Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 409: Acting and extortion

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Zhang Yang looked at Man Zhu, who was flushed with excitement, and his expression did not change at all. His tone is as plain as ever, but in this narrow and secluded path, Zhang Yang's voice actually gives a very eerie feeling!

"It's really difficult for you to be a strongman, but it's normal for me to do this, completely killing the threat in the cradle, and never going to suffer."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words without pressure, Man Zhu's heart was unavoidable, this person definitely killed many people! Otherwise, you will not be so indifferent to life. At this time, Man Zhu not only can hear his nervous heartbeat, but even feels that the sound of Li Ang's heartbeat beside him seems to be much faster.

"Can't you let them go? Even if you give me a thin face!"

"I can't just let them go ..."

Zhang Yang's words just fell, and the three mercenaries at the corner struggled to sit on their knees and beg for mercy!

"Adult! We know we are wrong! Please let us go! We are willing to pay the ransom! The ransom!"

"Don't kill us! We are just confused for a while! Give us a way of life!"

"Forget it! Master!"


In fact, when Zhang Yang dragged the three people out of the mercenary union hall just now, the three were already awake, but Zhang Yang tied the three people ’s ropes that are commonly used in the Slavic kingdom. The rope can withstand great strength, and even if Zhang Yang does not use the strength of [Thunderbolt Strengthening], it is impossible to free himself from this rope with his hands. And because this rope is made of Warcraft's tendons, it has a certain resistance to fighting spirit and magic. Even if it is cut with a sharp weapon, the third-order black iron level soldiers have to go all out for long.

With Zhang Yang ’s powerful and keen perception, how could he not know that the three had already awakened, except that on the one hand, he did n’t want to kill people in the city to cause trouble for Ingil, who was a sergeant, on the other hand, he did n’t want to let these three in vain People, so they deliberately pretended not to know that they woke up. If Zhang Yang really wanted to kill the three of them, he wouldn't just be stunned. Instead, he would kill the three directly by attacking Manzhu's head.

As for Man Zhu and Li Ang, they really don't know. In fact, Zhang Yangzheng needs the two to sing a red face to plead for the three of them. Otherwise, Zhang Yang will have to worry about what method to use to let them go without causing doubts and deepening the hatred of the three.

"Oh, did you wake up? Do you know that it's too late to be afraid? Where did the violent fighting go before?"

"Adults are forgiving! We have no eyes, so don't see us in general!"

The three mercenaries now know that their life and death are between Zhang Yang's thoughts. How do they feel under impulse? Once they calm down, in this dark alley, the three mercenaries really feel the fear. If you die because of a task, the mercenary union will at least give the family a pension according to the proportion of the task reward amount, even if you go out, there is nothing shameful. But if they die in the alley in this way, the three of them don't think the City Guard will pay much attention to the death of the three ordinary mercenaries. So after feeling that Manzhu and Li Ang pleaded for them, the three of them begged for forgiveness.

"For my companion's sake, it is not impossible to spare your three lives, but ..."

"But what?"

"According to the rules of the mercenary world, if the party who lost in the duel wants to survive, it will have to pay enough! I can't just let it go, how many gold coins are you three going to use to redeem yourself?"

"This one……"

In fact, the three mercenaries had just been promoted to Tier 3 Black Iron Junior, and almost all their savings were spent in order to buy a decent outfit. Almost everyone in the mercenary world will do this. Equipment and weapons directly determine their survivability and lethality. If you want to save more money to make more money, early investment is necessary. Although most people died in the process of carrying out their tasks in the end, the mercenaries spared no effort to arm themselves.

"Is there any problem? Do you three think your life is not as important as gold coins?"

Zhang Yang looked strangely at the trio, thinking that they did not want to pay, so in order to put some pressure on them, Zhang Yang quietly released a trace of killing intent to the trio while speaking!

You have to know that whether Zhang Yang was in the past or after his rebirth in the Orlando world, his ruined life is not short. Although it is slightly worse than those on the battlefield, it is much stronger than the ordinary killer. So even if he just let out a trace of killing intent, the three mercenaries suddenly felt as if they were being stared at by the extremely poisonous golden ring viper in the vicinity, and the whole person was instantly immersed in ice water from head to toe. !

At the same time, in the mercenary union behind Zhang Yang and others, a guard in the guild was reporting to the old man with a white beard on the second floor. It ’s not surprising that ordinary mercenaries only see battles, but the appearance of the light sacrifice is a bit unexpected. In fact, it ’s okay, but the old man, as the president of the Mercenary Trade Union of Bross City, got the news at hand. Too much more than others. There have been secret news from the capital, Franks, that a great change has taken place in the Light Temple a while ago. Many light sacrifices and light priests seem to have become a person overnight. At the same time, their strength has risen, and people have become weird. stand up. Not only did they call the Temple of Light the Temple of Light, they even had some crazy behavior! This is almost inconceivable for the light gentle sacrifices and pastors. Because of this, the old man will pay special attention when Man Zhu and Li Ang are discovered today.

(The two people still seem normal. Although the effects of those few magics are a bit too strong, this should be the talent magic of those two little dolls? What a jealous guy! When the level is so low I awakened the talent magic, I am afraid that the future achievements are unlimited. Hey ~! Just do n’t know what happened to the Light Temple in Franks ...)

At this moment, the old man in deep thought suddenly turned his head and looked out of the left window! There, he felt a very cold, cohesive murderous intention! You know that this old man is not only the chairman of the Bross City Mercenary Union, but also a powerful sixth-level Zijin junior swordsman! Swordsmen are inherently more delicate than warriors in all aspects. Although the destructive power of swordsmen at the same level is worse than that of warriors, in general, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages.

(It is possible to control the killing intentions to such a degree. Such a person has not seen him for a long time. Curious, why did he appear outside the mercenary union? Could it be that the group of assassin unions specially provoked it? No! If they do, I am afraid that they will directly assassinate several mercenaries to provoke them. So, who is this man?)

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