun's laughter at the moment, is also very rare. After all, she has been receiving much attention. She rarely has the opportunity to relax herself so wantonly and laugh. So even if Ophelia was laughing at Zhang Yang, she felt very happy. After all, this not only represented an extraordinary trust, but also allowed her to release her emotions that had been suppressed for a long time.

What's more, Ophelia's smile at the moment is also cute ...

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