Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 407: Bross City Mercenary Union 5

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The secrets known in the world are all techniques that can only be used by professionals. Whether it is magic or vindictiveness, the condition for launching the mysterious method is the control and operation of various energies.

[Fighting Strike] is one of the more representative of such techniques. The reason why it is called is because of its technical characteristics. [Fighting Strike] is a pure warlord's secret method, users need to gather all their grievances, and then all burst out in a flash! The higher the level of combatants, the more terrible it is to use this skill! Imagine that a third-level black iron junior swordsman can output a maximum attack power of 10 under the blessing of grudge under normal conditions. After using [Strike One Strike], the attack power output by him instantly will be Can reach about 25! Although such an attack is powerful, it has the same powerful sequelae!

Even for humans who practice fighting spirit, the meridians of the body are extremely fragile before advanced legends. Some people metaphorically describe meridians as water pipes. At each level, only the corresponding maximum flow can be released. For example, if the amount of fighting energy released through the meridians under normal conditions is 10, then the amount of fighting energy that instantly bursts when using [Fighting Strike] is 50 or 100! With such a small caliber to release such a strong intensity of anger, the result is naturally the water pipe is broken and ended.

In fact, this is still good, even if the meridians are injured and broken, at least they can still survive. If you can find a fifth-level gold priest for his treatment, the chance of recovery is still relatively large. The worst case is to release a high-level attack that exceeds the limit of its own strength with a low-level strength. When the warrior uses [Fighting Strike], in order to let all the grudge in the body flow out, the grudge core will be overloaded At the same time of attacking the opponent, the force of feedback will have a great impact on the body and the core of grudge. Those who have weak foundations, his core of grudge will even break under this impact! And this impact becomes stronger as the level increases! If the power of the fourth-order silver level is to use [Fighting Strike], the attack power is certainly strong, but the anti-shock force may also kill his own life!

So, after [Fighting Strike] released, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, the releaser will be instantly exhausted and part of the meridians will be cracked, and the back will even be shattered by the attack of his own! Therefore, if it is not at the point of real death, ordinary combatants will not use this trick of not hurting people first and hurting themselves first.

Speaking of which, Manzhu is also nodding today, not only being teased by people, but also encountering such a madman with a twisted heart! At this time, Manzhu is controlling seven [Holy Light Bombs] to attack his opponent. In the face of the slashing blow with a strong fighting spirit that the mercenary suddenly burst out, it is too late for Manzhu to release the shield or evade. !

The mercenary is desperate, and the power of this attack has reached the level of Tier 4 silver! If such an attack could be hidden by the third-order black iron intermediate light sacrifice, it would be really unreasonable.

At this moment, Manju felt that death was so close to herself. In her eyes, the sword that should have been extremely fast seemed to suddenly slow down. At the same time, the mental and magic powers that had not been growing in the body had been in this crisis. Under the stimulus, there is a trend to restart growth!

(Am I going to die today?)

Seeing that this sword was less than half a meter away from the front of Manzhu, suddenly, a [Holy Shield] with a very bright light suddenly appeared in front of Manzhu! At this moment, the mercenary's attack also arrived, just listen to bang! boom! Two consecutive bangs, the Holy Shield outside Manzhu's body shook violently instantly! However, although it seems precarious, even if the color of this shield is already very light, but the broad sword in the mercenary's hand can no longer be cut!

The question is how can the third-order magic [Holy Shield] be able to defend against an attack equivalent to the fourth-order silver level? Not only did the holy shield stand firm and not broken, but the shaking holy shield quickly calmed down, if not everyone around could see that the color was much lighter than the beginning, I am afraid many people thought that this holy shield was just released It came out!

It was not someone else who shot at this critical moment, it was Li Ang who was just pushed aside by the three mercenaries! His "Holy Shield" like a magic lamp has become his signature skill. Even Zhang Yang did not expect that he has always looked careless, actually saved Manzhu's life!

Fighting between mercenaries is generally not a dead hand. Everyone comes out to fight for their lives to make money, and they will leave room for each other. However, once a person is killed, the mercenary union will intervene.

After sensing the fluctuation of Manzhu's release of magic, Zhang Yang's speed exploded. The position of the recruitment platform he had set up was not far from the rest area, so it was just a turn around, and Zhang Yang disappeared in front of the mercenaries who came to recruit!

(It's fast! I'm afraid I'm at least three points faster than my short-range charge! Is this guy an assassin who is good at hiding power?)

Not to mention the surprise in Kobe's mind, Zhang Yang took just a few breaths to rush out of the crowd, and the [Holy Light Bomb] released by Manzhu at that time had already shot off three mercenaries. Weapons, even if she was almost killed by the other party just now, Man-zhu didn't bother to kill the other party. In Zhang Yang's view, although it can be said to be kind and simple, it can also be said to be a lack of experience.

Zhang Yang's soul power is very sensitive to killing intentions and maliciousness. Just now he clearly felt the maliciousness and killing intention of the mercenary led by the mercenary against Manzhu. In this case, Zhang Yang will not easily let go of the other party. Taking into account the fact that Man-zhu did not want to kill, Zhang Yang decided to stun these three men first.

Although Zhang Yang ’s strength seems to be one level lower than those of the three mercenaries, it ’s only in terms of fighting spirit. If it ’s fighting power, Zhang Yang ’s strength and skill, if you want to kill three people, It is too simple. Even if stunning them is a little more troublesome, it is not difficult for Zhang Yang. Who made the weapons of the three of them have been blown away by Manzhu?

I saw Zhang Yang rushed out from behind Man Zhu, and one arrow step rushed to the side of the three mercenaries. The mercenary headed at this time had completely lost its combat power because of the use of [Fighting Strike]. At this moment, Zhang Yang Just give him a hand, this man fainted completely. The remaining two mercenaries had just been hit and flew with their weapons. When they saw a figure rushing towards them, the two of them beat Zhang Yang freehand after they sensed that the coming person had no grudge.

This is really a kind of death-seeking behavior. Zhang Yang's melee ability is a little bit higher than them. Seeing that the two dare to hand paws to themselves empty-handed, Zhang Yang sneered in his heart and raised his hand to fight the two mercenaries. Coming fist.

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