Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 721: Battle by the river

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Originally in the current state of Charlotte, it should really stay in the city to rest. However, on the one hand, Zhang Yang was worried that she would be attacked by assassins while staying in Louis. On the other hand, she had to go and see.

So, everyone could only find a sturdy carriage for her, and for her safety, Millier and Diver had to sit in temporarily as her guards.

The small town of Camiche, regardless of the size of the city, prosperity or defensive ability, can not be compared with the other five acropolises, let alone Moxim. However, it also has a high reputation among adventurers, and this is because of the light temple in the city of Camiche.

Mercenaries and adventurers have come and gone from year to year, and injuries are always common. Therefore, the Light Temple, which can treat injuries, has become a place they frequent. It is precisely because there are at least one fifth-level gold-level priest and a large number of middle- and low-level light priests and priests in this light temple, so that it has slowly developed into a distribution center for mercenaries.

Not only is the economy of the small town Camiche a boom of all kinds of prey brought by mercenaries and adventurers, but even local hotels and taverns also account for the majority of Camiche ’s urban commerce. So that when the people who came to Camiche for the first time entered the city, the first reaction was to say, ‘what the eyes see is all taverns and inns! Exclamation.

The tour team led by Ophelia only stayed in the water city of Louis for a few short leaks. After receiving supplies and arranging the silver Pegasus garrison officers to look after the city, the tour team went on the road.

It ’s just that the original plan to circumvent the attackers ’ambush was disrupted. Fortunately, the road from Louis to Camiche was not exactly the same road as the one in the city of Molimsche in the past. If you ’re lucky, The tour team only needs to bear one-third of the original risk.

It's funny, because most of the time has passed since starting to go to Louis City, which caused Ophelia and others to ride a wildebeest along the road to Camiche, a team of about 100 people The attacker may have been annoying, and even left the hiding place when everyone passed by, just standing in the middle of the road and resting like this!

And when they saw the patrol team led by Ophelia, that look could only be described as "seeing the dead"!

Speaking of these, these attackers were originally half-black mercenaries and adventurers, so after the initial surprise, they suddenly recovered. Since it is impossible to hide, it is impossible to conduct ambush and the like, and oneself is regarded as a passerby and a passerby one by one, so that he can watch Ophelia rushing by with the patrol team in his leisure ...

Until Ophelia, Zhang Yang and others passed for a long time, their appearance as if they had eaten flies was still deeply printed in the minds of the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion under Ophelia, so that everyone could not help but haha ​​big laugh it out.

But this kind of anecdote can't be easily encountered once, so when the patrol team is still about ten miles away from the small town of Camiche, across a river that is more than ten meters wide, I finally met a group of more than a hundred people. Attacker. At this moment they had laid down layers of barricades and traps on the only stone bridge. Seeing the full appearance of the bridge, they wanted to let the soldiers rush through, fearing that they would pay a great price.

However, these ambushers are obviously not very strong, because the distance of the river of more than ten meters is not difficult for high-level combatants to want to cross the past! The silver Pegasus knight under Ophelia can fly directly, so their arrangement falls in Ophelia's eyes, which is really ridiculous.

"Any small character wants to chew a piece of meat on my patrol team? It's too small to look at our Silver Pegasus Legion! Could it be that the Silver Pegasus Legion did not show power in the French Empire in recent years, so that they have forgotten our Great? Ha ha ... "

Seeing the light of a grudge of armor between the attackers on the opposite side and four or five colors of the lock mist clothes, Ophelia was actually angry at them.

It is said that because of the relationship between the south and the perpetual **** battle between the Campas orc empire, almost all the major legions in the human kingdom are deployed there, unless it is such a major test as the Ophelia has passed the silver fly ancient test. Event, otherwise the most elite and powerful fighting force of the Silver Pegasus Legion, the Silver Pegasus Knights, usually have no chance to return to the headquarters of Moxiximu, and can only send a few weak Silver Pegasus Knights to guard the city by way of rotation That's it.

So for these attackers who were completely blinded by money and wealth, the power of the Silver Pegasus Legion is just some legends. Only those mercenary adventurers who have really been to the front line of the southern **** warfare will know the orc ’s violent and fierceness, and they will know to what extent the fighting power of the elite knights of mankind has gone.

"Sir Ophelia! Let this small scene be given to your subordinates! We will let them arrogant guys see the true strength of the Silver Pegasus Legion!"

"So, you must be more careful! After all, there is also a fifth-tier gold-level soldier in the other party, but don't be injured for impulse."

With the consent of Ophelia, and hearing their concerns, the four silver Pegasus knights such as Alazon and Bagwa suddenly excitedly led the command. Under the unification of the four of them, more than 200 soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion successively came down to restore the status of infantry soldiers.

Not only that, as the large shield was erected by the front-row soldiers, a line of defense that was significantly more rigorous and tidy than the opposite shore was established.

"For the glory of the Silver Pegasus!"

The uniform roar opened the prelude to the battle. The main force of this battle is the four Silver Pegasus Knights. As for ordinary soldiers, they only need to wait for the Silver Pegasus Knight to clear the road, and they can charge with confidence.

As for those traps and roadblocks ...

"Do you want these soldiers to rush across the bridge against all kinds of traps? Although the bridge is only a dozen meters, but if you rush through it, at least half of the soldiers will be sacrificed ?!"

At this point Sean was really puzzled, and I do n’t know when he had gotten to Ophelia, but his attention was always on the front of the army, so much so that Lanster ’s eyebrows were behind him. It seemed that he didn't see it at all.

"Relax, Sean. There is a difference between the battles that the Silver Pegasus Knights join and the ordinary offensive and defensive! Although there are only four Silver Pegasus Knights attacking now, the effect ... you will wait and see!"

At this point, the four Silver Pegasus Knights headed by Alathon have drove the Silver Pegasus into the air, because during this period they were too close to each other, they took off directly to the top of the stone bridge. Seeing this, the opposite attacker suddenly produced a slight riot, but as the few strong men came forward, the riot's voice gradually suppressed.

"Don't be scared! It's just four flying Tier 4 knights! When they rush over, let's just cut the head and collect the money! Let the arrows!"

As the first-ranking tier-five gold-level warrior shouted and waved a huge axe in his hand, more than twenty shooters suddenly came out of the attackers, and suddenly an arrow with a grudge light rushed straight into the air. Four silver Pegasus Knights shot!


In fact, every Silver Pegasus knight can be counted as a powerful combat unit with dual training of magic and martial arts, offensive and defensive integration, and near and far. Rather than relying on the knight's melee ability to supplement Silver Pegasus 'inadequate melee weakness, it is better to say that Silver Pegasus' magic ability gives the knight a powerful long-range offensive and defensive ability.

Therefore, when the arrow with the grudge was shot slowly and slowly, the four groups of whirlwind shields issued at the same time almost completely wrapped the four silver Pegasus knights! Not only that, but because of the same cast among the same family, these four third-order wind magic [group whirlwind shield] actually miraculously merged into one place! It looks like it is similar to the fifth-order wind magic [Hurricane Armor]!

Come and go, it's not rude, when the arrows from various ranks of archers were blown away by the merged "group whirlwind shield", the four silver Pegasus knights suddenly raised their spears from below to An arc was drawn fiercely across!

After just listening to a loud drink, a series of invisible and quality [air bombs] seemed to drop from the sky as if they were not paying for money. Not only did all the obstacles and traps on the stone bridge be destroyed, but even the attackers on the other side of the river finally showed His defensive formation was also torn apart by the sound of the "Boom" sound [air bomb], and in a blink of an eye it became a mess.

At this time, seeing that the bridge deck had been cleared, the shield-holding soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion even rushed over the shield uniformly without waiting for others to command. The magical attacks released by the four silver flying horses in the sky never stopped, although it was only the most common [wind blade] and [air bomb], and at most one was suddenly burst in the crowd of attackers. The air burst], but under the attack and harassment of these magics, the attackers have completely collapsed.

In this way, if there is no corresponding empty knight who can restrain the silver Pegasus, or a legendary strong man who can fly freely in the sky, this kind of tactics is almost unsolvable!

(If there is a strong shooter, their tactics should also be restrained. It is just that the average shooter professional has a limited attack distance. If these empty knights fly farther and then use magic to suppress, it is also troublesome. No wonder sniper The hands are so tight, should there also be factors in this regard?)

Similar to Zhang Yang's idea, the vast majority of snipers in the human kingdom are concentrated on the front line of the **** battle in the south. There they can arbitrarily play to harvest combat power or money. After all, even the individual powerful dragon knights will have scruples about snipers.

It's just that the existence of the "Shadow Hunter" among the orcs also threatens the safety of snipers. For hundreds of years, the two sides have been killing and killing, almost a profession of mutual restraint.

And when the Silver Pegasus Knight led his soldiers to rush to kill, Zhang Yang felt that the river in front of everyone seemed strange!

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