Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 636: Extreme enticement

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Just as Zhang Yang rushed towards the "Destruction" knight. Assam has taken the lead in starting his enticement. At this time, Assam quickly ran to the edge. With the entropy magic soul bead in the hand rises. A series of dark magic of all levels suddenly flew towards the 'pain' knight.

From the lowest level to the second-order dark magic ... Assam who works hard to survive. Starting from low to high in order to test the magic resistance of the target with various levels of magic. However, when the third-order magic completely fails. Assam's heart was instantly cold.

Fortunately, until he cast a fourth-order dark attack magic and its poisonous. The abyssal knight with the power of 'pain' finally responded.

Assam wants to learn the entropy that controls himself. Will be used in conjunction with. Unfortunately, in terms of his control over magic. It is not yet possible to be so nuanced. But even so. When going straight to the center of the 'pain' knight's helmet. The abyss knight who was too lazy to look at Assam before. Finally turned his eyes.

Simply raised the saw blade in his hand. The man who excelled in the fourth-order magic with his powerful penetrating power was just as simple as a black spot. Although this blow does not see the effect at all. The first update but Assam ’s test goal was achieved. Need to defend with weapons. This shows that it still has a little scruples about fourth-order magic. The same explanation. This abyss knight will still be injured by Tier 4 magic.

The news was really mixed for Assam. Fortunately, he succeeded in attracting the attention of the 'painful' knight. The worry is: in terms of the remaining magic power in the enchanted magic soul bead in his hand. The number of Tier 4 magics that can be released will never exceed 40. This is still under the premise that he does not use fifth-order magic. If using fifth-order magic. Then stick to two or three points at most. The enchantment in the enchanted magic soul beads in his hand will be exhausted. Until then……

However, when Assam secretly calculated. The next scene suddenly made his nervous string tense again. The first update is just before. When the knight of ‘pain’ comes close after flying. It even calmly removed the broad saw blade in his hand. Instead, he swallowed the black mass with the horrible mouth between his chest and abdomen.

This scene almost made Assam dumbfounded. However, any strong man above the sixth-order purple gold can easily deal with the fourth-order. But like this guy not far away. Will be eaten as jelly beans. Assam saw it for the first time in his life.

(Shit. How strong is this guy ’s resistance. Dark magic below Tier 4 is completely immune. And Tier 4 magic is a little threatening. But it can be broken easily. And the big mouth between the chest and belly The magic can be eaten. Mom ’s. This abyssal knight can compete with some of the legendary dragons. How can people live ...)

Although Assam's heart was a bit stunned. But the task assigned to him has not been completed. At the moment, the "painful" knight glanced at him. It seemed as if he felt nothing threatening. He turned his head in the direction of Ophelia again. Without any choice. Assam had to cast a spell again. This time. He decided to try the effects of fifth-order dark magic.


As Assam yelled. In a dark mass. Under the most ordinary leadership. The dark element arrows shot quickly by a large tent went straight to the 'pain' knight and shot away. It is a pity that Assam has one wrong estimate. That is the resistance of the Abyssal Knight to cursed magic.

The abyss is the most messy and dirty place among the planes. Even the lowest-level creatures there are completely immune to any curse. Because of this. Assam's hit on the "pain" knight dissipated into invisible without even turning over the ripples. As for what follows. Although the total amount is several times higher than the fourth-order dark magic. But the penetrating power and destructive power are completely inferior.

Watching the 'painful' knight let a fluffy shadowy arrow hit directly on his dirty armor. Update the first time Assam has finally got a general understanding of the defense ability of these abyss knights.

(This is just a turtle ...)

When Assam secretly vomited. His repeated magical attacks finally caused the 'painful' knight to be irritated. Perhaps I don't want this little bug to endlessly use a bunch of magic that can only tickle it. The dark green armor shuddered. The eight spiders under the "painful" knight's knuckle-footed force. He rushed directly to the ceiling and rushed to Assam with his body hanging upside down. That speed. Compared to Ophelia, who practiced a windy grudge, it was only fast or slow.

"Uh ... am I successful in this way ... then next ... escape?"


Compared with Assam's progress in disturbing the enemy. Ophelia's enticement is much simpler.

Perhaps it was because she had the blood of the Camoad family. Or because she is the only woman among the three. While she was still thinking about what method to use to attract the attention of the 'desperate' knight. The "desperate" knight with the lower body of the lion rushed over first.

The bodies of these abyss knights are extremely heavy. Only now appears in several abyss knights in front of the three. Both the lower body of ‘pain’ and ‘destruction’ have a certain degree of concealment and lightening effect. More and faster chapters are here. And the 'desperate' knight rushing to Ophelia. It is to move the barriers on the ground.

But just two breaths. The "desperate" knight, who was four and a half meters high, rushed to Ophelia with a gust of wind. At this time Ophelia had already swelled all the remaining grudges in his body. But even so. When she faced the powerful spiritual coercion of the abyss knight up close. I still feel like a piece of paper. As long as the other party pokes gently. She would be torn apart immediately.

(Absolutely can't resist. The strength of this abyssal knight is really much higher than himself. There is no way to run away. I just don't know how to use my remaining grudge. Can I stick to Wright ...)

Just thinking of this. The person who updated Ophelia the first time had flashed back with a ray of blue light. However, it was not as fast as Ophelia's "desperate" knight. Suddenly sprinting while still more than ten meters away from Ophelia. At that moment, the lion claws of the "desperate" knight slammed the ground full of teeth and strange eyes into flesh and blood. Its huge body weighing tens of thousands of Pakri appeared dragging a rusty phantom to appear a meter behind Ophelia. .

(How can it be..)

At this time, with the blade of the 'Desperate' knight slashing to Ophelia. The shocked Ophelia subconsciously used a life-saving stunt.

This is good. The "Desperate" knight who had a tenacious and stable shot turned out to be abrupt. The first update is when the blow of the 'Desperate' knight, who is known for its absolute strength and speed, slashes on the ground with unmatched wind. After a ferocious earthquake passed. The ground within ten meters. Has been completely transformed into a pool of meat.

At the moment Ophelia's figure happened to be standing a little outside the scope of this blow. Can't see the center of the rolled meat. The 'desperate' knight who slowly withdrew the saw blade. Ophelia couldn't help but feel a sudden palpitations.

Just a little bit. If it wasn't for her subconscious use. Instantly rushed ten meters away. Otherwise it falls within the attack range of the saw blade. She doesn't die. It will also lose all resistance in an instant under the ultimate shock.

(Is this the destructive power of the sixth-order Zijin Senior Abyss Knight ... just a random chop. It can cause the effect of seeming to use his full strength to fight the air. No. That effect is two times stronger than his strongest power It ’s about twice .. I ’ve tried it before. I stepped on the eyes on the ground very hard. I could n’t even step on it. Now this “desperate” knight has destroyed everything within 10 meters ... This is really desperately powerful. I do n’t know if Wright, who is also good at power, can fight against it.)

Finally, it was easy to take back the numerous thoughts that had flowed from my head. Ophelia had no choice but to run desperately into the distance. Want to distance yourself from the 'Desperate' knight. However, when she ran out of the range of about 20 meters beside the knight of Despair. The abyss knight who made her feel "desperate" even brought a phantom again. Hastened quickly behind Ophelia.

Looked at the huge saw blade that was raised over the head again. Ophelia had no other choice but to use it again. It's just that this vindictive technical effect is too strong but it is too domineering. If Ophelia is full of grudge. It may be able to withstand several times of continuous use. But just now. After the first use of the grudge in her body, only less than 10% remained. Now it is barely used again. Although luck had once again escaped the blade of the desperate knight. But the grudge exhausted her completely. I'm afraid even standing is a problem.

(Do I really want to die here ... At the end of this trial. Where my mother once fell ...)

Suddenly Ophelia seemed to remember something. I saw that she instantly took a bottle of medicine out of the space bracelet but her finger thickness was not. There are many tubes of golden inexplicable potions. At this point Ophelia's mouth could not help but burst into a smile. Immediately after she drank it quickly. Ophelia's body was already exhausted. Even more than 20% recovered instantly.


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