Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 738: Empty city Kindler

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Looking at the city in front of which, although the lights could be seen, was completely silent, and even the sound of livestock could not be heard, almost all the hearts of the members of the Glory Team were raised.

As Ophelia, Zhang Yang, and others came to the gate of the city of Kindler, the gate of the same height, which was built on the wall of about eight meters high, opened so much for half. But in terms of the eyesight of the professionals present, it can already be seen that there is a vague blood stain on the door. It looks as if it has been washed with water deliberately.

"Nima, is this too fake? If the **** attackers did it, wouldn't they dare to kill the city ?! Anyway, there are also people from the French Empire on both sides. What is really unlikely to happen in the city? ! "

Looking at the quiet, tomb-like mining city of Jindler in front of him, Sean was somewhat uncertain. Speaking of small-scale fighting, he has indeed seen a lot, but he still hasn't experienced the brutal scenes of tens of thousands of people and the cruel scene of corpses everywhere.

It ’s not that Sean is timid, it ’s just that he ca n’t bear it, and he does n’t want to see that kind of misery happening, especially when one side is likely to be ordinary people who have no chance to fight back. And all the battles and wars, and the massacre are extremely serious crimes.

Even if the battle between the two countries is just for a little benefit or trivial matter, as long as one party dares to slaughter the city, it will definitely evolve into an endless situation in an instant. Therefore, since the beginning of the magic calendar, most of the recorded massacre incidents were caused by evil creatures such as demons.

As for the wars among the various nations of mankind, it has never happened such a slaughtered city.

"Shouldn't it be? Maybe it's because you were driven away? If it was really a slaughtered city, you should also see a lot of corpses? After all, I heard that the population of the city of Jindler, the mining area, But quite a lot! "

Everyone can't believe the possibility that Sean just raised, at least in the eyes of Lily, an authentic Ladovian, it's unbelievable.

"But how to explain the blood stains on these gates? And here, you see there are many traces of dragging things on the ground, look at the dark red under the soil layer, I am afraid it is ..."

"Okay, everyone, do n’t guess. Since we ’ve been here, let ’s break it. What if there is a trap laid by the attackers, but no matter if it ’s our Falcon Empire Silver Pegasus Legion In terms of the identity of the regiment leader, or justice in his own mind, it is impossible to turn a blind eye! "

At the moment, Ophelia's words were really loud and loud, and the momentum and style between the words were really eye-catching. At the same time, the faces of the Silver Pegasus soldiers behind her are already full of perseverance and worship, but this is what makes Neil Jielina, Anna, Charlotte and even Sean feel that Ophelia Ya Tiansheng should be a commanding character.

But at this time, Neil Jielina suddenly found a problem! Lord Wright, who was just standing before her, suddenly disappeared! ? She just looked at the lower city gate a little bit, which is just a minute or two, when did he leave? !

However, as Neil Jielina looked around and was about to ask, a figure suddenly appeared from the wall of Kindler! At the moment, everyone was nervously alert, so they all focused their attention at once.

"Hey ?! Wright boss, when did you climb up?"

"Yes! It seemed to be standing beside me just now? Why did this blink of an eye just run up?"

"Master ..."


Not to mention what people thought at the gate of the city, Zhang Yang did not pretend to be high and deep after he made his head, but said directly:

"There is no one in this city, only a faint blood stain. Not only that, but also the animals are gone, but the strangest thing is that the belongings of each family are still there. What's more, on the ground of the main street in the city, there are extremely obvious signs of directivity! "

Hearing this, Ophelia had already determined that Kindler was in trouble here. When he did not see the Silver Pegasus Knight stationed here, Ophelia had a hunch. Now it seems that things are really going in the worst direction ...

"Wright, can you tell where the traces are on the ground?"

"I'm not familiar with it, but it seems that I went to the east of the city."

"Well ... everyone listens! Goal: to find the missing people in the city of Kindler for the glory of Silver Pegasus! Let's go!"



As Ophelia entered the city of Kindler, her mood became more and more heavy. What kind of people are the attackers in this big city? How many of them are there? And what is the purpose?

Unlike Zhang Yang, who came to Kindler for the first time, when Ophelia saw the direction of the obvious blood clot in the city, he understood the goal or the end point. This is exactly the main street leading to the Chengbei mining area! Could it be ...

"Looking at the appearance of blood marks, it should have been left at least two days ago. Now that such a long time has passed, I am afraid that we will be in vain to catch up."

As a senior mercenary, Millier rarely puts her feelings into the task. And this matter is not only very dangerous and strange, but also inconsistent with the task itself in her view! You know that the fundamental purpose of Ophelia and this tour team is to go through the six acropolises and finally reach Moxim.

If it's okay to say that the attacked person is fighting desperately, but for some unjustified justice, it is necessary to jump into the trap that is clearly prepared by the enemy. This kind of heroic behavior almost equivalent to death is really naive.

Unfortunately, things are not as simple as Millier thought.

"Actually, you don't know. One of the few silver Pegasus that I saved a lot from Zhou Fei was one with a mysterious mark. This kind of mark can only be recognized and excited by Feiyun, who is the king of Pegasus. After my tour, a Silver Pegasus Knight will join every time I go to the city, in order to finally get the seal, after arriving at Moxim, in front of all the Silver Pegasus Knights, activate the seal, To be able to inherit the glory of the king of the Silver Pegasus. "

"There is such a thing?"

"This is actually a secret that belongs to the Camoad family. If you don't get these marks, the result will be very troublesome. Therefore, even if the glory tour can be successfully completed, we must at least find the silver stationed in the city of Kindler. Pegasus Knight, otherwise ... the hard work along the way will be in vain. "

Hearing this, Mililton was speechless. If it was a risk-taking mission, it would be impossible.

"That's really unfortunate, just hope it's not too exaggerated this time."

If Milir's words are normal as a mercenary, ordinary employers will not say anything, at least Ophelia will not be angry. But at the moment, the silver Pegasus Knight Alashon behind Ophelia suddenly said:

"Mercenaries are really mercenaries. They thought they were just profit-making. Now, it seems that even the most basic courage of the combatants has been lost. Huh, it's really blind to that strength!"

"Why? Do you have an opinion? If you have the ability, do you want to repeat the words just to try again?"

Alathon ’s voice was not small, and after the irony was spoken, the faces of Millier and Sean and others suddenly changed. This time, they were not taking the risk of being mercenaries. They were all to help their leader Wright. And from the beginning to the end, Ophelia took them with courtesy, and there was no such thing as inspiring, and there was no compensation for hurting feelings. Now let Alaron say this, it is strange that Milil and others are not angry.

"Alathon! How can you say that to my friend! Don't leave!"

Ophelia's face was a little ugly at this time, and she didn't expect Alashon to say such things. While this embarrassed her face, she was also afraid that she would be separated from Wright and others. After all, people really wanted to help themselves.

"Miss Miller, I'm so sorry. My men are anxious for the safety of the people in the city, and they just have some words. Please look at my face, don't be angry with him?"

As a commander in charge of tens of thousands of elite warriors and the mainland's well-known silver Pegasus Knights, Ophelia can apologize so low, it is indeed somewhat beyond Millier's expectations, so she is only aiming at Ophelia Ya lightly saluted, then shook her head and stopped talking.

However, at this moment, a silver Pegasus knight who flew into the sky to investigate suddenly lowered his height and shouted to this side:

"Master Legion! Quickly look over the mine door, one of our silver Pegasus knights ... he ... he was nailed to the door of the mine!"

"What are you talking about !? Crucified at the hole?"

"Yes! Lord Legion, I saw that the brother was penetrated by dozens of spears, and the whole person was **** nailed above the gate of the mine ... It was terrible!"

"Damn! I won't let you go! Speed ​​up and follow me!"

After hearing this news, everyone shuddered, and the last thing they wanted to see had already happened. Under the order of Ophelia, everyone on the tour team rushed forward at full speed. At the same time, when others didn't notice him in front of him nervously, Alazon's eyes suddenly flashed sharply, and the face that was not conspicuous, suddenly became somber and murderous! However, this expression only appeared for a moment, and since then it has restored the appearance of blood and loyalty in the past.

But what Arathon did not expect was that someone was watching him silently from beginning to end. Until just now, the calm face under the hood showed a meaningful light smile ...

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