Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 609: The second white magic door

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In front of the three Zhang Yang, the large group of puppets originally stood quietly in the hall, but just after the three stepped into the hall, the puppets' eyes suddenly showed red 'color' light! At the same time, on the wall of the slightly darkened hall, a tragic red 'color' light band also lit up, and the cold eyes all fell on Zhang Yang and three people at the moment. [A lot of beautiful novels] -..-

"This ... Master Wright, can we really rush over?"

Not to mention Assam's confusion at this point, Ophelia was also hesitant. Even if the average strength of these puppets is not very strong, but hundreds of guys with fourth-order strength and great strength come around, it is also numb to think about!

Just as Zhang Yang and three people looked at the statue puppets in the hall while hesitating, a heavy footstep suddenly came from behind the door! The puppets who had been thrown away by three people and moved slowly in the passage before they wanted to come had been caught up now. Seeing that there was no escape route behind them, in order not to be hit by the front and back, Zhang Yang had to pull out the warhammer and walked into the hall.

Zhang Yang didn't know how these puppets worked, he just knew that when he stepped into the hall, these puppets turned and rushed towards him.

(The load of the body now exceeds the standard, and it will return to the normal value when there are about four leaks. In this case, it can be used twice at most. Although this will increase the degree of overload, as long as it does not exceed 200% The strength of the warning line will not continue to decline. As for the soreness caused by the overload later, it is really nothing compared to the crisis at this moment.) Too late to think about it, Zhang Yang will collide with the rock statues coming in front of him In one place. Normally, Zhang Yang's combat power is close to the fifth-level gold advanced level. However, due to his weak overload, he has weakened by 30%. Today, he can only barely maintain the fifth-level gold intermediate level. Up and down, can not last.

But even so, Zhang Yang was more than enough to deal with these statue puppets. I saw the warhammer flipping up and down in his hand. Every time this heavy weapon was swayed, it would inevitably bring up a gravel and various puppet stumps. Seeing him being so brave, Ophelia will not fall behind, but unfortunately her thin sword is not suitable for dealing with this rock puppet, although the bonus of grudge is not bad, every time can leave a deep body on the target puppet Deep sword marks, but unless she can "go" the core of the puppet in a sword, it will not cause fatal damage. cotton candy

Seeing that Zhang Yang and Ophelia had already rushed to the past, Assam had to keep up even if he didn't want to.

. However, Assam did not attack at all at this time. In his view, these ordinary statue puppets did not threaten his master at all. The real trouble was the metal puppet who was unmoved on the high platform in the middle of the hall.

After such consciousness, Assam's attack mode suddenly became a semi-assist type. I saw that he almost gave up the direct damage magic, but chose to frequently use first-order and second-order dark magic to weaken the enemy. .

Although it belongs to low-level dark magic, its power has always been favored by dark magicians. Especially when dealing with targets like rock puppets that are slower to move and have higher defenses, you can even weaken the local defense of the puppets! So much so that Ophelia even cut off the arm of a statue puppet with a thin sword ‘Morning Dawn’ once!

As for those who have a full "sex" reduction effect of 25%, they are also extremely useful. The rock statue puppets, which are slow in action, suddenly become more wooden. In this case, they watched the heavy warhammer in Zhang Yang's hand. Can't stop it! In this way, the cooperation of Zhang Yang and the three people made some tacit understanding, not only the speed of advancing very fast, but also a broken puppet fragment left behind ...

However, about two minutes later, Zhang Yang and three of them suddenly felt empty, and they were born under the siege of hundreds of giant fourth-order rock statue puppets and rushed to the middle of the hall! Zhang Yang's attention was now focused on the metal puppet, and just when he broke the head of the broken 'leg' puppet in front of him, the metal puppet on the platform jumped up. , Jumped up to a height of four or five meters and smashed directly in the direction of Zhang Yang!

"Be careful!"

All of a sudden, the metal puppet suddenly hit a big pit on the palace floor! At this time Zhang Yang and Ophelia had already hidden away, and the powerful blow of the metal puppet suddenly emptied.

"Oops, it looks great, try me a try!"

Assam, who hid a step earlier, finally used a fourth-order one this time. If he was hit by this magic, the target would instantly fall ‘sex’ by as much as 45%! From the perspective of Assam's level, the duration will be around two points!

However, just when the black "color" light ball with cursing power hit the back of the metal puppet, the dark metal body even swayed a multicolored light! After the light ball hit this layer of light, it melted directly into it!


! How is this going? "

This is not the first time Assam has used it. He has never seen such a reaction before. Normally, once hit by the light ball, the light ball will suddenly become a black mist covering the target and gradually penetrate into the body. And it is the first time he has been directly melted and absorbed like this!

In fact, the change of this metal puppet completely exceeded everyone's expectations. When it absorbed the light ball, the speed of rushing to Assam was a point faster than the original! Look like that, as if the magic released by Assam just now was absorbed by him!

After seeing this scene, Ophelia was suddenly stunned, and she saw her brow furrowed and thinking about the 'color', but in one breath, she seemed to think of something, not only suddenly her 'color' changed greatly , Also nervously shouted:

"Assam dodge! This is a puppet master with a magic absorption shell!"

"Wow? What is that?"

Do n’t look at Assam ’s obsessive and incomprehensible appearance, but his reaction at this moment is really not slow! When he saw that the metal puppet opened a pair of big hands and threw himself at himself, Assam didn't even care about the noble image he had been trying to pretend, and he ran to Zhang Yang and hid behind him without hesitation!

"Hey! Have you ever seen such a timid slave ?! Behind the master when he is in danger. He has boasted of being a brave and noble blood family before. Are you a mosquito? Are you all blind to this handsome face? Now! "

Maybe Zhang Yang was used to it. At this time, when he heard his sarcasm, Assam actually had no shameful consciousness, but he answered rightfully:

"I am not a normal slave! Besides the great master, who else can have such a handsome Vampire Earl as a slave! Besides, I am not timid, but see the situation clearly! Miss me How can a magician fight a sucking puppet! I am actually doing this to protect your property! "

Looking at Assam's righteous words, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and Zhang Yang is helpless. Why did he pick up such a wonderful flower? It's totally unreliable to the legendary cold and vague vampire! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang could only shake his head helplessly and asked at Ophelia:

"How do you deal with this stuff? Isn't your grudge useful?"

During the talk, the metal puppet had already rushed to Zhang Yang. If there was no injury, Zhang Yang might have a chance to try the power of the metal puppet **. Now, he is not going to hurt himself.


Instantly picking up Assam's collar, Zhang Yang sideways to hide. Perhaps it was attracted by the magic in Assam's body. The metal puppet, who stood beside Ophelia, ignored it and stared at Assam. So good, this metal puppet chasing Zhang Yang and the two, and Zhang Yang, not only has to carry Assam to dodge around, but also to avoid the attack from the surrounding rock statue puppets, for a time, the entire hall suddenly became a mess .

"Wright! My grudge attack didn't have much effect on this metal puppet. I'm afraid it can only be eliminated by hard consumption! What should I do?"

After chasing a few times behind the metal puppet and attacking, Ophelia suddenly found that the effect was very small. Not only that, but the metal puppet didn't even bother to care for her. She continued to chase after Zhang Yang and continued to attack.

Suddenly smashing a puppet of a rock statue in front of him, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a weight on his body, and unconsciously used it to the limit and disappeared by himself! How dare Zhang Yang stop at this time, if there is no blessing, he can't break the rock puppet of the fourth order strength like this now.

In desperation, Zhang Yang had to use the last time within the safety range, but at this time he suddenly remembered a key problem!

(Just saw that the magic "gate" seems to be white "color"? That means that it is enough to rush over with Ophelia ?! It really collapses! And I wonder how to destroy this metal puppet! It wouldn't be better to rush over!) Thinking of Zhang Yang here, he didn't look back, but yelled while running:

"Ophelia, let me get rid of these puppets, you go over the magic" door "first! This time it is a white" color "magic" door ", should it be able to be opened directly? You go to open first" Door ', we'll be there soon! "

"Ah? Oh! Got it! Be careful, Wright!"

(I even forgot such a crucial question, did I not get up? I actually forgot the white 'color' magic 'door' this time ...) Because Zhang Yang caused a great deal of noise from the metal puppet, So there weren't many rock puppets that attacked Ophelia. Ophelia, secretly annoyed in her heart, accelerated to circumvent these clumsy rock puppets in angrily, and soon slipped to the white 'color' magic 'door, and when she put her hand on that pure white When the flawless magic "door" comes on ...

[,! ]

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