Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 1674: First intimate contact

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Zhang Yang has always been very cautious about feelings. Even if he likes a girl in his heart, he will be affected by the bad memory of the previous life, fearing that the other party will be hurt with him, worrying that he cannot give the other party the future, or even simply do not know. How to contact it.

After all, after careful calculation, although Zhang Yang ’s last life experienced many life-and-death challenges unimaginable by ordinary people, his emotional environment was almost always blank due to his growing environment and experience, so that if he encountered “Shi Xiaowei” by accident, I'm afraid he will maintain his former single life, which is full but almost fixed.

So compared to those around him, Zhang Yang, while having more experience and skills in his life, also carried a heavy psychological burden inherited from the previous life. So before again, Zhang Yang would really not love, nor dare to love.

However, Zhang Yang also understands that people cannot always live in the past. Therefore, although Zhang Yang spent several years, he finally got rid of the shadows of the past and then found the courage to face the feelings in his heart.

Moreover, it is not only human, it seems that for most wise and intelligent life bodies, there will be times when they feel lonely and lonely. This, together with the mutual attraction between the opposite **** due to the nature, finally achieves the fate. Some kind of intersection.

So for Zhang Yang, it is quite difficult to dare to face up to and accept this love now, so I want to go further on this basis and do something like an intimate move between couples. I ’m sorry, but he really did n’t know At the end, I don't know how to do it properly!

However, who made him think of the problem too simple before, and he has already spoken out, and now it seems that even the change of Gua is not so done? What's more, at this moment, Neil Jielina also seemed very shy, but she had lifted her arms slightly to the sides very obediently.

So Zhang Yang felt that his forehead seemed vaguely sweating. After struggling to settle down, he finally bent down and held out his arms, protruding his arms around Neil Jielina's slender waist, and then admired the piece The sword belt was put on.

This is good. As the original loose shirt was tightened by the belt, Neil Jielina's waist suddenly became stronger and stronger. And the most terrible thing is not this, because Neil Jielina ’s own underwear has already been soaked with blood, and at this moment, she is almost in a “vacuum” state and she is wearing a Zhang Yang shirt. Not so magnificent chest suddenly stood out!

As for Zhang Yang, because of his height, he is kneeling down to fasten the buckle of the sword belt for Neil Jielina, so when he is busy with the work on hand, he is preparing to boast that his buckle is not bad. At that time, he inadvertently raised his head and suddenly found that two firm snow mountains appeared out of thin air less than ten centimeters in front of his eyes!

So at this moment the time seemed to be so stagnant that Zhang Yang even had the illusion that he was hit by some powerful mental system. After all, the throbbing sent from the depths of the soul was so strong and so real!

In fact, although Zhang Yang is an old virgin who has been stable for more than 40 years in two lifetimes, he hasn't seen the carcass of women, so in theory, there shouldn't be such a strong reaction. After all, no matter whether it was the last life or after the rebirth of the Orlando world, I took off my clothes and wanted to seduce his richness, sex, and women. There are many people, but the problem is that in the face of those enchanting and glamorous posture The hungry woman who obviously wanted something to happen to him, but Zhang Yang could not feel the throbbing of his heart at this moment, and even many times he was too lazy to take a look.

And I have to say that although the body of Neil Jelina cannot be compared with Anna or even Ophelia, but the result of persistently practicing 'Qingbo Douqi' in the past three years and almost never struggling to exercise, it is the result of Jeanne Erjie Lina, while possessing outstanding physical qualities, also made her body almost perfect.

Therefore, even though the "volume and height" of the mountain peak is not comparable to the full-fledged Anna, and the skinny body is just the expected Ophelia on the chest, but in terms of shape, Neil Jieli Na didn't lose the two beauties at all, and she even passed it!

So one can imagine how tremendous Zhang Yang was shocked at this moment. After all, there is such a thing as "you are the most beautiful in my eyes" among lovers, not to mention Neil Jielina is also extremely seductive? So for an old virgin who has only spent two lifetimes, with the shock of the soul shaking away, something seems to be ignited instantly in Zhang Yang's heart. The heart-burning dryness has always been calm and calm. He couldn't help swallowing a spit, as if his body would burn up otherwise.

However, at this time, Zhang Yang heard Neil Jielina's trembling voice.

"Adult ... Already, are you okay ..."

"Uh, yes, it's already buttoned, it's very suitable for you, Cortana."

It turned out that Zhang Yang was not alone. Although Niel Jielin obediently raised her hands in accordance with Zhang Yang's indiscriminate command, she was a girl after all, and things in this respect were much more sensitive than Zhang Yang. Therefore, Neil Jielina, who was nervous and faintly excited, just closed her eyes and let Zhang Yang do whatever she wanted.

But who would have thought that when Neil Jielina closed her eyes, her body feeling suddenly became more sensitive than usual! Not only is the slight vibration of Zhang Yang ’s arm touching the clothing clearly identifiable, but even the breathless breath coming from his chest ca n’t escape the perception of Neil Jielina!

In fact, this is the first time Neil Jielina feels that she feels too allergic and sharp, which is not a good thing. Moreover, it is one of the most delicate and sensitive parts on the girl ’s body, so even if this white cotton cloth shirt material is outside Not bad, but the slight friction still makes Neil Jielin feel more and more crisp, soft.

So after feeling the familiar weight and firmness from the waist, Niel Jielina, who had already been covered with red clouds on her cheeks, couldn't help but asked in a loud voice, but it was Zhang Yang who finally took the lead. This kind of "extreme attraction" came out of "breaking free", and then quickly flashed back two steps.

It wasn't until he heard Zhang Yang's answer that Neil Jielina opened her eyes again, so at this moment he found that Niel Jielina's eyes had become a little confused at this moment, so that after a few moments, she returned to normal.

It's a pity that although Zhang Yang felt that something was wrong, he was extremely insensitive in this respect, and he didn't understand the reason for a while. But to be honest, this level of contact is already explosive enough for the current duo, so maybe it's subconsciously wanting to hide something, Zhang Yang is the first to praise:

"It's really good. Although I am no longer able to practice and use grudge, my inexplicable ability to perceive the water element is still there. So from the moment you open the eyes with these two magic swords, I will be able to I feel that the very thin water element particles in the cave have all gathered around you, and they are very harmonious, so even if you do n’t mention their power, you can speed up your cultivation and even the recovery of qi. The point is quite worth it. "

Originally, Neil Jielina was still nervous about what would happen next, but after listening to Zhang Yang said this, she suddenly felt a slight change in the concentration of the elements around her and even the state of the water element. And this is still in the forest crypt, where the water element is relatively insufficient. If it is replaced by the shore of the Dojason River that she practiced in the past, I am afraid the effect will be more obvious?

So even if you do n’t take a closer look at Neil Jielina, you will understand that this magical sword named “Water Mirror” is definitely the best among the sixth-order magic weapons. Even with the price, it may be much higher than most sixth-order magic weapons. ? So Niel Jielina, who was both happy and shy in her heart, almost excited like a child who discovered a new toy, finally said:

"Really! There is even the function of attracting water elements to gather automatically, and it seems to rotate around me! This is simply amazing. If the effect will change with the concentration of the surrounding water elements, then wear it It ’s practice with less effort! "

In fact, Zhang Yang did not expect that the effect would be so good. After all, the real function of this ‘water mirror’ is not to speed up the cultivation speed, but to the various uses of the sword ’s own, fifth-order water magic [ice mirror]. Moreover, Zhang Yang didn't feel this way when he took it out alone. It seems that this effect didn't happen until ‘Qingbo’ and ‘Water Mirror’ were attached to Neil Jelena at the same time?

Zhang Yang couldn't explain why, but fortunately, this was an unexpected joy, and Zhang Yang believed that as Neil Jielina became familiar with the sword, the secret would surely surface. So he smiled and nodded suddenly:

"To be honest, I didn't expect that the effect would be so good, but it was a good thing after all. In contrast, because the" water mirror "replaced the shorter sword with a shorter length, and the weight was completely different from the previous weapon, so For you, not only does the hand feel need to adapt, I guess that even running with these two swords at the waist will be a little uncomfortable at first. "

"Understood, I will pay more attention to it. And ... Thank you, I like it very much!"

When I said this, Neil Jelina seemed to really want to feel the feeling of wearing the two swords at the same time, so it rotated two times in place, so that it looks like a vibrant plant. bud. However, it may have been a little more blood loss after the injury. At the moment she stopped, Neil Jielina seemed to be dizzy, but the whole person fell to the left and back!

This situation suddenly shocked Zhang Yang. Fortunately, he was fast enough, so at the moment when he felt that Neil Jielina was unstable, Zhang Yang already appeared ghostly behind her, and then took Neil. Jelina hugged her in her arms!

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