Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 460: Eternal contract

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The souls of the existing Terna people have been extremely weakened. Even the souls of the powerful Terna people like Magcha are only stronger than ordinary humans at this time. If there is the protection of the 'seed of the world', these Teres The soul of the Na people had been destroyed together with the world of Tandani.

However, at this time, the power of the soul in contact with Zhang Yang completely subverted the previous cognition! This soul power is too powerful. Zhang Yang feels that if he attacks himself with the strength of this soul power, he doesn't even have the power to fight back! In a moment of contact, Zhang Yang even felt that even if he practiced to the legendary epic level, at most he would be able to protect himself. Fortunately, this outrageously powerful soul is not hostile to Zhang Yang. The reason why he came into contact with Zhang Yang is just to sign a contract!

"The starry sky serves as a mirror and swears with the soul: Our Terna survivors will treat you as the supreme master, and your will is our desire. Even if the crystal wall is destroyed, the Terna survivors will never regret it!

Zhang Yang never thought that he would encounter such things. The signing of the soul contract is not a joke, but that is the most binding contract between the crystal walls! Once the soul contract is signed, there is almost no possibility of repentance for the convenience of the contract. Especially like the current master-servant contract, if Zhang Yang does not agree after the conclusion, then the souls of these Terna survivors who signed the contract with him will never be able to Get free!

In fact, Zhang Yang thought of it when he saw the content of the contract. That powerful force of the soul came from the souls of all the Terna people in the "Tandani World Seed"! This is a result that can be achieved by combining the soul power of millions of Terna people! Zhang Yang could not imagine how they did it, but it also indirectly illustrates the power of the Terna people.

Yes, this soul power is too powerful for Zhang Yang at this time, and even so powerful that Zhang Yang wants to refuse the choice of Terna people! Zhang Yang, who has bought and sold, has seen it, but this kind of forcible recognition of the Lord, Zhang Yang is estimated to be no one before and no one after. The most troubling thing for Zhang Yang is that this contract was concluded when he was **!

"What are you guys !?"

Zhang Yang, who had come back to the first time, took out a long cloak from the ring of space and put it on his body. He had no exposure to it. There was no way before. At this time, Zhang Yang even secretly decided that he must find materials to make one. Armor that can withstand lightning baptism! Even if it doesn't work, even if there is only one pair of shorts ...

At this time, including the Magcha, the souls of all the Terna people around were tired, and forcibly signing a soul contract was too much for these Terna remnants with only souls left.

"The Terna ... finally ... waiting for you, Lord! You really are the 'child of destiny' in the doomsday prophecy!"

"... even if I am the child of fate in the prophecy, you do n’t have to be so extreme that the whole family forcibly signs a soul contract with me ?! Are you still afraid that I wo n’t run? . "

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Magcha's expression was a bit unnatural. If he had only left his soul, he could not sweat anymore. In fact, one thing Zhang Yang really guessed right. The reason why he was in a hurry to force a contract was to fear Zhang Yang let go! Not only that, the Terna people have a special soul, so that the caster rich in this race can not only use many soul union skills, but also ...

"Lord, please calm down! This ... I really can't wait any longer! But Lord, rest assured, our Terna survivors are actually very useful! Don't look at my weak soul at this time, that is Because there is no body, if there is a suitable body, we will soon be able to restore most of the combat power! "

After listening to Magcha, Zhang Yang was interested. In fact, Zhang Yang had already decided that it would be fine if he could help this poor race. The reason why he was a little angry was that the Terna had forcibly signed a contract. Zhang Yang wants to take control of his own destiny, even if he really is a child of Roush's 'destiny of destiny', he has to decide his own future path! But now that the contract has been signed, and it seems that there is no harm to Zhang Yang at the moment, plus the terrible picture of the Terna people, Zhang Yang does not intend to pursue it anymore.

"Oh ?! Is it possible to occupy the body indefinitely? And what kind of body is 'suitable'?"

"Of course, it is impossible to occupy the bodies of other creatures indefinitely! Each Terna has only one time to renounce ** the opportunity to occupy the body of other creatures with the soul [Occupy] the other creatures, the reason why we and others were able to enter the world's species 'It's also because of this racial talent! And whether our Terna people use the [occupancy] ability, the body will die completely if it dies. As for what kind of body is' suitable', it is of course a taller humanoid Best of all, if [Occupy] Warcraft, the original soul of Warcraft will have a great influence on the soul of the Terna people. It wo n’t take long before the soul of the Terna people will be assimilated by Warcraft and become a special mutation. Warcraft. "

(So, did the mutant Warcraft near Shen Xinghu come this way?)

"That's all? If the Terna people occupy the human body, would they get the memory of the original owner of the body?"

"The possibility is extremely small, and we have a lot of restrictions when we occupy the intelligent life. Generally speaking, it is determined by the strength of the souls of both parties. According to our analysis, there are very few Lords in the human world of Orlando. With the power of the soul, most creatures can only use a little spiritual power, and the life with the power of the soul can no longer be [occupied]. When the Terna people use the [occupied] power, they will first destroy the other ’s Soul, and then absorb those soul fragments, so that you can control the body freely. Scholars in my family believe that only complete souls have complete memories, and the memories contained in the absorbed soul fragments are mostly physical movements. Instinct memory, even if there are still some human memories, is just a blurry picture flashed by accident. The dominant body is [occupied] by the body memory brought by the soul of the Terna. "

"Can the Terna people [occupy] the corpses of creatures? There are things like undead in this world."

Hearing Zhang Yang asking this question, Magza obviously hesitated, but he only hesitated for a moment, and then told Zhang Yang completely.

"Yes, Lord. In fact, the Terna people's civilization used to have a 'dead guard'. They are a special group of undead creatures, but most Terna people are reluctant to choose this one even if they have to be a last resort. Road. Occupying a corpse is not the same as a living body. Not only is there no remnants of body movements in the corpse, but the breeding power of death will also cause confusion to the soul of the Terna! Only about 20% of the Terna are in After occupying the corpse, you can become a "dead guard" with the original consciousness, and the remaining ones will become real undead creatures who have lost their memories and only know the killing! "

"So can it occupy 'Undead'?"

"It is also theoretically feasible. The" soul fire "without the will of the undead must be extinguished, and the success rate of being transformed into" guard of the dead "is still 20%."

"Okay, I know all this. Now I have to leave. The movement just now has already shocked many powerful beings. What is your decision? Do you want to stay or leave with me?"

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