Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 722: Conspiracy by the river

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Because it belongs to a tributary of an inland river, Zhang Yang's eyes of this small river, which is less than ten meters wide, will not exceed four meters at its deepest point. In addition, the water flow outside the city of Camiche is smooth. Under normal circumstances, the river is still relatively clear. Although it is not yet transparent, it will not be as muddy as it is today.

Today, this abnormal thing has not attracted people's attention because of the battle ahead. Fortunately, Zhang Yang was attentive. After discovering the problem, he immediately reminded Ophelia:

"Ophelia, there are weirdness in this river. You better avoid the river."

Ophelia was a little surprised to hear Zhang Yang's words, but she unconditionally believed Zhang Yang's judgment, so she did not hesitate to give up her command with a grudge:

"Silver Pegasus soldiers listen! All the people move away from the river quickly! The soldiers in front rush through the enemy line, and you fly over Arason, don't stay on the river!"


At this time, after hearing the orders of Ophelia, the good qualities of the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion immediately manifested themselves. The soldiers did not hesitate at all. At the moment of receiving the order, they rushed forward with all their strength. In less than one minute, they penetrated the attacker ’s position and reached 50 meters across the river. local.

At the same time, the remaining people such as Ophelia and Zhang Yang have also withdrawn more than fifty meters backwards, and now there are only dozens of people left by this and the central stone bridge who do not know what happened. The attacker of the incident, and a few wildebeests who dared to drink by the river.

"Damn! What kind of tricks is the girl of Ophelia? Would you like to surround and wipe us all ?! Huh! Don't be afraid! Anyway, Laozi is also a strong fifth-level gold unless she dares herself Come and fight with Lao Tzu, otherwise you will be sent to death! "

In fact, this group of attackers has been afraid of being attacked by the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Only after a round of rushing, the attacker team has already damaged more than 20 people. Ordinary soldiers are injured, but none are dead!

This is the average strength of the attacker team is much stronger than that of the Silver Pegasus Legion. If it is not the case, as long as the strength of both sides is roughly the same, the Silver Pegasus Legion fighters have won a victory.

Now the attackers have been completely surrounded by the stone bridge near the river. Before and after they have the Silver Pegasus soldiers staring at each other, after careful weighing, they can't move forward or backward.

"But boss, what are they doing, what kind of mass magic is they preparing for?"

Not all of the attackers are desperate. In this situation, they can naturally see how strange it is, but just when the leader is ready to say something again to stabilize the people ’s hearts, a very fast black suddenly burst out in the river. Ying, before the attacker responded, he bit the head of an attacker and half of his upper body directly in his mouth!

"This is ... ah! This is nibble! How could this be in this river! Run ..."


Sharp tooth niobium is a kind of amphibious horror warcraft, their single strength is not strong, only about second order. However, this kind of creature with a "tooth snake" with a big toothy mouth is one of the most fierce social warcraft in the waters of the forest of Warcraft!

Because of the social relationship, nibbling niobium belongs to the species with extremely unbalanced attack and defense. A large mouth with fangs covering a third of the body is densely covered. When attacking and preying, it can almost bite through the thick armor of the teeth ! In contrast, their smooth, eel-like bodies are very fragile, and even the first-level professional swords can cause damage to them.

However, perhaps because of the smooth skin on the Nib, they are inherently resistant to elemental magic of various systems. As long as the elemental attack falls, the power must be removed by at least half. This even exceeds the fourth level in efficiency. The Warlock's [Lock Mist Clothing] is resistant to elemental attacks.

However, these are not the reasons why it is really annoying!

The reason why the attacker instantly changed his face after seeing the sharp tooth niobium is because this amphibious warcraft is too crazy! As if they were the most irritable extremists, when these nibbling niobium more than one meter long were attacked, they first swelled their bodies instantly, and then went straight like a ridiculous ball with long feet. The attacker is gone!

When they came to the attacker, they would burst apart with a touch of ground, and the flesh and body fluids scattered in a moment were enough to splash into the surrounding ten meters! I don't know what kind of structure is inside their bodies. These body fluids are extremely corrosive. Even if they wear well-made armor, they can be corroded and penetrated in less than ten instants as long as they are splashed on it!

When this body fluid touches the flesh and blood of living creatures, it is almost comparable to the most violent toxin. Even if a small drop touches the skin, it will not only begin to corrode, but as the blood flows and circulates, it is often a person It only takes a few minutes to leak and the whole body begins to swell, and then the skin is gradually covered with dark spots and die!

So in a sense, this nibble niobium is definitely a horrible warcraft that no one can get close to. Coupled with the fact that there are few valuable materials on their bodies, they never willingly provoked them.

However, there is no absolute thing. As far as Ophelia knows, there is a very lonely guy who is very good at domesticating Warcraft in the Presbyterian Church of the Kamod family. Here, I raised a group of sharp teeth niobium!

These nibbles have never appeared outside the Forest of Warcraft, but now they suddenly appear in this humble river, which is too obvious!

(Has everything started to be used? Isn't it necessary for them to take care of the safety of Olesia? Damn it ... if Wright had reminded everyone in time, I'm afraid everyone would end up with those attackers now! )

As Ophelia thought at the moment, those attackers were really miserable at this time. I do n’t know how much nibbling niobium exists in the river in front of me. At this moment, it seems that those who jumped out of the water and rushed to the attacker are no less than There are hundreds of them.

When the attacker was suddenly attacked, only a few people were killed by the bite, and more of them were struggling instinctively. It's just that they didn't struggle, but this struggle counterattack made the nibble angry. So Ophelia and others in the distance actually watched the sharp teeth of niobium swell into a ball and then exploded!

Those attackers who were in the area of ​​the explosion immediately wailed and fell down a large film, but after a few futile struggles on the ground, they grew black spots completely and no sound.

Only the fifth-level gold-level fighters and several fourth-level silver-level fighters who are close to him can rely on the superior reaction of the superior and the defensive defense outside the body to be able to persevere. It's just that I don't know if the niobium is hungry or mad, and it's a mess to hit the attacker's body.

But the number of nibble is too much, and the number of human corpses is really insufficient. Therefore, the remaining about one hundred sharp-toothed niobium was slammed tightly around the remaining dozen of attackers, but it was the poor Pegasus Legionary soldiers who had failed, and retreated to both sides. Hundreds of meters, it is no longer in the focus of nibble.

"I greet your old mother! Filari! This **** is what you said let us hold the enemy, are you assisting in ambush ?! Actually got a group of demons to attack us, is it because you want to kill both of us together You? Filary, you old bastard, you have to get out of my way! I wo n’t let you go even if I become an undead! Wow ah ~ !!! "

At this time, the attacker leader with Tier 5 gold strength was already crazy. To be honest, he didn't care much about the death of ordinary men. As long as he and the few Tier 4 strength old men survived, they could run a random Within a year and a half, we can pull up a team of hundreds of people.

In his view, as long as there are gold coins, there are always many people willing to sell his life. It is precisely because of this that he is greedy for the hundreds of thousands of gold coins that he may have received, and took over this **** mission in ambush!

Yes! Damn it! The four elders of the Carmod family, Filari, even used them as bait! Okay, it's not unacceptable what the bait is, as long as the price is negotiated, what if all the hands are dead? but! But they even wanted to kill him together! **** it!

Seeing ordinary members die under the monster's teeth and mouth, or the armor was corroded by the terrible venom and then miserably lived to death. This mercenary leader finally began to be afraid!

"Damn it! Lao Tzu is dead today! But Lao Tzu even needs to be put on your back, even if he is dead! Brothers rush! Take these monsters to Ophelia's little skin! Go to death! Haha !! "

In fact, do n’t look at the fierce shouting of this leader, he did it in a deadly way! These nibble niobiums are clearly indistinguishable from one another, and they are not picky, as long as they are flesh and blood. So if everyone is regarded as food, Ophelia is obviously much more than the four or five remaining attackers!

Although Ophelia and others are a bit far from the river at this time, it is not impossible if someone leads them over!

So, the attackers with only six people jumped up, and under the leadership of the fifth-level gold leader, they rushed straight to where Ophelia was! Behind them, the nibbling niobium who had identified the target did not even hesitate, and chased after him.

However, as the leader rushed forward with a stern face, a very fast and dark shadow came to his heart in the blink of an eye!


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