Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 599: Call of the wind element

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Zhang Yanghun, who pierced out of Minotaur's big demon's chest, was not contaminated with the slightest blood of the devil, except that his entire body was radiating a current from the inside out! It looks almost more daunting than demons.

At that time, the great Minotaus demon with a big hole in his chest was still not dead. He saw that he fell to his knees with a grunt and grabbed the right hand of the hammer, as if he was still lifting it. Zhang Yang, who had just landed at this time, originally intended to rush directly to Ophelia, but when he realized that the Minotaurs demon was not dead behind him, Zhang Yang swung his left hand with the last second. , The huge double-edged axe suddenly turned into a silver-black light and shadow, and suddenly passed through the neck of the great Minotaur ...

After the completion of Zhang Yang's body, the duration suddenly reached the limit. He only felt that his body was heavy in an instant, and the thunder and lightning that overflowed from the body suddenly disappeared. Although Zhang Yang stumbled at this time, he didn't care about his condition, but tried to run towards the direction of Ophelia's fall to the ground more than twenty meters away.

"Ophelia! How are you doing! Tell me where you hurt!"

Instantly dropped his arms and knelt beside Ophelia. Zhang Yang gently lifted Ophelia to see that she had passed out without knowing the personnel! Fortunately, Zhang Yang calmed down. He reached out and pressed Ophelia's neck lightly, and then carefully rolled her eyelids, finally relieved.

(Fortunately, I just fainted, and my life was unharmed, but I did n’t know if there was any other injuries on my body.) Thinking of Zhang Yang laying Ophelia flat on the ground, hesitated a little, but still put his hand on her At the position of the heart, he gave a light hammer twice. Feeling that Ophelia's heart was beating again, Zhang Yang possessed her and pinched her nose, blowing it into her thin lips.

"Cough! Cough! Wright ... Wright! Hey?"

The first sentence of Ophelia who opened her eyes suddenly was shouting Zhang Yang's name, but when she saw Zhang's determined face close to her, she was stunned. In the obscure Ophelia felt her tiny lips seem to be covered by something, and she woke up with a breath of air.

(Did ... Wright did he kiss me? Just like the fairy tale did when the prince rescued the princess ...) At this time, Ophelia's brain was still a little bit unresponsive, but after a few moments, she remembered the previous What happened!

"Wright! What about that great Minotaur? I just remembered that I rushed over and prepared to attack it. After hiding from the weapon of the demon, I was stunned by a punch. What about the demon ?!"

Seeing Ophelia's face was only pale, as if there was no injury, Zhang Yang felt relieved. At this time, after listening to Ophelia's question, Zhang Yang tilted his head sideways and gestured to his back, and the corpse still glistening with blood suddenly caught Ophelia's eyes!

"Gosh ..."

Assam couldn't believe his eyes. He seriously doubted whether his eyes had been deceived by some magic! Assam knows that his cheap master is very strong, but at most he feels that this brave and cruel human being is just a fifth-level gold senior strongman infinitely close to sixth-level!

If you do not see the scene in front of you, Assam ’s speculation is still correct, but the power to kill the fifth-level gold senior Minotaurs devil in seconds must be a legendary level! He can even use legendary power! Oh! My goodness! This news is really crazy!

Assam knew that Zhang Yang could do this, absolutely using some kind of forbidden surgery! Now that Zhang Yang is not only alive, he can even stand up with that pair of heavy weapons, Assam knows that he may not be able to get rid of this human control in his life ...

In fact, Zhang Yang's condition at this moment is not as bad as expected. Although he has used it before, when he uses it again, Zhang Yang knows how great his progress has been!

In the past, if Zhang Yang ran out, the whole person was as if he were going to die. Not only did his body ache in pain, but the weakness caused by overload was enough for Zhang Yang to suffer. But now, after continuous use with Zhang Yang, after carefully feeling the state of the body, I found that the load actually exceeded only about 27%!

Looking back at the battle just now, Zhang Yang was also pleasantly surprised to find that the time he used had actually risen from just three instants to four instants! Don't look at this is just a momentary difference, but in the state, Zhang Yang's speed is already extremely fast! This moment is enough for him to attack several times in a row, or to rush out dozens of meters in an instant!

Now that Ophelia is fine, Zhang Yang will not waste the full power of the demon in this demon's body. I saw that he returned to the body of the Great Devil of Minotaurs, stretched out his hands and pressed them on its head and trunk . Suddenly with the madness of biting Eru, a powerful force of demon was suddenly inhaled by Zhang Yang!

After about half a minute, Zhang Yang reached the limit and stood up. At this time, the head of the Great Minotaur in his hand had turned into ashes and fell from his fingers, while the corpse was still bleeding. The size of this demon is too big, just the power of the demon essence contained in the head is enough for Zhang Yang to advance.

At this time, Zhang Yangzheng saw Assam standing honestly and respectfully and dared not speak out. He glanced at the remaining corpses and said:

"Assam, is this devil's blood good for you?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's opening, Assam immediately rejoiced! I saw him knelt on one knee with a thud, and said with a look of panic and panic:

"Great master! The blood of the Great Devil of Minotaurs is an absolute supplement for our blood race! If I **** up the remaining blood of him, it will definitely return to the fifth-order golden rank instantly! In this way, it may even be possible to restore the original strength! "

"Well, then the rest of the body will be left to you. Remember to completely destroy the body after sucking the blood. The devil ’s incomplete death is really annoying!"

"Relax, generous master! I will burn it to ashes with it!"

"Oh! By the way! Wait a minute!"

"the host……"

Looking at Assam's eyes that suddenly became a little bit grudge, Zhang Yang really wanted to kick him in the past.

"I said that you will naturally not regret it, but the opening conditions required for the magic door over there are unclear. Wait for Ophelia to try you and it will not be too late."


In fact, Zhang Yang's concerns are very correct. The opening conditions of the black magic door actually need a rib of the Minotaur! If Assam had burned the body and burned the body just now, Zhang Yang was afraid that he would have to fight with a monster of this strength ...

Seeing Ophelia seemed to withdraw his hand, Zhang Yang put her hand on the magic door.

"Just let Assam get one, otherwise your hand will leave and you will have to reactivate the door with blood."


Hearing Zhang Yang's words, without even using his command, Assam himself ran over at full speed and took out the half-magic sword to get the rib of a great Minotaur. After putting this thing in Ophelia's hand, I saw her gently pressing her ribs against the magic door, and the door finally disappeared slowly.

Seeing Assam's eyes looked at him like a puppy who wanted to eat but did not dare to eat, Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, then Assam rushed to the huge body with a happy face ...

"Shall we wait for him for a while? Or should we go over and see first?"

Ophelia was suddenly anxious, because after the magic door opened, she suddenly felt its strong wind elemental breath from the other side of the door! If she guessed right, the next trial room should be a special space dominated by wind elements!

"Wait a minute, Ophelia. I used the strength beyond the endurance limit. Now I am in a state of overload and weakness. The fighting power has not been saved. It will take about ten leaks to recover. Ophelia, you have always been calm, why did you suddenly feel a little irritable? "

Hearing this, Ophelia immediately blamed herself. She paid attention to her needs and feelings and did not care about Wright's physical condition! Think about it too! The Great Devil of Mino Taos is the fifth-level golden peak, enough to compete with the sixth-level powerhouse. Wright can kill him instantly, must he use some kind of powerful forbidden technique? !

Thinking of this, Ophelia immediately grabbed Zhang Yang's hand and said with great regret:

"I'm sorry Wright! In a hurry, I forgot to ask about your situation! Where did you hurt? Will the ban on you have an irreversible effect !?"

Feeling the tenderness in his hand, Zhang Yang just smiled lightly and didn't answer, but instead asked Ophelia why he was unconscious just now.

"Ophelia, I didn't feel you hurt when I rescued you, but why did you faint? I admit that the monster's power is huge, and some are beyond your tolerance, but you are hit by it. It ’s really weird to pass out. "

Hearing Zhang Yang asking this question, Ophelia's expression suddenly became serious, only to see that she was kneeling sideways on the ground and thinking for a while, then hesitantly said:

"At that time ... I thought you were anxious in being blown away, and rushed over without thinking, but then the core of grudge in the body not only released a lot of grudge instantly, but also began to shrink and spin violently. If you guessed wrong, probably I have reached the edge of the fifth-level gold junior! "

Speaking of which, Ophelia didn't know whether it was because of excitement or shyness, and his face suddenly turned red. Seeing Wright's thoughtful look, she continued:

"Actually, this is why we are in a hurry. The door should be the wind space suitable for my promotion! If you practice in that kind of wind element and its abundant place ... I will have confidence as long as there are a few leaks. Break through to the fifth level of gold! "

[,! ]


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