Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 600: Land of yellow sand

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"It turns out that ... but you have to be a little restless. After all, the enemy we are facing now is the fifth-tier golden peak guy. I even doubt that there will be a sixth-order opponent in the next space! Preparations rushed past, we are really dangerous! "

"Oh ... I'm in a hurry ... I'm sorry ..."

"There is no need to apologize, I can understand your mood. Speaking of this trial, my results seem to be much larger than yours ~"


After about half a hour, Assam suddenly heard a strong coercion! A momentum that belongs to the fifth-level gold level spread instantly.

"It seems that the little white-faced strength seems to be restored."

"It's such a strange vampire, it seems to be a little different from the undead spirits in the impression."

"Maybe, there will always be a few freaks."

"Ah! Dear Master! It's very bad to arrange people's bad words behind you! What's more, I heard them all ~"

As Assam got it, the voice of the voice came, and the beautiful vampire boy wearing a noble costume with holes in the hole came to Zhang Yang's front. For this guy, Zhang Yang feels that he is completely the same type of existence as Lanster, although the language is a little bit particular, but no matter how much nonsense, or the degree of chatter, it is almost the same!

"There are no bad words about people. You are a vampire, not a person."



After a long break, Zhang Yang even slept beautifully. It wasn't until he woke up that his state had fully recovered before he called Ophelia and Assam to walk towards the channel.

This time, the passage linking the two rooms has become significantly longer, about three miles away, and the three people saw the exit. It was a dry yellow desert with a radius of a few miles. The giant looked at the sky, and the hundred meters above it was completely covered by a layer of suppressed gray clouds. Although it looks no different from the Land of Nowhere, let alone Ophelia, a wind professional, even Zhang Yang can feel the active wind element in the surrounding air!

"This place is a bit weird ~ I can feel the danger, but I didn't find it somewhere. Did you find anything, Ophelia?"

"It's not there yet, but if I guess, it's either in the clouds above or below the sand sea?"

"I think the beauty is right!"

"I think it's good when you don't speak, so you should be a quiet beautiful man!"

"Oh! Since you said so, I will try to be a quiet beautiful man for it!"


When the three of them set foot on the sand sea, the passage behind them slowly disappeared. Touching the rough rock wall, Zhang Yang couldn't think of what would have been an empty passage just now.

"What to do now? Let's stand here and wait for the monster to appear?"

From the beginning of this trial, Ophelia and Zhang Yang seemed to become an ordinary female warrior, or to restore the mentality of being a girl, and no longer regarded themselves as the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion. To a certain extent, it is also a complete release of herself. Perhaps this is the only reason why Ophelia has not reached the peak of Tier 4 silver for so long.

At this time Zhang Yang was frowning and watching the clouds in the sky without saying a word. Ophelia, who was not answering, unconsciously glanced at Assam next to him, and when he saw it, he was right. She pursed her lips, said a word, and almost didn't suffocate Ophelia!

"Don't look at me, I just want to be a quiet beautiful man now!"


Ofelia was about to strike Assam's head with a scabbard, but then Zhang Yang suddenly said:

"Do n’t make trouble, I feel like there is a gaze in the sky looking at us! At this height, even if we see nothing, we ca n’t take it, go to the magic gate first. Other random response, remember to walk against the mountain ! "

For Zhang Yang's words, both Ophelia and Assam fully obeyed. Besides, there was no other way to think about it at this time, so the three of them walked along the gray-black mountain wall on the right side and walked to the opposite side.

In fact, the further you go forward, the more the three can feel the weirdness here! In this wide sand sea, even the most sensitive Zhang Yang has found no signs of life! Is this a dead zone at all? So what is the gaze from the clouds in the sky?

There is a question in Zhang Yang's mind at this moment, he can't feel the end of the upper part here at all. No matter how his perception extends, he only feels that it is really a sky above the clouds in the sky! This feels similar to the previous Lava Bridge! Below that magma river, Zhang Yang also felt incomparably deep, almost endless!


This sea of ​​sand is not too big, and not too small. However, at the speed of Zhang Yang and three people, it didn't take much time to walk in a circle. However, when the three people did not find the magic gate after a full circle, Ophelia's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Suddenly she thought of the magic door hidden deep under the bones in the cave, which really made her a little goose bumps!

"Wright ... I think the magic gate is probably under the sea of ​​sand ... how are we going to pass it? Is it digging?"

"Almost impossible. The sand is not as solid as the ground. Before we dig it, the surroundings will collapse. So this method is not feasible, but you are right, the magic gate should be under the sand sea, just We need an opportunity before we can continue. If I guess right, it might be ... "

"What is it ?!"

"Come on, don't be restless, anyway, there is no way for now. It's better to start your cultivation directly and try to advance!"

"That's fine, then trouble you to protect me!"

"It's my honor!"

In fact, Ophelia is already impatient, but she knows that her experience in adventure is very different from that of Wright, so she will never act rashly without getting Wright's approval. Now that cultivation can finally begin, Ophelia is really excited, but when she sits against the stone wall and enters the cultivation state, her chaotic thoughts disappear instantly.

As Ophelia transported his family's ‘Split Wind Fight Qi Jue’, the core of the fighting spirit in her body suddenly spun up! In fact, Ophelia has reached the critical point of promotion these days, and all she needs is to practice seriously from beginning to end in such a place full of wind elements!

At this time, with the stalemate of Ophelia's body, the wind element in the surrounding space was suddenly attracted! Perhaps because the wind elements here are too abundant, when Ophelia fully absorbed the outside wind elements, a stream of wind-like wind elements appeared outside her!

(Huh !? Ophelia seems to be a bit difficult this time! This kind of vision appears, maybe she will have unexpected gains!) Because the more pure elements, the more aggressive they are, Therefore, when Ophelia was almost wrapped in the light band formed by the wind element, Zhang Yang and Assam could only retreat a few meters away to observe carefully. But with the passage of time, one by one, until after a long time, Ophelia in practice has no signs of stopping the absorption of external wind elements!

Although Zhang Yang's cultivation methods are different from those of ordinary professionals, he has also practiced a "deep-water fighting spirit" before, so when he saw the situation of Ophelia at this time, he made a slight estimate in his heart and thought that The elements of wind she has absorbed now have exceeded the limit of the fifth-level gold junior!

Does it mean that Ophelia has not been promoted before? At this time, if he is promoted, he will directly go to the fifth-level gold intermediate level or even the fifth-level gold advanced level? ! This is simply incredible!

However, with the large amount of wind elements scattered in the space here being absorbed by Ophelia, a large amount of wind elements have to be released in the clouds in the sky to maintain the element balance here. Until this time, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the mysterious gaze in the sky had locked on Ophelia!

At this time, there was silence around, except for the patches of wind element particles, the sky gradually converged into a band of wind elements, and then was sucked into her by Ophelia's mouth and nose. The atmosphere of the whole sea of ​​sand has changed It's getting more and more depressed. Zhang Yang even felt that there was a feeling of tranquility before the storm!

"Master, I feel that this place has suddenly become a little bit dangerous, and there seems to be a violent force gathering in the sky! When will her cultivation continue, beautiful lady? If she continues like this, there will be danger and change, what shall we do? Do? "

Seeing Assam suddenly asked, Zhang Yang was actually anxious, but at this time he could see that Ophelia was at the most critical moment of cultivation. If it was forcibly stopped, it would not only make her miss this rare opportunity, even It may also hurt her body!

This is like an engine running at full speed. Suddenly it is stuck and forced to stop. Even if it does not explode on the spot, it will greatly reduce the service life! And this situation is the true portrayal of the core of grudge in Ophelia!

"Let's just wait and see how it changes. But if there is a real danger, what are the two of us doing? Isn't it just guarding her cultivation? If a monster appears, destroy it, it's that simple."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Assam began to scratch his head again.

"But, great master! It's easy to say that encountering monsters and the like, but ... I have been thinking to you like Wisdom. If, I mean if, if there is any natural disaster here, such as quicksand , Things like hurricanes, what should we do? "

[,! ]


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