Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1626: Fly to Valksus

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Although he had never had any experience before, Zhang Yang knew the fact that girls had to coax, but he never thought that this would apply to female Warcraft!

In fact, unless there are particularly experienced mercenaries or adventurers who often deal with Warcraft, most people will be like Zhang Yang even if they have read the Warcraft Illustration Book, but it is still difficult to judge whether the Warcraft in front of him is a male from the appearance. Is female.

Therefore, many times Zhang Yang will forget the fact that this sturdy black silver Pegasus with whom he signed a contract is not a worry, in fact, it is a female, that is, a mare!

So I ca n’t understand why Silver Pegasus, as Warcraft, cares about his body so much. After meeting, he offended the other party in one sentence, so that he was not only angry to bite him, but even wanted to ride when he was ready to go. Disagree, this is to let Zhang Yang who has never had experience in this area do nothing.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's space ring has always stored a variety of foods, so after Ophelia suggested that you can take the food to apologize, Zhang Yang, who took out many fruits from various places, finally coaxed Mo Chou, or said Reluctantly agreed to let him ride, but Zhang Yang, who still did not necessarily sweat for a long time, finally got sweaty ...

Perhaps because of long contact with humans? So do you care more about your figure? Or does it have their own judgment criteria for Silver Pegasus? Zhang Yang, who is full of fog, still cares a lot about this issue. After all, he is also a partner of Warcraft who has signed a contract. Since the other party is willing to entrust his life to himself, then understand the habits and temper of Mo Mo anyway. Should it?

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is surrounded by a master who lives with Silver Pegasus, so Zhang Yang, who has even touched several nails, has decided to wait for Ophelia to ask him carefully.

In fact, the reason why Silver Pegasus can fly freely in the sky, in addition to its own pair of wings, is more dependent on their control of wind elements and wind magic, so generally they are higher-level Silver Pegasus has a faster flying speed, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than its lower class counterparts.

But it seems that there will be one or two unconventional existences occasionally in each ethnic group, so for the black silver Pegasus Mochou, whose magical ability is very low, and the total magic power is only equivalent to the level of the young silver Pegasus, it can It is already a miracle to fly freely like a normal adult silver pegasus, not to mention flying with Zhang Yang alone.

Of this, Ophelia couldn't explain why, until after communicating with Feiyun, the king of Pegasus, she came to a rough conclusion, that is, besides her unusually strong body, Mo Chou's fit with the element of wind It is also unimaginably high, so it can fly freely with such a low magic power.

It is a pity that Mo Chou, who is so talented, has greatly limited his own strength because of the inherent magic storage defect, so that he can hardly use magic now, let alone other means other than physical attacks. Therefore, Silver Pegasus, who should have made up for the shortcomings of Silver Pegasus Knight's lack of long-range and range attack capabilities, could not provide any help for Zhang Yang in this regard. Until now, it can only be used as a simple means of transportation. unfortunately.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't care much about this, so after coaxing Mochou to follow Ophelia into the sky, Zhang Yang's mood suddenly improved. So that it is difficult to send the voice too far without using grudge in flight, but he still shouted:

"Are you sure it's okay to leave like this? The following group of people should all want to stop you?"

Zhang Yang, who shouted his hands together with his hands together, reached out and pointed his finger at the crowd that was gathering from hundreds of meters below in the Pegasus Ranch. Although it seemed that everyone became so small because of the height, Zhang Yang ’s Eyesight can still infer the identity of those people from the costume.

(Although most of these people are obviously guards, there are also forty or fifty people who are dressed in gowns and obviously aged? Should they be the ‘provisional minister’ in Ophelia ’s mouth? ”

Even if you roughly count from mid-air, there are as many as two or three hundred people on the ground who gather to hear the news. However, compared to Zhang Yang's "difficult to speak" situation, Ophelia has already mastered a variety of fighting skills. Leah replied easily:

"Relax! Meili and Sister Betty know what to do. As for the temporary ministers, they are used to maintaining their esteem and normality. It is not bad to let them come out for activities today ~ Isn't it Feiyun?"

Although the high-end silver Pegasus can completely communicate with its own contract knight, the problem is that Feiyun's answer Zhang Yang does not understand! As for Zhang Yang ’s Mo Chou, it should be understood, but this one is obviously still in trouble with him, let alone the ignorant person, let alone act as an interpreter.

So I do n’t know what Ophelia said. This white, black, and two silver pegasus, which were originally in hovering state, suddenly had a wing in the air, followed by several light green slender light strips. The package suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, it brought two wind marks and disappeared on the eastern sky like a meteor ...

That's the direction of Balxus!

"Does anyone know where the Queen is going? Hurry up and organize the Guardian Knight to follow the Queen! What should I do in case of a dangerous Moxim Kingdom ?! And the guy who dared to ride that fierce black silver Pegasus is Who ... "

Seeing whether Ophelia still ran away on the silver Pegasus, many temporary ministers were really angry and anxious. Seeing that look, they not only pulled out their beards, but also responded slowly. : Who is the one who dares to abduct the Queen, how can you let unknown people come into contact with the Queen, the Silver Pegasus knight is stunned, and why not go after it.

In this regard, almost everyone who knows this will cast an idiot-like look on this kind of temporary minister. Although it is not explicitly stated, the meaning is clearly ‘Is this guy a heartless eye? It seems that such a person is not suitable for staying with the Queen ... "


No matter where it is, flying freely in the sky seems to be a human dream. And this seems to be one of the sources of motivation for countless professionals desperately trying to enter the seventh-order legendary level.

Therefore, when Feiyun and Mochou thoroughly raised their flight speed, the wind that passed the mountains and the ground quickly in the sky and felt the cold wind whistling in the ear, together with standing on the ground, was completely unimaginable The vast beauty of the landscape, all combined together, gives Zhang Yang an unparalleled sense of freedom.

(This feeling is really fascinating ... In contrast, although the use of magic arrays for teleportation seems to be faster and more convenient, but the thrill of flying is really incomparable for magic teleportation. And if it is just this height If ... it shouldn't fall to death even if it falls?)

Should I say that Zhang Yangyi is bold? Or did he suffer so many losses in space teleportation magic that he has already created a psychological shadow? Perhaps these reasons are all a bit, otherwise it is clear that Mo Chou has performed thrilling actions many times during the flight, but Zhang Yang is still happy?

In fact, not only did Zhang Yang seem to be in a good mood, but after riding Silver Pegasus and leaving Moxie Wood City, the 'light' on Ophelia in Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly returned!

At the moment, the Ophelia, who is flying the king of Pegasus, soaring, not only faded the confusion and exhaustion of Fang Cai when he first saw it, but even only a few minutes passed, but it was just like two people before and after! Zhang Yang, who was half a position behind Ophelia, couldn't help but sigh with emotion: Such a radiant, heroic and energetic Ophelia is the strong woman he knows!

What throne, what responsibility, if the price is to restrict Ophelia ’s right to fly and deprive her of happiness and freedom, then even if she can one day reunify the whole of France, but what is the point?

Zhang Yang believes that if there is a day, Ophelia will definitely be a good queen, but it is like the queen of the magic kingdom like Estella, who likes to live alone and clean. Everyone has their own lifestyle and live for themselves. s right!

So if the dream eventually becomes a burden, then will she really be happy and feel happy and fulfilled if she realizes her dream? Therefore, Zhang Yang feels that for Ophelia, who yearns for freedom and wants to protect everything, the most important thing now is to find more people who are capable and trustworthy like Meili, and let them mention Ophelia. Dealing with most of the trivia in the kingdom, Ophelia herself only needs to grasp the general direction and manage these people.

(Then wait for Arxus to find time and talk to Ophelia. After all, even if I respect her choice, I do n’t want this Ophelia to disappear ...)

Even though Zhang Yangzheng was quietly watching the back of Ophelia in front of the flight, he was still very sensitive. He still felt that Mo Cheng ’s flight speed was obviously slowing down, so Zhang Yang suddenly understood it at this time. The level of worry and the ability to fly at a normal speed are miracles. Even with the help of Feiyun, the king of Pegasus, but his sudden extra burden can keep flying at such a fast speed for more than a dozen I am afraid that the leak has reached the limit. If I continue, I am afraid that it is not just a burden for Mochou, but a fate.

(It's such a bad-tempered guy who is stubborn and loves to be brave ... but it's hard work, don't worry.)

Stroking the soft gray mane of the black silver Pegasus underneath, Zhang Yang thought to himself. However, at this moment, a seemingly nonchalant hum made Zhang Yang's eyes widen suddenly!

This is obviously not Ophelia's voice! What's more, here is somehow in the high altitude of hundreds of meters! Then besides them ...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly turned his attention to the right hand that was subconsciously stroking Mochou's mane!

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