"Conversing with the dead person of the opposite sex will also trigger the killing mechanism!"

And Lin Yu said this,

A ghostly aura appeared behind the man just now! change.

104 Torture the devil! The temptation of ten thousand yuan of coins!

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lin Yu's words!

They almost responded just now!

After all, he suddenly said "your pants have fallen off\

,"Anyone would probably respond subconsciously!

"This cunning devil!"

"Damn it, thanks to Emperor Fengdu for reminding me! Otherwise, I would have responded too!"

Everyone was shocked into a cold sweat!

However, Lin Yu’s reminder was timely enough!

The middle-aged man just now said subconsciously, "What"!

Therefore, behind him,

The terrifying aura of the evil ghost has appeared!

After the middle-aged man spoke,

After hearing Lin Yu’s words,

He also immediately realized that he had fallen into a trap!

He has triggered Li Gui's killing pattern!

The "corpse" he was talking to just now was a female corpse!

Even if you are talking to a corpse,

It will also trigger the killing pattern!

At this time, the middle-aged man's face looked very ugly and frightened!

He has also felt the terrifying Yin Qi behind him!

The middle-aged man felt very regretful.

He wished he could give himself two slaps!

But no matter what, it's useless, Li Gui has already stretched out his hand!

As long as you touch him, he will definitely die!

"Damn it!! I'm going to die!!"

He screamed wildly, extremely desperate! !

But, just when the middle-aged man screamed like crazy!

Lin Yu's voice sounded,

"Shut up!"

"As long as I'm here, you can't die!"

When he said this, he was also following the direction of the Yin Qi.

Just take two steps forward!

His speed was actually a few points faster than that fierce ghost! ! !

So before the evil ghost attacks the man,

Lin Yu has already approached this man and one ghost!

Then, he raised his hand and two Rahu Seven Evil Nails flew out quickly!

Although I can’t see my surroundings clearly,

But Lin Yu only relied on the aura emanating from that fierce ghost.

You can lock its approximate location!

And he also shot two nails this time, which increased the fault tolerance rate!

After Luohu's Seven Evil Nails shot out,

Once again, he accurately nailed the devil!

And at the same time!

Lin Yu also took out a bottle of liquid from the inventory!

Trace back liquid!

While the nail was driven into Li Gui's body,

Lin Yu directly sprinkled the tracing liquid in his hand on Li Gui's body!

This evil ghost is very cunning and elusive!

The evil ghost will only appear when someone triggers the killing pattern!

Apart from that, it was difficult for them to find any trace of this fierce ghost!


In order to be able to lock his position in the future, Lin Yu,

Spread the tracer liquid directly!

As long as this evil ghost gets a little bit on his body,

He has nowhere to hide anymore!

The effect of tracer fluid is very powerful.

As long as it gets a trace, no matter where the target is hidden,

Lin Yu can even know the opponent's location! !

After Li Gui was nailed by the Seven Evils of Luohu, the Yin Qi in his body began to fluctuate violently again, and there was a trend of collapse!

Li Gui's outstretched hand was blocked by Lin Yu.

In the end, he still failed to hit the middle-aged man!


After all, this fierce ghost appeared behind the middle-aged man.

Although Lin Yu took action immediately and blocked Li Gui's move!

But the yin power of Li Gui still affected the middle-aged man!

I saw the middle-aged man's face change, and he couldn't help but kneel down!

He only felt a terrible cold breath invade his body!

This sinister force almost made him lose consciousness!

Likewise, he quickly summoned the resentful ghosts he controlled,

Combined with his own spiritual power, he struggled to resist the Yin force that invaded his body!

However... he is only a third-level ghost controller.

My own spiritual power is weak,

The resentful ghost contracted within the body is also very weak!

After some difficult resistance, 967 finally looked like he was vomiting blood and his breath was weak!

But fortunately... I still barely survived!

After Li Gui was repulsed by Lin Yu again,

The surrounding black shadows have not disappeared!

They continue to gather around!

One of the disheveled black figures rushed directly towards the sword!

After she rushed to Lijian, Lijian saw her appearance clearly!

It was a female corpse with more than half of her face rotten, her eyes were hollow, and her body was full of rotten odor!

After she rushed to the sword, she stretched out her hand strangely and hugged the sword directly!

"help me……!!"

The corpse roared hoarsely.

And when he heard her voice, Li Jian almost cursed!

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