Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1642: Ten Faces Lighthouse

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Zhang Yang originally thought that since Garfield had discovered the trail, the originally planned "Secret Infiltration" plan would be considered a failure. Anyway, when he explained the reason, Garfield showed extraordinary interest. He couldn't help but curl up his tail.

"Oh, how can such an interesting thing be abandoned halfway? Besides, Anna said that they were really busy with the practice of the Thunder Cloud Academy during this time, and they did seem to be slacking in cultivation, so it is time for them to mention it. Woke up. Uh, so Ben Miao decided! I did n’t see anything tonight. Why should you go to meow? "

"But ... is this okay? If something unexpected happens ..."

For the character of Garfield who loves to join in the fun and some gossip, Medici, who is a contractor, has been taught too many times in recent years, so after Garfield finished speaking, he clearly felt the beauty of this guy in his arms getting excited Tiqi was a little worried.

However, before he finished speaking, Garfield patted Medici's arm with his fleshy claws and said with relief:

"Relax meow! Judging from the strength of the guy Wright shows now, even under normal conditions, it should be about sixth order, right? Meow? This plus his almost perverted perception and control, according to this meow It seems that even a general fifth-level gold-level professional is basically a "delivering food" under his hands. So do n’t worry about security, on the contrary, if you say that there may be an "accident" ... "

Although this was not finished, anyone looking at Garfield ’s eyebrows at this moment knows that it must be making a crooked idea in his heart. Medici had wanted to refuse, but he did n’t wait for him to stand aside. Ophelia suddenly chimed in:

"Sure enough, it was still a little bit reluctant, otherwise it wouldn't be discovered because of me in Wright. So I decided, you can go for the rest of the action, I will go with Medici and Garfield for the time being. They rested there for a while. After all, they always wanted to see Medici's paintings with their own eyes, but they didn't have the opportunity. Now they just take this opportunity to choose a few. "


Even though Zhang Yang was very slow in feelings, he could still feel that Ophelia's inaction with him should be inseparable from Anna. However, because of this, Zhang Yang couldn't find any reason to refute, but if he directly agreed, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that he really wanted to do something?

So after a little hesitation, Zhang Yang still said:

"It should be more time to come this time, so I can wait for tomorrow to choose the painting? After all, although I am not good at painting art, I still want to see what Medici is and is respected today. What does the painting look like. "

Medici didn't seem to expect that Zhang Yang would praise himself so much, so he seemed a little excited for a while, but just when he wanted to answer, the fat white cat Garfield's eyes slightly shone, and then Medici was surprised. I found that the speed of my speech became so fast that I could not make a normal voice because of the speed too fast. This was to make Medici sweat anxiously, but to make Ophelia Seeing it shine, then heartily praised:

"Is this a special application of the first-order zero-order magic [acceleration] in wind magic? Sure enough, it is indeed a legendary super power, even if the strength can only play a small part due to the existence of the seal, but This kind of control over elements and magic is definitely a master level! Not only does it focus on the mouth, but even the acceleration rate is surprisingly high! So it seems that there is no 'spell spell' Once the low-level magician with spell-casting skills meets you, I am afraid that even magic can't be used. This is simply a powerful skill like "Spell Silence"! "

As far as Garfield's character is concerned, when a girl praises it, she will be happy and happy, so let alone Ophelia's words are not only justified, but also very sincere because of a genuine relationship. So his eyes were almost beautiful and turned into a lovely crescent moon, and the twisting look obviously wanted to be transferred to Ophelia's arms.

However, he knew that this guy's habit of Medici dare to make it succeed. After all, if he is overjoyed and then smugly scratches on Ophelia's chest, he may become what he wants. Do n’t forget that now Ophelia is not only the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion, but also the queen of the Moxim Kingdom!

In this way, if such a "male cat" is given to be rude, Medici feels that even if Wright can spare it, the strong men in the Silver Pegasus Knights may also make it into a "specimen" side. Can you vent your anger?

So Medici, who had such scruples, did not dare to let go, and even in anxiety, he did not care about persuasion. While covering Gaffi's small mouth, he nodded at Ophelia and said hello. Then he turned and ran to his studio.

I do n’t know if Ophelia was wrong or pretended to be misunderstood. I saw that she waved gracefully to Zhang Yang, and then said in a soft, slightly smiling tone:

"Then we will see you tomorrow morning! Forgot to tell you, whether at the headquarters of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps or the Thundercloud Academy, Neil Jielina has reserved a room for me, so I will wait for me to go to Medici After reading the painting over there, I went straight to rest, and you ... can't be too rude to treat girls! "

After finishing this sentence, Ophelia left with Medici, so that Zhang Yang, who was standing in the same place, once again gave birth to a feeling of "a hundred mouths." It ’s clear that I ’m going to test the defensive ability of the station, and by the way, see if everyone has improved recently. How can they say that they are going to meet their lovers now? This is really ...

However, thinking of meeting with Anna alone, Zhang Yang was a little nervous! Nothing else, just that the pair of memories always secretly stared at his dark brown eyes with affectionate eyes in the back, making Zhang Yang feel a little overwhelmed.

After all, the sentiment implicated in it is so deep that even the gentle personality Anna never spoke out, but she can still make such a stern Zhang Yang understand the feelings she wants to express in her heart. So this alone makes Zhang Yang have a dilemma. The so-called ‘most difficult to bear the grace of the beauty’ is probably the case?

(Forget it! Since you have returned, then you must meet in the past anyway. Moreover, listening to Ophelia ’s meaning, Anna did not work hard to establish the Thundercloud Academy during this time. Thank you in person!)

Although Zhang Yang's ideas were somewhat self-deceiving, he made his determination and went straight to the tallest building in Leiyun Academy.

Speaking of Anna ’s residence is almost the best to find in the entire Leiyun Academy. After all, whether it is her magician status or as the dean of Leiyun Academy, living in the seven-story magic tower is a matter of course. .

It is only different from the personal magic towers that Zhang Yang saw in the magic kingdom of Pompeii. The magic tower built in the center of the Thundercloud College is not only a cylindrical shape, but is close to a regular ten prism. The ordinary magic tower is several times thick and huge.

Not only that, on each side of the tower that represents earth, water, fire, wind, light, darkness, undead, arcane, life, and space, there are magic lights that represent the glory of various elements!

However, if that's the case, Zhang Yang's eyesight and insights can be used to guess the meaning of the magic lights arranged in different heights. For example, seven magic lights are on, and they are also on the floor. The highest cyan magic lamp representing the magic of the wind system. This should be to tell everyone that there is a seventh-level legendary super magician.

In addition, the second-highest five red magic lights should represent the fifth-level strength of the most powerful fire magician here. By analogy, in addition to the fact that there is no light on the side that represents the space magic, even the relatively rare dark magic and the necromantic magic light up four magic lights and two magic lights respectively.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang had to sincerely applaud the people who made this design. After all, this can not only serve as a display of his own strength, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of magicians at all levels in the Magic Academy!

You must know that magicians are also humans. Except for the very few “madmen” who can throw away everything in order to study the mysteries of magic, most magicians, like other professionals, will chase money, power, and reputation. Invisible to all the magicians of Thundercloud Academy has set the goal of striving to catch up and surpass.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly wondered how many purple magic lights represented the magic of the Arcane Department. For this reason, he turned a little more than half a circle, and finally saw four magic lights on the north wall.

To be honest, this kind of result is also expected by Zhang Yang. After all, he knows how easy it is to make this Thunder Cloud College of Nuo University run. The side chores will not be said for the time being. It ’s estimated that Anna ’s daily affairs are enough for Anna alone, so where is there so much time to practice in this situation?

So I looked at the ten-faced tower that was also built from 'composite granite' in front of my eyes. The bright white reflected a little glory, and the roundness was still with a few angles, but it was very unexpected for Zhang Yang. Reminiscent of Anna, who has a white complexion but has a very rich inner emotion, and the same soft personality, so that Zhang Yang's heart throbbed again for some time.

Maybe it was just a coincidence? Like this ten-sided white pagoda standing steadily in the center of Leiyun College, Zhang Yang suddenly understood what Anna was thinking. If there is nothing wrong, she should also want to stay here quietly like this white pagoda, willing to wait, and silently choose to pay for it?

(Anna ...)

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