Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 610: Enter the water world

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At the moment, Zhang Yangzheng carrying Assam, who was yelling, couldn't help but rush right and left. Behind him, not only the noble metal puppet rumbling chasingly, the dozens remaining in this hall The puppet of Zun Rock Statue was almost all attracted to him, shaking his body more than five meters high, holding a pair of big hands and staring closely at Zhang Yang and Assam.

"Wow ~! Great master! How come there are so many puppets in this ghost place ?! And they are still chasing after you! Could it be that you have sinned them before ?! Ah! Be careful on the right, they are all around ! "

Don't look at Assam's miserable cry at this time, but he is not a fart and is very safe. In fact, with the strength of his fifth-level gold intermediate vampire, self-preservation is definitely more than enough. However, in order to attract the attention of these statue puppets, Zhang Yang forced Assam and his magic to wander around, so there will be a scene today. .

"Release your magic and don't distract! Otherwise, be careful I will throw you out as a hammer!"

"Ah! Master, please throw me to the beautiful lady, okay !? When they chase you, you ..."

"Don't confuse the concepts, they are obviously chasing you, okay?"

"How is it possible! I'm visiting this ghost place for the first time! Why chase me !? What a hell!"

"You are not a dead spirit! In a sense, isn't it a ghost! Actually, I guess these statue puppets may be 'mothers', and I decided to chase you after seeing you so handsome. Of course, just 'They' are too enthusiastic! "

"Ah ~ this ~ this ..."

Just as Zhang Yang Yiyue stepped on the rock statue puppet in front of him and jumped to the right, a white flash suddenly came from behind! At the same time, some of Ophelia's anxious voices also passed along!

"Wright! The door is open, come here quickly! There is a black magic door on it that is descending!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang looked back violently, and saw Ophelia standing outside the exit shouting loudly at the magic gate. And above the hole left after the white magic door disappeared, there was a dark magic door falling slowly! Look like that, if you can't rush in before the black magic gate falls, I'm afraid that the three people will have to face the task and challenge of the black magic gate again!

(A good door, even if it's opened, what can you do with so many agencies! Did the builders here anticipate this situation?)

Not to mention whether this is a trap prepared for multiplayer trials, Zhang Yang's only option at this moment is to rush over while the effect of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] on him has not receded!

"Assam, are you ready ?!"

"Ga ?! What are you ready for !? Lord ... Aha !!"

Just as Assam's head was filled with fog and he was asking questions, a strong force suddenly came from behind him! Before he had finished speaking, he was even thrown out by Zhang Yang!

"Ah ~! Don't use me as a hammer! Huh ?!"

Assam originally thought that Zhang Yang would throw it to which puppet, but when he was frightened to fly in mid-air, he suddenly found that he was thrown directly in the direction of Ophelia! This is great, as far as Zhang Yang's power is concerned, Assam, the guy with more than 100 Parkers, directly throws a few tens of meters away at Ophelia's side without any pressure!

As Assam flew across the parabola, the group of puppets next to Zhang Yang suddenly dropped him, turned around and rushed to Assam! Seeing that the metal puppet crouched slightly, it seemed that he would jump directly over, but Zhang Yang jumped on it and stepped on it.

The power of this foot is very great, not only does this metal puppet who don't know how many step on the ground can't jump, but also makes Zhang Yang rush straight up to the sky and rush towards the magic door ...

With the black magic door banging tightly from the top to the bottom, the three men in the dwarf drill at the last moment finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"I didn't expect that there would be such an institution. It's really weird. But where is this place?"

Looking at the black magic door behind the wall, Ophelia stood up and patted the chest. Just now, all three were nervously concerned about whether it was safe to come in. Only then did they have the energy to observe the surrounding environment.

In general, the number of channels on each floor will reflect some of the characteristics of this layer, even if it cannot be at least absolutely safe. However, looking at the blue brick walls that were very similar to the original maze, the three could not guess what they would face in the end.

"Ophelia, if you remember correctly, this should be the second safe room?"

"Yeah, this is already the eighth trial room, and two more times, we can pass this trial!"

"Well ... I'm afraid there won't be no danger here? Do you remember those fear bees and moths in the fairyland? I think the things we need to face this time are only more dangerous!"

"It's not impossible ... so now we?"

"Let's take a break here for a while. I now have a physical load that has reached the cordon. If I am really in danger after going out of the passage, I am afraid that in my current state, I am unable to provide enough combat power protection, or take a break Right. "

For Zhang Yang's words, Ophelia has now unconditionally obeyed. It's just that when the three of them just sat down and rested but didn't leak, the walls on both sides of the passage began to squeeze into the middle! Although the speed of the merger is not fast, but look like that, it is impossible to continue here! Unless Zhang Yang and others want to be sandwiched into meatloaf ...

"I'm wiping it! This handsome guy just fell asleep and you gave me this hand! Let me know who designed these traps, how do you see me ... um ... this ..."

Assam wanted to say a few threatening scenes, but thought that the builder here might have been dead for some time. Second, if he didn't die, that kind of existence was not something he could provoke, so his last words In the end, he didn't say it, but he stomped his feet forward and chased Zhang Yang and Ophelia forward.

Fortunately, this straight passage was only a few hundred meters in total, so when Zhang Yang and the three ran to the exit, the wall behind them was only about half closed. However, this is not the point. Looking at the obscurity mist outside the exit in front of me, Zhang Yangshi didn't know what would happen after this step.

What if it's in the clouds? Will it last forever? Of at least three people, none of them can fly now!

"What about Wright? There is not much time left for us to choose ..."

Looking at the wall of the passage that is still closed slowly behind him, although Ophelia's tone is a question, her expression is calm. Along the way, Wright's calm calmness and resourcefulness had already convinced her. Now Ophelia even believes that no matter what difficulties and enemies will at most knock down Wright, but will not trouble him.

"I don't know what the terrain is in front of me. I just reached down and tried it a little bit, and found that there is no road underneath. I just don't know how high it is."

"Is it really like what you guessed, is this in the clouds? Are we not dead yet?"

"This possibility is very small, after all, this is just a place for trial! There is no limit to strength, which means that no matter how high or low the strength is, it is possible to pass, and there will not be the kind of mortal situation. Otherwise, will it lose meaning?

"Yeah, what about us now?"

"... I have an idea, but I don't know if I can succeed. In short, try it first. After all, we don't have much time left for us."

With Zhang Yang's gaze, Ophelia looked at the channel that was closed to about one and a half meters on both sides, and nodded. At this time, Zhang Yang actually took another bundle of ropes from the space ring, and then he took out a metal rod that looked very familiar.

"what is this?"

"It's the truncated grip of Warhammer Omok's power, which can be useful here."

He was saying that Zhang Yang had tied the head of the rope to the piece of metal rod. He saw that he measured the width of the wall that was closed on both sides of the channel, and said while receding:

"Pull the rope and go out together when I say jump!"


"Good master ... is your method reliable?"

Assam, who had been quiet for a while, couldn't help but speak, but he seemed to be not enough to clean up. As long as he spoke, he would always make people feel the urge to beat him!

"Do you have another way?"

"This ... doesn't seem to be ..."

"Then don't hurry me!"

At this moment, Zhang Yang saw that Assam had pulled up the rope, and simply lifted his foot and kicked the words that are good at mocking and pulling hatred directly! At this time, the walls on both sides of the passage happened to be caught by the metal rod in Zhang Yang's hand. When he saw this, Zhang Yang let go, and he also pulled the rope and followed the screaming Assam to jump out of the passage ...

The rope prepared by Zhang Yang is 30 meters long, but this length is obviously not enough for the moment! Not only that, when Zhang Yang and three men jumped down, they found that there was no trace of walls outside this passage! The expected impact of the three didn't happen at all, but grabbed the rope and swayed back and forth in the mist!

"Ah ~! Is this really in the middle of the air ?! Oh my god! I'm such a handsome vampire Count, do you really want to die ?! Don't!"

Listening to Assam's screams, Zhang Yang, who was not nervous at all, was shouted by him.

"Assam, don't call me a ghost! Isn't it falling yet ?! Besides, you are a vampire! You can't give up your body and become a bat, can you survive?"

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Assam not only did not stop, but called even more terrible!

"I don't want to become such an ugly creature! It would be better to let me die! Not to mention, if I lose my body, where can I find such a handsome body! I! Also! No! Think! Die! !what!"


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