Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1673: Give the sword to the beauty

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Seeing Zhang Yang staring at the sword seemed to be thoughtful, Neil Jielina, already wearing her cloak, explained:

"Adult, you know, sword dancers generally choose to use double swords for parry in order to make up for the shortcomings of weak defense, so ... compared to armor, in fact, the loss of weapons is the biggest, but You can rest assured that I will replace it whenever I feel that the deputy sword is not in good condition. "

After listening to Neil Jielina, Zhang Yang shook his head and then said:

"It is not a long-term plan to change weapons after all. Moreover, for combatants, a familiar weapon can really exert its own strength. And although this ordinary stainless steel sword is fair, its toughness is according to its toughness. It is far worse than magic weapons, so once the enemy is broken during the battle, the consequences are really unimaginable. "

Neil Jielina also agreed with Zhang Yang's remarks, but she seemed to be able to own a fourth-order magic weapon at her own level. After all, even those high-ranking members of the well-known mercenary regiment It is normal for the Tier 4 silver level to use Tier 3 or even Tier 2 magic weapons, so what is more unsatisfactory than those people?

So Neil Jelina immediately smiled and comforted:

"Relax, my lord, if the enemy is too powerful or uses heavy weapons, I will be careful not to shake it as hard as possible. After all, I am a sword dancer, not a shield warrior or a weapon master like you. Flexible fighting is the only thing. My strengths, so that ’s all it takes. "

Even though Neil Jielina said so, Zhang Yang couldn't let his beloved woman run into danger, not to mention that he had prepared a gift for Neil Jielina when he was in the magic kingdom of Pompeii. When Jie Lina was going to help clean up the camp, Zhang Yang stretched out her hand to support her shoulder and said seriously:

"This is not good, Xiaona, although I won't stop you from fighting, but the weapons are sloppy. So ... this time I came back to bring you a gift. Now it seems that you should like it. . "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang took out the sixth-order super magic sword 'Water Mirror' that cost 900,000 gold coins from the ring of space, so even if the sword did not come out of the sheath, he could still slightly The energy of the surrounding water element is caused to fluctuate. This situation for Nier Jielina, who is a grudge cultivator of the water system and feels very keen, is just as obvious as the light suddenly lit in the dark, so that she is Opening his mouth slightly in surprise, he said excitedly:

"Well, is this really a gift for me? If I guess right, it should be at least a sixth-order magic sword, right? No, lord, I can't ask for such a precious gift!"

"What's wrong? Is it possible for some Tier 5 gold-level combatants to have magic weapons of Tier 7 legendary level, and what is wrong with a Tier 6 magic sword for my Xiaona Tier 4 silver level?"

"That's right, but, but if such a precious magic sword is used for me, what should I do if it is stared at by someone who cares? After all, as far as I know, the price of the sixth-order magic sword is generally fifty. Ten thousand gold coins or more? "

In fact, Neil Jielina ’s concerns are not unreasonable. Although Zhang Yang did not say it clearly, the one who said that the “fifth-level gold level has a seventh-level legendary level magic sword” seems to have no one except Ophelia. . Then the question is coming, many times for the Tier 5 gold-level combatants who can already use the [Fighting Armor], if they encounter a Tier 6 Zijin-level professional who has the mischief and the idea of ​​hitting his treasures, he is considered invincible. It can also be run away. In contrast, if a Tier 4 silver-level combatant is attacked by a Tier 5 gold senior professional because of this Tier 6 magic sword, it is more difficult to successfully escape. Professionals of the rank Zijin level are staring, so the chance of basically being able to escape under their hands is even more minimal.

And do n’t forget that Ophelia ’s identity is not an ordinary fifth-level gold rank warrior. In addition to the identity of the real Pegasus Legion, she is now the queen of the Moxim Kingdom!

Therefore, if you combine strength and identity, there are only a few people who dare to hit her mind in the entire human kingdom, and even even the seventh-level legendary superpowers with no foundation will generally not provoke her. So even though almost everyone knows that Ophelia has a magic sword of the seventh-order legendary level ‘Flying Wings’, but the idea of ​​daring to hit her with this weapon has so far not even one.

However, the situation of Neil Jielina is different. Even though her combat power is notable among professionals at the same level, the strength of the Tier 4 silver intermediate level is not as deterrent as the Tier 5 gold level. As for the difference in status between the two, it ’s almost not at the same level, so if the news that Neil Jielina has a sixth-order magic sword worth nearly one million gold coins is spread, I ’m afraid it will be stared soon. let's go?

However, Zhang Yang didn't care about it. Mo said that it was just a sixth-order magic sword. If it was sold, he even wanted to buy a seventh-order legendary magic sword for Neil Jelena!

As for the safety issue, it is even better to say that in the past, he was not around Neil Jelina due to various accidents, so there was no way to protect her. Now that he has returned, and has the power not to lose to the legendary super powers of Tier 6 and even Tier 7, so if anyone dares to play Neil Jelena ’s idea, he will definitely make this idea the last in his life a mistake!

So just when Neil Jelina wanted to continue to refuse, Zhang Yang suddenly put away her smile and asked with a straight face:

"Don't you like it?"

"Ah, no, of course not! I am really happy and love it! After all, no combatant can resist its charm? The gift of the sixth-order magic sword ... but ..."

"As long as you like it, a sixth-order magic sword. As long as you don't tell others about its details, even if people feel that it is extraordinary, most people will only guess that it is a fifth-order magic sword? And there is me guarding you. You want to see who dares to hit your mind, so accept it. By the way, its name is "Water Mirror" and it is also a water magic sword like your "Smoke Wave". "

"grown ups……"

"Do you still need to hesitate with me? Besides, even you are mine, what a magical sword is!"

Zhang Yang always seems to be so calm and gentle in the impression of Neil Jielina, so when he suddenly showed the manly domineering side, Niel Jielina felt that the person in front of him suddenly became more It's a lot more real, and at the same time she has to admit that the "adult" at this moment looks more attractive and more exciting than usual!

So even though there was still some anxiety, Niel Jielina, who was already filled with happiness in her heart, didn't refuse anymore, but nodded her face slightly red, and it looked really cute and cute.

Seeing here, Zhang Yang's face suddenly hung with a smile again, and then saw that Neil Jielina still slightly lowered her head and stood there, he leaned over and put the hanging sword that Nier Jielina used to put on the edge of the tent. The belt was picked up, and after three or five times, the original broken steel long sword was untied and thrown away, and the "water mirror" was directly replaced.

Neil Jielina, who sees all this in her eyes, didn't say anything, but when Zhang Yang raised her head to look at her, even though Zhang Yang was a little clumsy in this respect, she could still feel clearly from the eyes of Niel Jielina at this moment. That almost flooded feelings. But Zhang Yang, who had already decided not to escape and would face this feeling from now on, did not dodge as before, but hesitated slightly and then said:

"Although your overall combat power will increase after changing to" Water Mirror ", because the length of this magic sword is almost the same as" Smoky Wave ", and I think it should be your main weapon since then. , So compared to the previous one long and one short pair of swords, Xiao Na, you may need a little time to get used to it. But now ... raise your arm and let me wear it for you. "

In fact, the belt used by Neil Jelena to carry the saber is somewhat different from most sword dancers. After all, whether it is for the convenience of action or the consideration of "handsomeness", most sword dancers will The double swords are worn on the back. For Neil Jielina, she chose a relatively thick double-layer belt with a sword buckle on each side.

This aspect is because of the influence of Zhang Yang, it is not convenient to wear a quill and a bow behind. In addition, for Neil Jielina, it is the fastest and most comfortable to draw a sword from this angle. So for most of the mercenary soldiers in the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, the deputy head of their impression is always a dark red tight leather armor, a dark hooded cloak on it, and a double sword on the waist. 1. He also carries a strong bow and arrow on his back, which looks like a glamorous and versatile warrior.

But at this moment, the situation is indeed different. You need to know that Neil Jielina didn't wear as much clothes as Zhang Yang and waited for it to be broken. It was at this moment that the lurker's cloak was wearing a big piece of Zhang Yang. Outside the shirt, it is almost completely in a 'vacuum' state!

So when Zhang Yang asked her to raise her arms, not only did Neil Jelina's slender and white legs look unobstructed, but even the exquisite carcass under her shirt became looming! So after seeing this scene, Zhang Yang only reflected what he had to face next. After all, if he wanted to wear a saber belt for Neil Jielina, it seems that a 'hug' is indispensable?

So the question is, in this situation, is this hug a little too stimulating?

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