Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 784: The role of food

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(What can I do now! Without such a clear absence, there is still a ring of tooth marks on the side, even the most stupid deer family will also see it? If the human found it ... ahhhh! Just do n’t let her eat!)

At this time, in order to help his sister cover up the super obvious gap with tooth marks, Wolfe and his sister Vomija had eaten a whole piece of snake meat! It's just that because there is no tool to cut, you can only use your teeth to bite. Nowadays, the gap of the snake meat is not visible, but now it is covered with layers of tooth marks!

Seeing this, Wolfe felt like he was about to cry!

From small to large, this should be the first time to steal someone else's things, right? And this crime scene is too obvious! Obviously, it ’s better to eat only a little, but now, the portion eaten by the two should already be as big as four or five pacres? !

"It was really killed by your snack goods! In case the human is not mad and died, we have to die! Hiccup ~! Uh ..."

There was a loud hiccup in Wolfe's speech! Although he was upset, it was the most full time he has eaten in recent times.

"Uh ~ so full ~ so happy ~ Brother An, should n’t that human being be so stingy? We just ate so little food, and the rest was definitely enough for him to eat ~ In other words, he is not a noble orc, No matter how horrible the meal is, can't you eat such a large piece of snake meat of more than 100 Parker? "

"It's not a question of size at all!"

"Hmm ~ Brother, don't you eat too much ~ You're so comfortable ~ An ~~ It's a big deal, just pay him a few psychedelic fruits ~ If it doesn't work, let me go with him. For a moment, everything will be fine! "

(Mama da your sister! Did n’t you send it to your own door ?! Uh ... I was originally my sister, I just ... ¥ # ¥ %% $ #! *)

Holding a round belly, Wolfe also leaned directly on the deepest wall of the cave in the same way as his sister. At the angle they sat at this time, they could also see the figure of the motionless human sitting in the desert outside. This is to make the brothers and sisters curiosity.

"Brother ... Why do you say that human being is not going crazy? Does the power in this psychedelic desert have no effect on human beings?"

"Shouldn't it? After all, the grandfather of the village chief said before that once an evil army of humans stormed into our Kingdom of Campas. At that time, the" God of War "legion failed to respond. A human army introduced the psychedelic desert, which resolved the crisis. Although the elite of the leopard clan died together with human beings because of the relationship at that time, they also won the commendation of the king and the respect of the orcs. It should also be affected by the power in the psychedelic desert. "

"I seem to have heard this story ~ So what's going on with this human being?"

"I don't know this, maybe he just hasn't started going crazy yet?"

Is this really the case?


At this time, although Zhang Yang only seemed to be sitting motionless there, in fact, in his eyes, someone was talking to him incessantly, trying to entice him to stand up and make some moves. And such a thing, Zhang Yang has gone through several days.

Every day there will be new patterns, and every day there will be people with deep memories that are important to themselves. Under the power of this desert, Zhang Yang is present in the form of illusions. Today, it was Ophelia.

(Unexpectedly, Ophelia also has a place in her heart. Is it because of the recent contact with her a lot? Or, unconsciously, she also regarded her as a very important person?)

Ophelia in front of him is as charming as Zhang Yang's memory, whether in words or manners, even if it seems more intimate, there is also a clear aristocratic atmosphere. It's just maybe because of Zhang Yang's own background. Although he also appreciates this temperament of Ophelia, he still prefers the latter to the quiet and fresh Neil Jielina.

Thinking of Neil Jielina, Zhang Yang's mouth suddenly showed a faint smile.

Even if it appears in this illusion, Neil Jielina will not always talk about it like Shi Xiaowei or Ophelia or other people, she just sits quietly in front of Zhang Yang with her knees, Just smiled and looked at each other. And when she occasionally reached out to Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang almost couldn't control it several times and instinctively wanted to reach out to respond.

From this point of view, the position of Neil Jielina in Zhang Yang's heart now surpassed that of Shi Xiaowei before. If she knew this, she might not laugh until she could sleep?

(The psychedelic desert is really a magical place ... Although for many people, the illusion here is quite deadly, but after seeing through the essence of the illusion, and being able to grasp your own heart, without being confused by the illusion. Here But it is also an excellent place to relax ... but I just do n’t know what type of illusions others will encounter after entering this psychedelic desert. It is reasonable to say that these illusions should be deep in consciousness, and most care about Thing?)

In fact, it is not much different from Zhang Yang's conjecture. The illusion in this psychedelic desert is different for each creature. However, the only thing in common is one, that is, it will induce emotions such as obsession, fear, and anger in the heart of the creature, which will eventually make it mentally collapsed and unable to bear madness and die.

Therefore, Zhang Yang, who had died once, had nothing in her heart that was worth fear and anger. If there were any, it was only a deeper obsession and memory than others. Therefore, in his eyes, this psychedelic desert will appear to be less dangerous, which is actually determined by the mentality of everyone and every creature.

For example, for the brothers and sisters of the Fox clan not far behind Zhang Yang, if they are thrown into the sunlight of this psychedelic desert. The illusion that appears in their eyes is likely to be a powerful man-eating Warcraft and a brutal and evil slave-catcher ...

As the fiery scorching sun slowly set west, the two moons slowly appeared on the horizon. Seeing Ophelia straddling a tall silver Pegasus in a chic fashion, he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Zhang Yang moved his stiff neck around and stood up slowly.

(Another day has passed ... I feel like a rare leisure time ...)

At the moment, Zhang Yang's whole body is warm. Speaking of his physical fitness is also strong. After two days of exposure, his body began to adjust automatically. Although the injury has not improved yet, but the sunlight in the psychedelic desert daylight And high temperature, but he has no choice but to help him.

If it is getting late today, Zhang Yang is ready to leave here and continue to go north, trying to leave the desert as soon as possible, leave the Kingdom of Campas, and return to the French Empire.

(I do n’t know what happened to the pair of orcs. I did n’t feel that they were out on this day. It seems that they should be afraid of the illusion of the daytime? Now they should be leaving after nightfall, but they do n’t know that they are one For young couples or siblings?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang smiled and walked towards the entrance of the cave under the dry red trees behind him, but he still remembered what happened when he came out. The two orcs had some reason to be wary of themselves. Even if they actively launched a "selling cute" attack, it looked like a no-show move.

Is it because the four kingdoms of mankind and the orc kingdom of Campas have forged blood feuds after years of battle? Why are they so hostile to and afraid of humans? Is it because of the use of orc slaves by the southern nobles?

Thinking that Zhang Yang had already stepped down into the cave, Zhang Yang did not control his footsteps at this time. As he walked deliberately, a pair of fox orc brothers and sisters in the cave suddenly stared at two pairs of pale green peach eyes. Staring closely at Zhang Yang.

(It looks less hostile than before, but the alertness is strengthened. Is it because I stole my food? The two little guys eat so much, it seems that they were hungry before.)

With the help of Zhang Yang's eyes, he found small teeth marks on the snake meat. Zhang Yang didn't care about giving them some food. Although orcs and humans are also considered enemies, in Zhang Yang's consciousness, as long as there is no direct hatred with him, then you can try to contact them, and even be friends.

So under the intense gaze of Wolfe and sister Vomija, Zhang Yang easily lifted a large piece of snake meat on the ground, and then pulled out a bone blade less than half a meter from his waist. The snake fleshed away.

"This half will be left for you. Although you can't understand what I'm saying, it's worthwhile to see such a beautiful and cute orc. Then, goodbye ..."

After saying this, Zhang Yang cut off the large piece of snake meat that Waomiga and Orff had bitten and placed it on the ground. Then he carried the remaining snake meat and turned to drink some water and went out.

"Brother! What did he just say? It seems that not only did he not get angry, but also left us such a big piece! It turns out that among humans, not all evil guys!"

At this time, Wolfe couldn't believe Zhang Yang's back and the snake meat on the ground. This was not the same as the human being he remembered!

"Maybe, but where is this human going next? Can he walk out of this psychedelic desert?"

Thinking of here, Wolfe found that the man had taken some dry branches from the mangrove tree above him, so he didn't know how to set fire outside the cave and began to grill the snake meat. This move immediately freaked out Wolfe!

"Oh my god! Is this human being stupid ?! Feeling to fire in the psychedelic desert at night! This will attract Warcraft!"

"What should I do !? Elder brother, let's remind him, just to repay him for our snake flesh."

"This ... I'll give it a try, but said it well, you have to stay away from that man!"

"Oh ~ I see!"

Speaking of which, Wolfe struggled to lift the piece of snake meat Zhang Yang left them on the ground and drilled out first. But at this time, he did not see the misty and curious luster in the eyes of Vomija ...

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