Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1672: Nigelina's equipment

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In fact, even if he is calm like Zhang Yang, he will be annoyed when he is found to be very embarrassed, not to mention that the eight eyes are so clear that even though Zhang Yang cannot communicate with him because of racial differences, he is curious The meaning cannot be concealed anyway.

And just as Zhang Yang turned his head, the owner of these eight eyes even tilted his head to one side, completely innocently looking at what Zhang Yang was doing. So Zhang Yang was even more embarrassed at this moment. He thought that he was caught by four "little tigers" even if he was decisive and decisive. If this matter was spread, it would be really big.

In contrast, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the couple of tigers were more ‘upward’. After accepting his ‘benefits’, people simply turned a blind eye to this, and it was really a wholehearted rush to the food. In this regard, Zhang Yang even thought to himself: Is all feline warcraft a virtue, and everything you eat is good to discuss?

After all, the far-off bill of lading said that in the Thundercloud Academy, besides eating and sleeping, the legendary Warcraft Garfield, who can think of its body is the sceptical change in the wind-based Warcraft. What? It's impossible to link the two together, right?

Maybe it was Zhang Yang who had been staring here for a long time, or maybe the couple was almost full. In short, when Zhang Yang tried to think about something messy, and hoped to calm himself down, I did not know. Who gave the male ground-grained tiger courage. At this moment, he saw Zhang Yang with his pale green eyes, and then he showed a look of contempt, and then Shi Shiran narrowed his eyes. Turn your head around and lick hair for your wife!

It looks like it's saying: Look at your bear-like, and obviously want to be intimate with your spouse, but still care about this scrupulous. See how direct we are, come and see, brother to show you what intimacy is!

At first, Zhang Yang thought that he had hallucinations, but when he looked carefully, the other two of you were so happy and happy that they flicked around their tails, and they clearly showed love in front of Zhang Yang!

So seeing here, Zhang Yang suddenly lost his temper. Fortunately, he was also a character who dared to compete with the seventh-level legendary super powers. Now he is defeated to the ground pattern tiger in the love field. This is simply how embarrassing, how embarrassing!

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who was obviously hit, had to turn his head and see nothing, but he was relieved in his heart: how can civilized people have the practice of civilized people, how can they take advantage of the danger? And in terms of the ages of the little tigers, they do n’t understand anything at all, should they just be attracted by the magic of nature?

After all, Druids who practice natural magic are easily liked by Warcraft, so it's normal for those little guys to look at this, but um, that's it!

Zhang Yang, who worked hard to compose a reason to convince himself, seems to have completely forgotten the part of Fangcai Diwenhu and his wife showing their love. But I have to say that Zhang Yang's mood was completely calmed down by their family.

So when he saw Neil Jielina's clothes and back again, he could already face it calmly. So I saw Zhang Yang took a brand-new shirt prepared for himself from the ring of space, gently put on Nier Jielina and said:

"Put it on, although it might be bigger, but it's better than cold. And Xiao Na ..."

In fact, the moment Zhang Yang put on Nier Jielina's clothes, he found out that he was blocked by his hair. Until now, he only saw that Nier Jielina's ears were already red, which made Zhang Yang. My heart was loose, after all, if only he was nervous, it would be unreasonable.

Of course, in this case, Zhang Yang said that he would n’t admit death. It does n’t matter what kind of ‘machoness’, he ’s just a little ... sorry, in short, it ’s the same thing. After hearing Zhang Yang's opening, Neil Jielina also seemed to be relieved, and then whispered slightly shyly:

"Sir, just say it. I, I listen to you ..."

"Uh ... this ..."

To be honest, Zhang Yang had never really experienced such a battle before, and had to say that Niel Jielina, who was wearing a white shirt at this moment, was more tender and soft, even if she was still facing away from Zhang Yang, but she could always cause a great impact Impact. Besides, the words ‘Listen to you’ are not just for fun! Zhang Yang, who calmed down so much, finally felt a little bit more excited.

(It wo n’t work like this, after all, there is a family of six watching behind you! Besides, you ca n’t be here anyway ...)

So after working hard to settle down, Zhang Yang decisively raised the subject and said:

"Although the wounds on your body have healed right now, the blood and physical strength of the previous flow cannot be restored in an instant, so even if you are anxious, it will not be worse for a while. After you get dressed, eat a little something to restore your physical strength And, by the way, try the 'native product' I brought back this time. "

Speaking of Zhang Yang, most of them are "eating goods". After all, this kind of activity around the world is basically like traveling, not eating some local special foods, and not bringing any "souvenirs" back. It is almost the same as not going. . Adding this to Zhang Yang's hands is a treasure with a very large capacity, such as the “Ring of Space”, so far, in the space ring of Zhang Yang's hands, various things have almost piled up like a mountain.

It ’s just that Neil Jelina is a little weak now, so those foods that are too 'wild' are obviously inappropriate, so Zhang Yang put the exquisite pastries he bought when he was in the magic kingdom capital of Dalaran, together with a bottle of light plum wine Take some out.

It ’s okay not to mention it before. After Zhang Yang took out the food, Niel Jielina suddenly found that she was almost hungry until her body was empty, so in this case she did n’t need to be polite with Zhang Yang, and she smiled embarrassedly. After that, he ate it quickly and elegantly.

Some people may not understand that since eating has been so fast, how can it be elegant? It seems to be gobbling, right? However, Zhang Yang, who is seeing a few pieces of cakes in front of him, will tell you that the method is actually very simple. As long as the speed of some actions such as picking up, biting down, chewing and swallowing is increased to three times that of ordinary people, the efficiency is It was amazing enough, and Neil Jelina did just that ...

Of course, this kind of eating method is definitely not pleasing even if it is barely called "elegant", so Zhang Yang, who also picked up a bottle of plum wine and watched it while drinking, saw that the speed of Neil Jielina was almost like when the speed returned to normal. , He said with some emotion:

"Speaking of it, why are you still wearing the original" pig leather armor "? In terms of your strength, this leather armor has long been unable to play a protective role. Besides, our Thunderbolt mercenary group is considered economical. No matter how tense the situation is, it should be a breeze to give you this deputy leader a Tier 4 leather armor. And if you have a better armor this time, you wo n’t suffer so many injuries. "

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Niel Jielina put down her food but bowed her head a little embarrassedly. She didn't whisper until after a while:

"Everyone has mentioned this to me long ago, and if you only discuss the material, it is not a problem to collect it on the side of the Warcraft Forest. It's just ... Master, have you forgotten, this leather armor is still the original It's made from the red-eye mountain pig skin you hunted back, so even after so long, I still couldn't bear to replace it, so I have been tinkering with it until now ... "

(For this reason, because it was the gift I gave her ... really a silly girl ...)

After hearing Neil Jielina ’s explanation, Zhang Yang said that it was deceptive not to be touched, but no matter how this leather armor has been damaged, there is almost no way to repair it, let alone provide protection for the user, so Zhang Yang took the board directly without hesitation:

"Understood, this boar leather armor should have a special commemorative significance for you, so you are not willing to change it? But it is a joke to fight such a thing with your current strength, so wait for you first Wear this cloak of "Lurker" and I will take you to Mokximu City to choose a more advanced leather armor or other light magic armor after you go back. "

"Knowing your lord, everything is up to you."

Zhang Yang thought that Neil Jielina might disagree, but whoever thought she didn't even hesitate to agree directly. This is indeed Zhang Yang does not understand the woman's mind at all, otherwise he should have thought of why Nier Jielina has been reluctant to replace the "Boar Leather Armor".

But even for Zhang Yang, as long as Neil Jielina agreed to suffice, he nodded and focused his attention on the two sabers beside Neil Jielina, and said at the same time:

"The occupation you choose is 'Sword Dancer', and it seems that your latent ability is also very good, so in this case, it is not impossible to choose to use leather armor. In contrast, the weapon can not be sloppy. It's something, so mind me looking at your weapon? "

"Of course I don't mind, and did the adults forget?" Yanbo "was the one you gave me."


Seeing Zhang Yang seemed puzzled, Niel Jielin suddenly reacted and then smiled a little embarrassedly:

"That's the fourth-order water magic sword, because everyone said they should give their saber a name, so I thought about it for a long time, after all, when it comes out of the sheath, it will bring a faint light. , A halo like water mist, so it is called 'smoke wave'. "

"It turned out to be a good name."

During the speech, Zhang Yang had already pulled out the two long swords separately, but only then did he find that the fourth-order magic sword named by Neil Jielina as "Yanbo" was okay, but the other was a little shorter. The blade of his stainless steel long sword is already covered with gaps and cracks, and it seems that it is almost unusable.

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