Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 447: The threat of fifth-order magic

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When the magician successfully uses the magic of [Enhanced Fireball], it will track the target according to the magic mark that the magician locked in advance with mental power. Although this magic will also produce elemental dissipation during flight, it wants to rely on speed Throwing it away is almost impossible. Therefore, after Anna realized that the other party was preparing fifth-order magic, Anna had no choice but to confront the other party in the way she did not like the most!

In a sense, Pete's choice is completely correct, but the skills force you to fight for strength. This is Pete's fighting wisdom!

(I do n’t know what kind of fifth-order fire magic he is about to release. First of all, [Burning Light] can be ruled out. This magic release is too difficult, that is, many fifth-order magicians ca n’t cast it. [Fire Armor] Although It is a combination of offensive and defensive magic, but in comparison, the attack power is not as strong as the defensive power; [Burst Fire Ring] is a large-scale group attack magic, which can be ruled out; [Fire Pillar] although powerful Magic, but not a fourth-order magician can use it; [Flame Knife] is somewhat possible, but this magic is the most powerful within ten meters and is almost indestructible, but looking at the number of battles that person is not used to close combat Yes, it ’s just that [Enhance Fireball] magic!

But in a moment of thought, Anna analyzed what kind of fifth-order fire magic Pete wanted to use. Although Anna did not dare to say that she was 100% sure, she also had more than 80% confidence!

In fact, with the total amount of Anna's fourth-order silver primary magic power plus the increase of a series of equipment such as staff, magic robe, and magic ring, the fourth-order magic she can release is still somewhat small, and now the remaining magic of Anna is only enough to use One fourth-order magic and two third-order magic! In other words, Anna not only needs to use this little magic to break Pete's fifth-order magic, but also defeat her opponent! This is really difficult ...

However, Anna was still calm at this time. She clearly remembered all the content that the husband had taught her: no matter when, don't panic, use the wisdom of the magician to fight ...

Seeing Peter's smile not far away chanting mantras, Anna moved her hands to release the magic! As for how to fight various professionals, there are some preliminary explanations in the course of Beidou College. Anna remembered that she had discussed with the mentor in the academy about how to break the possibility of locking magic. Although there was no magic experiment at the time, Anna had already had a preliminary idea in her mind! Now at this critical moment of victory or defeat, Anna has used a method she has not tried!

[Magic Bomb] It seems to many arcane magicians a very tasteless magic. Although this magic is powerful, it is completely immovable! Rather than being an attacking magic, it is better to be a bomb like a magic trap. After the Arcanist casts a spell successfully, an arcane polyhedron suspended in mid-air will appear in front of him. This big fist will slowly rotate itself when it appears. If the magician does not actively detonate it, it is only about In ten instants, this arcane polyhedron will explode on its own, its power is comparable to ordinary fifth-order magic! In fact, most Arcanists have to learn this magic before using it to advance to Tier V, otherwise do n’t want to use the most explosive [Explosive Missile] of Tier 5 Arcane Magic!

Anna always remembered the beginning of learning magic, the instructor told himself a proverb of a magician: There is no useless magic, only incompetent magicians!

Today, Anna's level has exceeded the magic tutor who enlightened herself at the time, but she never forgot this sentence. Seeing that the magic released by the two sides was almost completed at the same time, the audience outside the arena was nervous and excited, squeezing a sweat for Anna! Tier 5 magic is not a child's play, nor is the magic circle in the arena foolproof! If you are hit by Pete's [Enhanced Fireball], Anna will really burn away!

At this time, people's attention was all focused on Anna, and the rest of the field had been completely reduced to support. Even if Jason used only dozens of moves under the full attack, the shield soldier's weapon was directly fought and won. No one pays too much attention. As for Lily's side, her opponent was an organist who was good at hiding and arranging organs. Now in the empty environment of the arena, he is equivalent to abolishing most of his skills. Just now Lily shot the three arrows. The thief saw that he was unable to attack the team in close proximity and was hopeless in victory. He was immediately frustrated and left! Seeing this, Lily jumped her feet but was helpless. With her mouth unhappy, she finally had to stand around with Jason and others to watch Anna and Pete's ultimate duel ...

[Enhanced Fireball] released by Pete is a round fireball that is only the size of a fist, but bright and dazzling. When the fireball appears, it drags a red flame tail straight to Anna and flies, although its speed and third-order fireball The technique is no different, but everyone present will not underestimate its power. A fifth-order magic is not too strong, but it can already cause damage to a sixth-level or even legendary strongman. At this time, coupled with its ability to lock in mental power, even Dunbula whispered together Both Duo and Buji were nervous for Anna.

After all, Burgi is a seventh-level legendary magician. Although he specializes in water magic, he also has profound research on other magics. In the early years, he had explored the mainland with Dumbledore and some friends of the four colleges. While exploring the ruins, he was lucky to get a bimonthly magician's inheritance notes. I know that if you want to practice to the final point of magic, it is not enough to specialize in one. Therefore, after breaking through to the legendary level, he did not rush to continue to advance, but took the time to start studying the use and principles of magic in various departments.

At this moment, if you count the entire arena, there are a few people who can guess Anna's next move. Master Burgi and the mentor who had discussed the arcane magic with Anna must be included in it. It's just that, besides them, Neil Jelina in the stands could guess a guess!

(Anna's method is exactly the same as the idea of ​​the adult ... And like I called Lord Wright as the "adult", she will also call the adult as the "sir", could it be ...)

Seeing that Pete's attack came straight to her, Anna's performance was surprisingly calm. She had already prepared two third-order arcane magic with the remaining magic in private. When the fireball came to her, Anna Only then raised her hand to release her spell!

After successfully releasing [Enhanced Fireball], Pete felt refreshed, but just after he realized that Anna not only did not shirk, but released the famous chicken rib magic to stay in place, Pete's rampant laughter suddenly passed through the magic of transmission. The whole arena spread all over the place.

"Ahahaha! It's ridiculous to die me, you stupid! Are you afraid that you haven't died completely? Do you want to add some more" fortune "to my" Enhanced Fireball "? Hahaha! But okay, if you are yourself My magic exploded into fly ash, I do n’t even have to take a hint of responsibility! Hahaha !! "

However, Pete's rampant laughter had not fallen, but Anna's counterattack began!

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