Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 635: Scary Abyssal Knight

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People on the Orlando continent know too little about the abyss. Even the Camod family where Ophelia is. What I know is just some fur. Those who really know more about the abyss. Perhaps only those ancient gods that mysteriously disappeared ...

In fact. At this moment, Zhang Yang and others have no more time to discuss this academic issue. Just before this sarcoma was completely shrouded in deep blue ice. The three remaining sarcomas in the room burst out one after another.

After the explosion, the smelly flesh and blood flew into the ground. Then they were gnawed away by the twisted big mouths with teeth on the ground and walls. Zhang Yang and others finally saw the true face of these abyss knights.

The reason is called the abyss knight. Nature means that they not only have arrogant strength. It also has extremely strong mechanical power. It's just different from the knights that Zhang Yang and Ophelia imagined. The Abyssal Knight did not mount. Rather, each abyssal knight has more than four legs.

Each of these abyss knights stood more than four meters tall. They can only see a trace of human form in the upper body. They have rusty heavy armor covering the entire body. On the fully enclosed helmet. A pair of eyes glowing red glowed with a heart-rending craziness.

The three abyssal knights who came out of the "cocoon". Each has a different lower body. The rusty one on the far left side. The lower body looked like a lion's body. Not only has sharp claws. From the gap between the armor. You can also see gray hairs. The first update and most representative of its abyss biological characteristics. Also count the huge toothy mouth beneath its chest.

When the giant mouth opened. The body of this abyss knight seemed to be cut off in half. It's just that the huge mouth with sharp teeth. You can't see the slightest flesh at all. Some are just an empty darkness ...

At this moment when Ophelia inadvertently opposed his gaze. A deep despair suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart. Driven by that feeling. She even wanted to raise the sword in her hand. Introduce yourself.

"Fiya. Wake up. Fiya. Don't look at their eyes. The eyes of these guys can release powerful soul attacks to disrupt your consciousness."

With Zhang Yang's shouts rang. More and faster chapters are here. Ophelia and Assam were awake from the inexplicable emotions rising in their hearts. At this moment they had no intention of paying attention to why Wright was not affected. Now the two of them. My heart was already full of fear for the abyss knight.

"How are you going to fight it. Now they are hundreds of meters away from here. The mental attack is already so strong. If they are stared at nearby ..."

Assam just glanced at the dark green abyss knight with the lower body of the spider on the right. His heart was filled with endless pain. It felt as if all the misfortunes in the world had happened to myself. Directly call Assam want to be sad and want to go crazy.

Unlike the two abyss knights on the left and right. The lower body of this abyssal knight turned out to be a thick snake body covered with scales. A cursory look. This abyssal knight with black and gray breath throughout his body. Counting the thick snake body of that meter. It was more than ten meters.

Compared to the horrible bodies of these three abyss knights at this moment. Their long-handed saw blades almost as high as their bodies are less visible. But this does not mean that the saw blade in their hands is ordinary. Just look at the size of the saw blade. If it is hit by its front. I'm just afraid that it won't be split into two pieces. It will also be smashed into puree.


The warning signs in Zhang Yang's mind have been so strong as never before. In the face of the three are stretching their bodies. Just staring at the three abyss knights. Zhang Yang was finally unable to calm down. His keen perception has reached a conclusion. These three abyss knights. The strength of each is actually around the sixth-grade Zijin senior. Although it has not reached the level of the sixth order peak close to the legend. But the pressure brought by the close proximity of three of these things. Still makes people want to go crazy.

How to do. .

Now Ophelia's grievances are still only 30%. Assam has only a little more than 30% of the enchantment in the enchanted magic soul beads. As for Zhang Yang himself. Because the recovery time is insufficient. At this moment his physical load was still only half recovered. Can barely use it two or three times or once. If it is used continuously. I'm afraid he has to experience what it feels like to be overloaded by more than 200%.

There are at least three enemies. Even if he used it continuously to kill one or two. The first update, but as long as there is one abyss knight left. It is enough to kill Zhang Yang and Ophelia, who are exhausted and suffering from overload. Think of here. Zhang Yang unconsciously turned to look at the cold-bound zombie behind him.

At this point it still pressed the frozen sarcoma did not let go. As if I felt Zhang Yang looking at it. The cold-bonded zombie occupied by the Terna's soul shook his head stiffly. It seems that the sarcoma should be alive. After a short period of time, it was impossible to count on it.

(Despair, pain, destruction ... coupled with the frozen sorrow behind him. If the four knights of the abyss gather together, I am afraid that only the spiritual impact of natural dispersal can eliminate more than half of the fighting power of your own. Now if you want to die Seek to live in. I am afraid I can only take advantage of them have not gathered together. Find ways to spread them out. Then quickly kill them one by one.)

It's just that Zhang Yang thinks it's good. In actual implementation, it is difficult. Not to mention that at present the three of them do not know what abilities these abyss knights have. Only in terms of strength level. Let Ophelia and Assam, two people with only fifth-tier gold intermediate strength, contain the sixth-tier Zijin senior enemy. This is almost the same as death.

How to do. .

But at this moment. Didn't wait for Zhang Yang to speak. Ophelia said in a hurry:

"I'm so sorry. You have to count on Wright in this final battle. With our strength. You can't fight these abyss knights. Not only that. In my opinion. It's not even possible to cause damage to it. However, Head-on confrontation won't work. But we can draw a little attention to them. If we can disperse them. Perhaps we can create the conditions for you to kill them.

"It's too dangerous. Such a huge gap in strength. If you are blocked or hit ..."

"But is there any other way besides this. Rather than waiting to die. It's better to give it a try. Actually, the most dangerous thing is you. Wright. We just need to run with them desperately. But you have to face it positively Fighting ... I'm really sorry. It's a mistake to participate in this ancient silver Pegasus trial with my current strength. But I still have to pull you in ... "

Feeling remorse in Ophelia's tone. Zhang Yang really did not know how to persuade. Speaking of which, he encouraged Ophelia to come. The problem is that it is useless to say anything now. Looked at the abyss knight on the opposite side that had begun to move to this side. Suddenly Zhang Yang turned back and embraced Ophelia into his arms.

This action is beyond Ophelia's expectations. He hesitated before. Why ...

None of this matters now. The moment Wright embraced her in her arms. Her heart calmed down in a magical way. The warmth and solidity in that embrace. Make Ophelia feel at ease. If he can say those three words. Ophelia felt that even if he was about to die. There is no regret.

It's a pity that the expectation did not come. More and faster chapters are here.

"Be careful. Wait for me."

Finished this sentence. Zhang Yang did not look at Ophelia again. Instead, he turned his attention to Assam.

"This ... Lord Master ... Don't hug us two big men. It feels weird ..."

"... Who said he would hug your little white face who is not a human ... not yet going to work."

"Uh ... Lord Master, this difference is too great for you. Oops. Don't kick."

Unexpectedly, at this time Assam still had such a weird mind. However, the careful Zhang Yang saw a trace of determination and regret in his eyes. he. Has given up hope. Are you ready for death? he. There is something important that has not been completed yet.


"Ah. What is it."

"Be careful. Don't die."


After a short goodbye. Zhang Yang watched Assam and Ophelia rush to the abyss knight who walked slowly on the left and right sides respectively. As for Zhang Yang's goal at this time. Only the guy with the snake body and the black smoke was left. Compared with the two abyss knights with despair and pain on the left and right. Among them, this guy exhaled a devastating breath.

(Fortunately, my spiritual power has evolved into the power of the soul. They are extremely resistant to the breath emitted by these abyss knights. Otherwise, in terms of their streaking defense. I am afraid that they will be affected once they get close. Made.)

At this moment in order to narrow the strength gap with the abyss knight as much as possible. Zhang Yang had already carried his power on the way to launch the charge. Although this pushed his body load directly to about 80%. But when the enemy is unknown. Zhang Yang must adjust his condition to the best. Otherwise, if the enemy is too fast, he has no time to react. But regret it.

(Look at the appearance of these abyss knights. It does n’t seem to be good at magic. Although it does not rule out the possibility of using some talented magic and spell-like skills. But whether it is from the size or the body structure. Their melee strength should be all It is extremely strong. In this case. I want to rely on the power of the blessing alone, I am afraid that there is no chance at all ... Well. It ca n’t be used directly. The big test today is to test where is the limit of this Eure body.)


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