Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 448: Poor Robbie

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When [Enhanced Fireball] went straight to Anna after passing the [Magic Bomb], Anna detonated the [Magic Bomb] decisively in an instant!

In a flash, a bright purple brilliance accurately wrapped the [Enhanced Fireball] in flight! The release of the strong magic power immediately stimulated the power of [Enhanced Fireball]. For a time, bright purple and bright red were entangled, and the magic and elements could not be extinguished, and it was about to explode!

At this moment, Anna's situation is already very dangerous. Her position is too close to the fuchsia light. Not to mention a delicate magician like her, even if it is replaced by a soldier of the same rank, I am afraid that it will explode. Instantly turn gray!

At this time, thousands of people in the arena have almost raised their hearts to their throats. Everyone wants to see what life-saving means of this female magician who has brought many surprises to you before? ! At this time, if Anna said that she was not nervous, it was fake. She was very clear about the power of this "thing" in front of her. As long as there was a slight difference, she would never have the chance to see the person in her heart!

(Please bless me to be successful! Sir!)

After silently praying in the bottom of her heart, Anna completely broke out! She first set herself a zero-order arcane magic [magic shield] that most casters would know, and then when the fuchsia light ball was about to explode, Anna released a third order below the front side of her body. Arcane Magic [Ring of Resistance]!

In an instant, the light of the [Ring of Resistance] struck the ground of the arena, and its power acted on Anna because it could not shake the arena at all! At this time, under the protection of [Magic Shield], Anna's whole person flew out diagonally and upward! At the same time, the fuchsia light group that had reacted to the limit exploded in an instant!

Boom ~ Boom! !

The combined power of the fourth-order arcane magic [magic bomb] and fifth-order fire magic [enhanced fireball] has been consumed by itself, but the remaining power is still different from a fifth-order single magic Not much! The explosion at that moment not only created a dark red fireball with a diameter of more than five meters directly on the spot, but then this fireball released a circle of purple arcane energy fluctuations around it as it continued to expand and was about to be destroyed!

This was completely unexpected by everyone. In addition to Anna, who flew herself into the air, even Jason, Charlotte and others who were standing in the distance were pushed back several meters by the purple energy fluctuation. ! The magic matchup between Anna and Pete created a compound magic of the Arcane and Fire series under impossible circumstances! It's just that compared to Anna's appearance in the air, Pete is much more unlucky!

The three-level fire defense magic [Fire Shield] has both obvious offensive and defensive deficiencies. First of all, because it has a certain attack power, its defense ability in all aspects is much worse than that of the same level of magic shield, and secondly because of [ Fire Shield] This magic is a hard and expendable magic defense, which makes it completely inelastic when it encounters a magic attack, and will only consume its own elements to fight consumption. Finally, there is the problem of the shape of [Fire Shield]. The shield formed by this magic is not [Magic Shield] the kind of "egg" shield that can cover the whole person, [Shield of Fire] The defense layer can only block the range in front of the caster, which makes Pete ’s remaining three layers of [Fire Shield] block the purple shock wave, but [Fire Shield] not only completely consumes itself, but the impact force that has not been completely eliminated But still let Pete sit down on the ground!

At this moment, Anna, who was in the air, did not consider how to land. After seeing Pete falling, she raised her hand and fired a third-order arcane magic [Arcane Missile] to Pete with the last trace of magic!

If Anna's missile was placed at ordinary times, it could not cause trouble for Pete, a fourth-order silver intermediate magician, but now this blow has become the last straw to overwhelm the camel! I saw this [Arcane Missile] slammed into Pete's magic robe, not only broke the constant "magic shield" on Pete's magic robe, the remaining power also blasted the magician with blood Fainted up!

At this point, although Anna's magic power was exhausted, she still defeated the other magician! Just when Anna dropped a parabola from midair, Jason was waiting for her under Anna ...

At this point, the eighth hunter unit has completely failed, except for Robbie, the Red Armor Warrior who is still floating in the air!

"That ... Medici, we are all over here. Should you put that guy down?"

At this moment, not to mention Robbie himself, even Charlotte felt that this guy was a little pitiful, although in terms of the level and physical fitness of the warrior, the [wind binding technique] released by Medici would hardly cause him Nothing hurts, but Charlotte believes that in fact this guy's heart is definitely already bruised ...

"Ah ?! Have you finished playing on this side ?! Oh, I didn't pay attention!"

After hearing Charlotte ’s words, Medici came back to life. This release of magic trapped Robbie can almost be regarded as Medici ’s first battle. On the one hand, he is actually very nervous, plus control. Wind Bound] is extremely focused, which makes Medici almost ignore everything around him. Now being awakened by Charlotte, he directly stopped the control of the magic of [Wind Bound], but ...

Boom! Ouch ~!

"You ~! You ~! You you you !!!"

With the sudden closing of Medici, the original "wind binding technique" outside Robbie disappeared in a flash! This time I was suffering from Robbie who was trapped by [Wind Binding] for nearly five minutes, because the body was unable to move before, and because of being in midair, when [Wind Binding] suddenly disappeared, it was unprepared. Robbie, this fourth-order silver intermediate warrior, fell from the air and fell on the ground of the arena!

At this time, his face was flushed, and in anger, Robbie had forgotten to stand up for the first time, but just stretched out his left hand and pointed at Medici ‘you, you, you’ speechlessly.

"Oops! Sorry and sorry! I was so happy that I forgot to put you down gently! How about it, did you feel any pain?"

Medici is also wonderful, seeing Robbie can't sit on the ground, he even scratched his head with an apologetic holding the fat white cat Garfield! Looks like that, he is really not intentional!

Robbie was trembling with anger at the moment, but his mouth was open but he didn't know what to say. At this time, he felt that he was really embarrassing and thrown into the grandma's house. The laughing stock? ! Thinking of seeing Medici here even want to come over to help himself, he endured the sorrowful tears and burst into tears:

"You wait for me! This hatred is not a good man! I will come back ~!"

Having said that, with a white light on, he took the initiative to raise his hand to give up and was directly sent out ...


"That, do we really have to wait for him here?"

The phrase asked by Medici after a long silence, completely stunned everyone who was stunned by Robbie's move to the outer focus, even the fat cat Garfield in Medici's arms. I have covered my face with a pair of furry front paws!

(Is this product really natural, or is it deliberately selling cute meows ?! This handsome meow is really uncomfortable! Why didn't I find him this early ...)

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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