Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 783: Mengwu's combat power

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Although Zhang Yang is really weak to the extreme compared with the past, it must be compared with anyone.

In fact, the fox clan's physique is weak, and after Wolfe became an adult, he was still unable to cultivate blood. Almost all of them are inferior to the physique of young human beings. How can they be compared with Zhang Yang. Furthermore, even if the gap in physical fitness is put aside, the gap between Wolff and Zhang Yang in combat skills is completely heaven and earth!

Therefore, when Wolfe hit his head like a red hairball, Zhang Yang just stretched out his left hand at random, and under his fine control of power, with a clever As a result, Wolfe turned around in a circle on the spot, and then fell into the shadow of the cave in a confused way!

"Brother! Brother, don't worry! You are a bad guy! I also fight with you ~!"

The orcs never lack courage, even the most delicate fox girl. If only Vomija was the only one at this moment, she might have been so scared that she would fall into tears. However, for his loved ones, and for his brother who always used his thin and thin body to stand in front of him, Womiga completely ignored his own safety, and also learned the appearance of his brother Wolff, and ran to Zhang Yang !

(Even though they look so cute, why are they so brainless? Is this desperate? It looks like a posture to go to the wall! With this imposing momentum, if I flash directly, she Will it hit the wall and faint?)

At this time, Zhang Yang even had some time to think about these messy things. Although his body's overall quality declined due to too much overload, his eyesight and reaction had little effect!

Womiga's collision with Zhang Yang seems to be completely described by turtle speed! So, when Vomija was ready to bear the pain of the collision, he suddenly felt that his body was light, and the whole person flew lightly, and finally fell on a relatively soft thing.



Because of Zhang Yang ’s skill, the force of Wolf ’s desperate crash was instantly resolved. When he hit the inner wall of the cave, he did n’t even feel much pain. However, when he was dizzy and surprised, he just lifted up Wolf, who was a little indistinguishable from the north to the south, only to feel that he was hit again by a soft body behind him.

This is good, just before Wolf, who leaned against the inner wall of the cave, was hit directly on the ground, almost rolling with the ‘dark weapon’ flying behind him!

"I fight with you ... Ga ?! Womiga !? How are you ... Oops! Pain hurts! Hurry up, you press my tail ~!"

"Hey ?! Brother! Are you okay!"

Shaking his head to drive away the dizziness in his head, Womiga found out that he was actually pressed against his brother Wolf! And now under her kneeling knee, a fluffy red tail was trembling ...

"Ah! Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"Get up ... fall down ... painfully painful ..."


After finally getting up, the brothers and sisters of Wolfe and Vomija actually looked at the empty crypt for a time and froze.

(What about that human? Do n’t you want to catch us? Why did you disappear all of a sudden? What happened just now?)

This cave is such a big place, there is no place to hide people, and now that the human being is not in the cave ... Could it be ...

"Aren't the humans going out ?! Brother! Impossible !? But this is a psychedelic desert! If you go outside during the daytime and be fooled ..."

Hearing sister Womiga, Wolf also turned his eyes to the entrance of the crypt.

(So, did the human just want to go out of the hole just now? Was he too sensitive? No! Humans are evil, cruel and cunning guys. He must be hiding around in some way! He deliberately scared us to have fun Right? Hmm! It must be so!)

Thinking of this, Wolfe suddenly sniffed his nose around the crypt. Although he just touched it a while ago, he smelled a smell of that human body! How to say, it's different from the smell of blood, it smells like ...

"Brother, look! There is a large piece of snake meat here! And it seems that it has been smoked. Is this human prey? Brother ~ I am hungry ..."

(Uh ... the taste of snake meat ... just such a thick snake, should it be Warcraft? Will this be something that humans hunted? Can it hunt Warcraft, only a warrior who cultivates blood gas can do it?)

Looking at the large half-meter thick and nearly two-meter-long piece of snake meat on the ground, Wolfe also swallowed. They usually eat the cheapest and roughest food in the village, and add at most some wild fruits and vegetables and roots. Occasionally, some small animals can be caught, but they are also given to young children and the elderly who are so weak.

And as big a piece of snake meat as it is today, the brothers and sisters really saw them for the first time in recent years, plus the night before yesterday and now the brothers and sisters are scared and run away unconsciously. Although said Not drooling, but suddenly feel more hungry ...

"Be patient. The human does not know where to go. If we eat his food, what will he do if he eats us in anger? So wait a minute, at least find the human and talk about it." . "

Listening to Wolfe's words, sister Womiga suddenly widened her eyes and covered her small mouth with her white and tender hands, her eyes widened, and asked with surprise and doubt:

"Ah ?! Can humans also eat orcs? I have never heard the grandfather of the village chief say hey ~ I just heard that the orc warriors in the violent legion will eat the corpses of the enemy when they are crazy, is it the same for humans? "

Wolfeg's problem made Wolfe stiff, he just talked about it casually, but he wanted to keep her sister from tampering with it. Who knows she still talked about it ~ This is to let Wolff almost know how Talked.

"Uh, well, let's find the human being first, and let's talk about it. In fact, Womiga is white and tender, even mother said that she wants to take a bite. If the human being is afraid, he can't resist this temptation ~"

"Huh ~ stinky brother ~! This is obviously made by you, do you still want to fool me as a child ?! Vomija is already an adult!"

Seeing her sister grinning and flicking her tail, Wolfe had to smile awkwardly. The original little girl has grown up, it's not easy to fool her. But at this moment, Womiga who was directly facing the entrance of the cave seemed to see something and incredible things, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong Womiga? What did you see?"

"Brother ... that human ... outside ..."


Looking in the direction of his sister Womiga's little hand, Wolfe finally found the human figure. However, this is what shocked Wolfe! He was actually seeing the scorching sun in the psychedelic desert with his own eyes. He sat so quietly in the sand not far from the cave. There was no reaction at all!

"Is that human being looking for death? Doesn't he know that if he appears like this in the sun of the psychedelic desert, he will go crazy and die ?! Hey? How can I care about the life and death of an evil human being? He died best, This cave and snake meat are ours ~! "

"Brother ... you're so bad ... that human being hasn't hurt us from beginning to end. Now the reason why he ventured out, maybe to give us the cave? Otherwise, with that human strength, we would have been Grab it. "

"But ... that's an evil human ..."

"The human named Wright should be different from those evil slave-hunters? Although he feels powerful, he is not dangerous. And now I don't know why, I don't know after seeing the back of the human at this moment What's wrong is that he can feel an inexplicable loneliness and deep sorrow ... he must have lost his important loved one? And now one person, maybe separated from his companion, maybe ... "

After hearing Womiga's words, Wolfe's originally erected ears and tail suddenly pulled down together. The Fox Orcs are particularly sensitive, and Wolfe's sister is a more talented owner than other siblings. At least as far as Wolff knows, Womiga's feeling never missed.

"But now? Even if he is a good human being, but now he runs into the sun in the psychedelic desert under the hot sun! This is definitely not normal? So you are still far away from this human, Womiga ..."

"Um ... but brother ..."

"How are you going! Do you still want to run out and comfort that human being like you are in the village ?!"

Wolf is also a little big at the moment, and his sister's kindness is good, but she has to be divided! With her beauty and a blank paper-like scheming, don't take advantage of that human deception!

"No ... actually ..."

"What is it?"

"Um ... people are still very hungry! Besides, brother, you see that the human is not too stout, and you can't eat such a large piece of snake meat alone ~ If we eat a little, he shouldn't find it? "

"But in case ..."

Goo ... goo ...

"Uh ... then eat less ..."

"Oh! Long live!"


Wolf always thought that his sister Womiga was ghostly and delicate, but now he suddenly realized that he and his mother had never discovered another important characteristic of sister Womiga!

She is totally a snack bar! It ’s only a little bit to say yes, she took a big bite, and immediately left a circle of small teeth on the edge of the snake meat, okay? ! How could it not be discovered by that man!

"Shut up! Isn't it obvious that you made a gap like this ?!"

"Huh? Uh ~ it's also okay ~"

"Swallow the food and talk again!"

Goo ~

"Then ... brother, as long as we bite me through the notched side, don't we just see it all?"


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