Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 408: Bross City Mercenary Union 6

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Zhang Yang has repeatedly compared with the fighters of the Orlando World. Although he has not been in contact with several high-level strongmen, Zhang Yang has confirmed that the combatants in this world do not pay much attention to skills in the process of cultivation. , More energy is devoted to how to mention the grudge level.

This is actually quite normal. After all, professionals in the Orlando world have such a hope. Once they are fortunate to become a seventh-order legend, they can extend their lives several times! Almost no one can refuse this temptation.

Zhang Yang had far more power than the two mercenaries could reach, so under Zhang Yang, they did n’t even have a chance to make a second move before they were hit by a heel and then kicked by Zhang Yang. Fainted.

"Are you injured?"

After Zhang Yang controlled the three mercenaries, he raised his head and asked Manzhu. Zhang Yang felt that since he had brought Manzhu and Li Ang out of his own, then he should do his best to ensure the safety of the two. Entering the deep forest directly, but in that case, not only will the three of them not be guaranteed in safety, they will also be very hard along the way.

"No, it's okay. Did I cause you trouble?"

It wasn't until this abrupt and short battle ended that Manzhu felt a little afraid. The teacher was right. The caster should distance himself from the enemy. If he hadn't come from Li Ang's [Holy Shield] just now, he might not die. Will you be seriously injured? It seems that even if the opponent is only a third-tier black iron level warrior, he can't take it lightly in the future.

"It's okay if you're fine. We didn't kill people. It's just a normal fight. This is normal and common in the mercenary guild. But in order to prevent these three people and their companions, you two should not be too far from me . "

Even if Zhang Yang did not say so, Man Zhu and Li Ang secretly decided to do so. In their view, Wright's strength is definitely more than the one that is exposed in front of him. Staying by his side. In such a battle, you should not need two people to shoot. Wright should be able to solve it himself!

Just when Zhang Yang **** the three mercenaries with their weapons confiscated, the guards of the mercenary union came slowly. The course of things was very simple, and no one was killed, so they just asked Zhang Yang how to deal with the three mercenaries, and left.

Many times, troubles and opportunities are like a pair of Gemini stars. When you see one, the other will come out soon. No, just because Manzhu and the three mercenaries fought, Zhang Yang ’s team showed his strength and was recognized by many mercenaries. Correspondingly, the recruitment work chaired by Zhang Yang suddenly became simple.

"Kobe, now we can make a gesture. Are you going to start here, or are you going out to find an open space?"

Coming back to the position of recruiting mercenaries just now, Zhang Yang looked at the third-order mercenary Kobe in front of him and said naturally.

"This is no longer necessary. I am willing to accept your terms and write the contract directly."

Kobe wanted to see the strength of Zhang Yang's team before, it was cautious, nothing wrong. Now when he sees that there are at least three third-level black iron casters in the trio, Kobe has nothing to say. Not to mention that both Manju and Li Ang have exceeded the third order, even if they are only second-order priests and second-order priests, Kobe will readily agree. You need to know that if you have these two entourages, if you are injured during the mission, you will definitely be treated, so that the danger has been reduced to a very low level. What's more, with the means of Zhang Yang empty-handedly subduing two third-tier black iron junior mercenaries, Kobe asked himself not to be an opponent at all, not only that, but now Kobe can't even tell what kind of career Zhang Yang is! warrior? Did you realize that he was grudge? Magician? Even more impossible! At least Kobe never heard of any magician who could stun two Tier 3 warriors empty-handed. So, is this man an assassin? It's not like the size! Anyway, Kobe has already recognized the strength of the three people. At this time, he will try to compare with the people who can't see the depth. Isn't that all right?

There are many senior mercenaries with the same minds as Kobe. Therefore, after Kobe signed the employment contract, Zhang Yang successfully found all the people he needed in just five minutes.

Two third-tier black iron junior rangers; one physique and its robust second-tier bronze advanced shield warrior; one second-tier bronze advanced thief who is good at concealing himself and setting traps, plus two warriors of similar rank to Kobe, Zhang Yang ’s The team is now assembled.

After reporting to the mercenary union, Zhang Yang agreed with these seven people to meet here at 7 o'clock the next morning, after which Zhang Yang dragged the three mercenaries who were still unconscious to leave the mercenary union.

"Wright! What are you going to do with these three guys? Although they offended us, but ..."

Both Manju and Li Ang are a little nervous. They just save people on weekdays. Where do they want to kill? They looked like Zhang Yang was calm and dragged the three big men with his left hand, and suddenly felt that his ordinary face with a calm expression actually made people feel a chill from his heart! Seeing Zhang Yang glance at himself faintly, Manzhu couldn't say anything in the second half of the sentence.

"Do you know that these three people are not good at you? And just wanted to kill you just now!"


"We defeated them in front of so many people, do you think these three people will have a grudge against us? To know that the power we show is not much higher than them, if we let them go like this, Judging by his temperament, he will definitely come back to revenge us. "


"So what do you say? You can't keep dragging on like this all the time?"

Li Ang looked at Man Zhu's silence, and he took the conversation. In fact, in Li Ang's view, these three people are fine even if they are released. He is confident that it is impossible for these three people to break his [Holy Shield], plus Li Ang is very used to it, and he doesn't care much. At this time, Zhang Yang and others had already turned into the side trails of the mercenary union building, but it was quiet here, and most people wouldn't run around here. After looking at the vaguely mottled blood stains on the surrounding walls, Zhang Yang stopped and threw the three people to the wall at will, then said lightly:

"For me, people respect me, I respect people for one meter, and vice versa. Since these three people have killed you, it has threatened the safety of us three. If I handle it in my way ... … "

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang raised his right hand wrapped in bandages and gently gestured across his neck. This can't be more simple. Zhang Yang is ready to kill.

"Don't! They didn't really hurt me, and they have already learned the lesson at this time. Let me just let them go. Let me kill three people who can't fight back. This ... I can't do it. ! "

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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