Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 459: Change of Shenxing Lake

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Zhang Yang's moment of contact with the purple thunderbolt seemed to see the end of the Tandani world with his own eyes. The scene of the destruction of the face deeply shocked Zhang Yang, especially the terrifying, gorgeous and ultimate flash when the Tandani planet finally exploded. , Has almost reached the limit acceptable to creatures! Under certain circumstances, the ultimate beauty is terrible ...

In fact, when Zhang Yang saw those scenes and everything returned to normal, it only happened in a flash, but just when he had just recovered, the lightning thunder nebula in Zhang Yang's soul suddenly "moved" suddenly! At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly found out that from the thunder nebula in his soul, he actually released a blue thunder!

This blue lightning electrode is weird. Generally speaking, the violent power like thunder and lightning represents destruction and destruction, but this blue lightning is giving Zhang Yang a sense of vitality! In a trance, the azure blue lightning flashed through the space of Zhang Yang's soul as if it was infinite, and then, without any response from Zhang Yang, he suddenly collided with the purple lightning outside him!

Magcha was not only very nervous at this time, but also had a deep apology for Zhang Yang. In fact, there is a great danger in contact with the "seed of the world". For thousands of years, except for the epic strongman and the big druid Mario who survived after touching the seed of the world, then All the creatures that have tried are turned into dust under the impact of the thin layer of purple lightning!

Magcha couldn't bear it. He didn't want innocent people to die for it, but the Terna people really had no choice. For the future of the entire race, Magcha will continue to do it even if it runs counter to his heart.

('Light of the World' appears again, will he be the son of destiny in the prophecy?)

Before waiting for Magcha to continue to think about it, a burst of blue electro-optical light has been intertwined with the purple thunder outside the world! As for the place where the blue and purple thunder and lightning are intertwined, it is above Zhang Yang's body!

"Is this the legendary" Light of Creation "?! The" Light of Creation "mentioned in the Doomsday Prophecy actually appeared! The Terna people have been saved! We finally wait until this day !! "

On the shore of Shenxing Lake, Li Ang and Manzhu had arranged the camp for a while. The two were sitting on the boulders by the lake looking at the water and chatting. More than ten minutes had passed since Zhang Yang went into the water. It is quite common for ordinary people to achieve a two-point leak under apnea. In addition to professionals with special abilities, the ordinary fourth-order silver-level strong men have only apnea time under the water, but Zhang Yang has been going down for so long. Li Ang and Man Zhu have begun to worry about his safety.

"Has this Wright guy hung up? Even if it's hung up, let's take a bubble and let us know! Okay? It's almost fifteen minutes. Has he not come out under water yet? It's abominable!"

Facing Manzhu's tenth thought, Li Ang can only helplessly sigh. He usually sees Man Zhu as a good-looking lady. How could she know that when she vomited, she had the potential of a rotten girl! Another point was missed, just as Manzhu was about to speak again, Li Ang's nearly collapsed voice came before her.

"I said elder sister, aren't you tired if you missed one time ?! Wright said he didn't have to worry about his safety when he went down. I also know that you are worried about him, but he hangs and hangs over and over again. My heart is starting to die, right? "

"Are you a foodie who has no heart? I think you have no bottom in your stomach, right ?! Anyway, which of your eyes sees me worried about him ?! That guy hates it very much and really hangs up I'm so happy! Huh! "

"... Are women all so miserable? They don't admit that they are clearly worried!"

"... Believe it or not, I threw you into the lake ?! Then you can try your [Holy Shield] can it be waterproof!"

Just when Manzhu turned and threatened Li Ang to throw him into the lake, Li Ang, who was facing Shen Xinghu, suddenly opened his eyes wide and stretched his right hand to tremble in the direction of Shen Xinghu behind Manzhu, grinning and speechless! It looks as if he has seen something incredible!

"Don't you think this trick is a little too naive? You still want to lie to me! Don't think this trick can lie to me ..."

"Light, light! Behind, lake!"

"Huh! I still want to lie to me! How could ... Hey ?!"

Manzhu didn't believe it yet, but the horror suddenly came from behind her suddenly covering everything around Shenxing Lake! At this time, under the pressure of that terrible atmosphere, Manzhu couldn't even control herself to turn around. However, from the reflection of Li Ang's pupil opposite, Manzhu could also see the blue-violet electricity column suddenly rising from the water! !

(This, is it a thunderbolt? It's a terrifying power! Just how can there be a purple thunderbolt ?! What the **** is this guy doing ?! With such a big movement, has he been injured ?!)

(Wright ... don't hang up ...)

At the bottom of Shenxing Lake, Zhang Yang and Tandani World Seeds have been completely pressed into one place by the blue-violet lightning beam. At the moment of the blue-violet lightning, Zhang Yang ’s body except the space ring on the left index finger and the In addition to the space bag on the waist, all other items including long swords and clothing instantly turned into fly ash! Although at this time tens of thousands of Terna people were already kneeling together excitedly, Zhang Yang still had no choice but to run out in front of tens of thousands ...

(Damn! Why is the whole body suddenly out of control ?! Huh !? Is this?)

Zhang Yang, who was in the blue-violet mine column, suddenly found that his right hand, which had only his hand bones, was completely recovered without realizing it! Not only that, the azure blue light that was released from Zhang Yang's body at that moment, even carried Zhang Yang's body tempered again!

At this time, Zhang Yang could realize that his strength unexpectedly increased by one level to the level of the third-tier black iron junior warrior. In this way, in terms of strength and physical quality, Zhang Yang is enough to match the fourth-tier silver. The strong level fights. If you use [Lightning Enhancement], Zhang Yang ’s burst of power during the skill duration can completely compete with the fifth-level gold level strong!

The pillar of blue-violet lightning only exists for about ten instants, but in such a little time, the power released by the pillar of blue-violet lightning actually evaporates one-tenth of the lake water in a large Shenxing Lake! At this time, Zhang Yanggang withdrew the control of the body and had to observe the surroundings in the future. A force of pure and solid soul has come into contact with him.

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