Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1641: Invisible barrier

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Zhang Yang forgot who said "happiness is always short-lived". Anyway, he doesn't like it very much. After all, the truth is often not liked.

In fact, Zhang Yang did not know why he felt this way. After all, after repeated thinking of countless silent sleepless nights, he already knew who he really liked and made a choice. However, it is precisely because of this that he was shocked by the ‘atmosphere’ that suddenly appeared between him and Ophelia. After all, he always felt that he should not be the kind of flowery guy!

But ... the problem is that although he can persuade himself and control his behavior, he can't deny the feeling in his heart. After all, the throb in his heart is so real and so warm.

So Zhang Yang finally understood that even if people can make choices, things like emotions are not that they can be put down, even if they know they should n’t, but they will still feel emotional if the atmosphere is inexplicably reached. This is human nature. ? Such contradictions are also full of surprises.

Will be moved; will hesitate; will hesitate; will be weak, of course, may regret it ...

The problem is, as Zhang Yang said, the happy time is always short, but the troubles are always endless. Therefore, when Ophelia was still immersed in a certain emotion, Zhang Yang, who sighed secretly in his heart, had already turned around and spoke lightly in a certain direction in the dark.

"Since you're here, show up. By the way, we are not hostile."

Even if Ophelia was a little 'going away from God' before, but she was also a fifth-level gold intermediate strongman, after Zhang Yang spoke, she instantly returned to God, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of Zhang Yang's face. go with.

However, Ophelia was puzzled that whether he observed with his eyes or urged his own senses to detect, Zhang Yang's face was a normal shadow, and there was nothing at all!

So Ophelia was a little strange now. In terms of her understanding of Wright, he would never make a joke about this kind of security issue. Even if you think about it carefully, it seems that you can keep this all the time. For calm people, there is very little kidding, right? So what's wrong with him? Is there really someone hiding there?

However, after Zhang Yang finished speaking, there was no change at all around them. Not only that, even if Ophelia used the wind elemental perception method that had just been realized, he still did not capture any breath around him, even even Her breath was almost inaudible and she was the only one, then ...

(No, no! How could there be only one ?! Wright does n’t just stand by my side? But ... why? Even the “element perception method” that depends on the wind element to detect and capture element fluctuations does n’t feel his presence. It seems that this is not the case just now? So that means ... since Wright can do it, in theory, someone else can hide it perfectly?)

Ophelia, who came to this conclusion, was not only surprised, but even for a moment she felt a little discouraged. After all, when he met him only three years ago, this person couldn't resist her ten moves, but now? Unconsciously, he has left himself far behind in terms of personal strength.

(So ​​if anyone is hiding near here, who would it be? Could it be ...)

On the side of Ophelia was thinking, Zhang Yang, who had stood in front of him, had already raised his right hand, and then quickly waved towards the open space under the shade of the tree in front, so at this moment under the influence of pure powerful physical strength and speed, A faintly formed air ripple in the night passed through.

So it was n’t until this moment that Ophelia could really see it, just in the shadow of the tree opposite Wright, as the wave of the wave brought by the waves meandered past, it was only one and a half meters high, and the whole was oval The air barrier of the air appeared so abruptly!

Seeing Ophelia suddenly dumbfounded! In her cognition and memory, it seems that there is no such form of magic at all! After all, it's okay if it's magic of other departments. After the manifestation, Ophelia can already judge it. This is clearly a barrier that is precisely arranged by the wind elements!

But the question is what kind of magic is it for the always free and lively elements of wind to make them form such a barrier quietly, and at the same time, how to make people hidden behind the barrier perfectly invisible and even clearly See the scenery behind through this barrier?

(Is it a level 7 legendary superpower? It must be! Otherwise, how could such powerful magic be used! But the problem is that there is no magician of this level in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps? Could it be that……)

In fact, these thoughts are still a moment in Ophelia ’s brain. After all, countless examples can prove that the speed of thinking is much higher than the speed of human body action, so it is often at the moment of high concentration of attention , People will vaguely feel that the time around them suddenly seems to slow down.

So before Ophelia saw this scene and exclaimed, the wind barrier a dozen meters away disappeared like a wave of water, and then there was a baby face with a baby face in his arms. A young man with a big white cat came.

However, he hadn't waited for the young man who smiled beautifully to speak, and the fat white cat in his arms already licked his paw and spoke human language:

"I have to admit that meow, I am a little surprised whether it is the control of the power or the power itself. Moreover, you can see me through this" invisibility "at this distance. You are not an ordinary person, so why? Why do you come to meow with such strength, not only deliberately hide the trail in this college, but also perceive my existence deliberately bypass meow, do n’t you know that since you all sensed my existence, then I Naturally, you can also find meow. So just say meow, what are you looking for here? Or do you want to get something from here? "

As a matter of fact, when the young man appeared with his fat white cat in his arms, Ophelia was relieved. From the connection between her and the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, she naturally knew that Garfield existed. Therefore, it was discovered by the seventh-order legendary level of Warcraft and the ability to use the wind stealth technique.

It's just that Ophelia felt that Wright's original plan was only afraid of ruining. After all, since it has been discovered, how do you still play "Secret Infiltration"?

Of course, Ophelia would never speak at this time. After all, on the one hand, she did not know what Wright was going to do, on the other hand, she was somewhat expecting to see this 'fat white cat' appearing after all, after all It is a very valuable experience for the professional of her level to watch the battle between super powers.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yang, who knows Garfield ’s physical condition, is obviously not prepared to let the other party take risks. A large burden, even failing it, can be life-threatening.

So after Garfield finished this, Zhang Yang said helplessly:

"It's still found by you, but after a while I don't see you but I'm getting a lot fatter."

Because Zhang Yang did not intentionally change his voice this time when he spoke, so that when he opened Garfield ’s half-squinted eyes, he suddenly glared round, and even the original lazy licking of paws stopped. Down, then stared at Zhang Yang and said:

"Just before I guessed why such a tricky guy popped up suddenly, and even if you open your mouth one step later, I'm going to fight to lift the seal, and I'll drive you away. Meow! Who would have thought you came back So, do you want to surprise someone by dressing up like this? Could it be ... I wanted to take advantage of the dark night to attack Anna, but could not find her residence because of unfamiliar terrain? Hey! But you! It would be very inconvenient to take Miss Ophelia to do this kind of thing! "

The originally tense atmosphere instantly changed with Garfield's opening, so that Zhang Yang and Ophelia wearing hooded robes instantly stiffened, and Medici was suddenly nervous. After looking at Zhang Yang, he mumbled in his mouth, 'Isn't it? Words like that.

Without knowing Zhang Yang's opening, Ophelia, who was standing behind him, was the first to ask doubtfully:

"It's been a while since I disappeared, Garfield. I really want to know that I have all wore a 'cloak' cloak, but how can you recognize me accurately?"

"This is actually very simple, meow, after all, how can I say Warcraft meow, unless the strength is sufficient and choose to change into a human form, otherwise our Warcraft nose is smart! So even if you do n’t use your eyes to see, just smell it The smell on your body can distinguish your identity, not to mention Miss Ophelia, the smell of 'French love' on your body is so rich, for those who like that kind of wine It ’s natural for meow to be able to distinguish meow easily! And that ’s why I can find both of you so quickly. "

(Ah! How is this possible? That is to say, the reason why our two tracks will be exposed is because of me?)

After listening to this explanation, Ophelia suddenly felt annoyed. After all, she has always been a "cumbersome" than a "helper" for Wright, so after learning that this time it is because she will only make mistakes, Ophelia Leah was depressed again.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yang, who is not very sensitive to the woman's mind, didn't think so much, but lifted the hood on his head and smiled with frustration:

"I don't like the" night raid "others like you. I just want to test the defense ability here. By the way, see if everyone's strength has increased. But since you have discovered it, you can only ...

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