Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 737: Arrive at the mining city

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In fact, Zhang Yang and others have already been on the way to the last stop of the Glory Tour at the moment. There was a place that had been agreed with the person who was poisoned by the 'Forbidden Fruit'-the city of the mining area, Jindler.

The news that the seven princes are struggling has spread throughout the whole flange, which makes the glory tour team led by Ophelia have to step up their schedule, and strive to complete the tour mission before the situation worsens, and return as soon as possible. To Moxiximu City, take over the real power of the Silver Pegasus Legion-Silver Pegasus Knights.

So, Ophelia, Zhang Yang, and others spent only a little more than a day in the small city of Camiche, after completely clearing the killer ’s line of sight, and completely smashing up several deeply hidden strongholds. The patrol team set foot on the noon sun and set off on the wildebeest.

After the battle with the assassin group basically ended that night, Zhang Yang did not participate in the remaining follow-up work. However, at this time, whether he or Neil Jielina was disturbed by this incident, they could not find the original feeling of romance and heart in a short time.

So, Nier Jielin, who was full of resentment, ran to follow the remnant of Ophelia's search for the killer group, but since this time, all of them, including Ophelia, have participated in the silver encirclement The soldiers of the Legion of Horses, it was the first time that they saw this very low-key beauty in ordinary times!

In the light of the pale blue fighting light, the two blades in Neil Jielina's hands seemed to ripple the quiet water waves. But for all the members of the killer group she found, Neil Jielina was the first to rush to the past with a pretty face.

At first, the soldiers of Ophelia's men were still worried about her harm. After all, everyone could see that the girl had some special relationship with the mysterious Wright. If the relationship between Lord Wright and the Commander of the Ophelia was affected by her accidental injury, it would be beautiful.

However, a subsequent scene made these Silver Pegasus soldiers understand that they had been worrying about it before! Although this beautiful woman wearing a light cyan long skirt is not very strong, but her speed of killing is indeed faster than everyone expected!

Whereas this cold Qianying appeared with a long and a short sword, almost all the members of the killer group attacking her were easily killed within ten strokes! Even an opponent with almost the same strength as her, she can easily win!

The unhurried but seemingly appropriate attack, the soft and boneless but always able to attack her body that is not ready to take human life, combined with her cold look that is completely unchanged from beginning to end, unexpectedly. It gives people a feeling of the slight wave of water swaying after drowning people as if in a small river!

So after this, Neil Jelina, who had killed at least a dozen members of the killer group along the way, and had only a third-level black iron level, got the nickname of "Death Ripple"! This made Zhang Yang secretly laughed at the news.

With his strength and record, he hasn't been able to get a nickname. Instead, he has made Neil Jielinna take the lead. But speaking of the few people in the team, only Lanster and Neil Jelena accidentally got the nickname? It can be seen that strong strength does not necessarily make people impressive. Forming your own characteristics is the key to gaining a nickname?

In any case, before the early morning of the next day, Niel Jielina, who was stained with countless bloodstains on her skirt, finally calmed her anger, but when she returned to the 'Church of the First Xia', the person who saw her She would subconsciously choose to stay away from her until the dark red figure disappeared in her room, and many priests in the temple were inexplicably relieved.

That is, in the early morning of this day, several excited female voices suddenly appeared in the ‘Church of the First Xia’, and the location was clearly the room where Neil Jelina and others were located!

But when Zhang Yang, Ophelia and others hurried away, they discovered that Niel Jielina, who had been fighting and killing all night, was inexplicably promoted after returning! Today she is already a sword dancer with a third-tier black iron intermediate grudge strength, but this is why Shaun and others who did not participate in the battle last night shouted, as if they could successfully advance after participating in the battle last night. general.

In the final analysis, this can be regarded as a way for everyone to express envy. Neil Jielina's talent is amazing. Since she was young, she has not received professional training. In just over two years, she can be a weak lady. , To the third level of the black iron intermediate level, these achievements have exceeded most of the so-called genius ...

Before leaving Camiche City, Zhang Yang was about to leave, but when he was about to go on the horse, he seemed to hear something, but the scene lasted a short time, only about four or five seconds. If it weren't for Neil Jielina who had been focusing on him, I'm afraid I wouldn't find it.

However, in the end, Zhang Yang did not say why it stopped at the time, which made Neil Jielina feel that things were a little unusual ...

Speaking of the mining city of Kindler, this is a city that was established at the same time as Moxim City. The thing is, because it was developed entirely for the purpose of obtaining minerals, the city of Kindler itself is not very big.

In contrast, the residents of the city of Kindler are surprisingly many! But generally speaking, people can only see less than one-tenth of the residents in the city. As for the rest, they will either sleep at home or the huge and deep mine underground in Kindler. Mining the ore.

Speaking of the entire French Empire, there has almost never been a shortage of metals. The reason is due to these mines and caves distributed throughout the French Empire. These metal mines extracted from the underground not only brought a lot of metal to the French Empire, but also supported countless miners.

In fact, the metal deposits in the Orlando world are very strange. According to Zhang Yang's study, except for the extremely individual mineral veins, most of the mineral veins in the Orlando world are mixed!

In other words, on one ore vein, not only will produce a lot of iron ore and copper ore, but also will find different amounts of silver ore, gold or precious metals such as myth and silver, even some luck You can also find some gems and the like, but the number is not clear.

Therefore, people living around the mining area inside the French empire will join the huge team of miners to try their luck if they are poor and desperate or want to bet on their luck. After going into the huge cave in the mining area, he almost bet his life.

Landslides, gas, Warcraft, robbers, and even a humble miner are all likely to kill you in an instant! Of course, there are two premises. The first is that your strength is not strong. As for the second? It's when you discover rare and valuable minerals or accidentally get gems ...

Flange is rich in metal, but it is actually built on the hard work of countless people. It's just that in the southern mining area of ​​the French Empire, it's not just hardworking humans who are digging and working. The strong orc slaves are the main force in the southern mining area. On average, each strong orc slave has one day's work, almost equal to the harvest of seven to ten ordinary people working for one day.

It's just that these orc slaves have to work with heavy and strong shackles all day long, even if they dig up valuable things, at most they can only change for a full meal. As for the food eaten by the orc slaves, it is not even comparable to the dogs raised by the slave owners ...

So in general, the mining area is a place full of opportunities and deaths, with treasures and corpses. However, each mine has its own characteristics, just like Kindler here, because under the dual management of the Camord family and the Silver Pegasus Legion, both the order and management are much better.

At least working here, you do n’t have to worry about digging up valuable metals, you will be killed by other miners or black-hearted soldiers. This is the effect of the Silver Pegasus soldiers patrolling, and it is a force enough to reassure people.

Therefore, the size of the underground mine in Kindler City is almost the largest and deepest in the entire French Empire. Although there is no boring and bold ground magician to go to the special calculation, but according to the estimation of the feelings of many senior old miners, at least there is a straight line distance of more than four or five miles from the ground. Therefore, many local people call the underground mine area of ​​Kindler "the Kindler's Labyrinth" really appropriate.

Originally in the speculation of Ophelia and Zhang Yang and others, this mining city, Kindler, was the last acropolis in the Glory Tour of the Six Cities. Under normal circumstances, if the Presbyterian Church and the attackers want to kill In the words of Ophelia and others, this is already the last chance.

If you miss this time, when Ophelia leads the team to go straight to Moxim, they will likely encounter the Silver Pegasus Knights returning from the **** front line when they attack again! At that time, as long as Feiyun ordered it, even if there are seven-level legendary powerhouses, under the joint attack of more than a thousand ranks of silver Pegasus knights, they will be killed here if they fail to do so!

However, until everyone reached the gate of the mining city outside Kindler with 12 points of caution along the road, nothing happened! But at this moment, Zhang Yang, Ophelia and others felt something was wrong!

"Strange! Do you think something is wrong !?"

Sean has recovered completely at this time, so he walked all the way to Zhang Yang's side, which is the middle of the team. But now looking at the quiet and somewhat abnormal city at the bottom of the road at the bottom of the road, Sean's heart suddenly had an unknown hunch!

(Where are all the people in this city ?!)

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