Fortunately, he immediately remembered what Lin Yu said,

If you communicate with the corpse of the opposite sex, you will be attacked by evil spirits!

The middle-aged man just now was a very tragic example!

Therefore, Li Jian also closed his mouth forcefully.

He held back the words he almost blurted out! !

But Li Jian didn't speak, the female corpse's empty eyes were staring straight at Li Jian!

The key is that this female corpse is under the control of supernatural power.

The power is immense!

It's not something that a sharp sword can break through with brute force!

Feeling the corpse stench coming from the female corpse, Li Jian had already started to retching! !

He almost couldn't hold it back when he saw the dead people vomiting blood from their mouths and their internal organs.

At this moment, he smelled the strong corpse odor up close, and he couldn't bear it anymore!

But fortunately, his action did not attract an attack from the evil ghost!

Except for the sharp sword,

Everyone else is also tangled up in these corpses!

Those who haunt them are corpses of the opposite sex!

Some corpses started tearing off each other's clothes, shouting "Kill you" while tearing them apart!

Some corpses hugged each other tightly and kept repeating some weird words!

Several times, someone almost spoke subconsciously!

It is clear,

This is the method used by Li Gui in order to make them trigger the killing pattern!

In this half-formed ghost realm,

These corpses are controlled by evil spirits,

Use various methods to lure the ghost master and trigger the murder pattern!

Lin Yu's eyes were sharp,

"These corpses... I'm afraid they are the people who died in Fuyun Shopping Mall!"

"Now it seems that these corpses have become the ghost slaves of this fierce ghost!"

Looking at the several corpses crawling towards him,

Lin Yu's spiritual power exploded and directly pushed these corpses back!

Then he felt the tracer fluid that had just been sprayed out!

The tracer liquid has already reacted with his own spiritual power!

Therefore, he can follow this induction,

Find the location of your target!

However, after Lin Yu sensed it, he discovered that,

In this ghostland around us,

Everywhere is full of traces of that fierce ghost!

In other words,

This evil spirit is everywhere!

This made Lin Yu frown slightly,

But soon, he understood the reason!

"This evil ghost is not hiding somewhere in this shopping mall!"

"But this entire shopping mall has already been affected by his Yin Qi!"

"So after entering this shopping mall, we entered the range where his killing pattern is triggered!"

"That fierce ghost doesn't have a clear entity..."

Lin Yu thought.

It seems like this,

If you want to deal with this evil ghost,

All we have to do is let it appear and kill it with one strike!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu looked at the body of the opposite sex that was jumping towards him.

After the opposite-sex corpse approached Lin Yu, he raised his finger and pointed at Lin Yu and roared:

"Your pants are down!"


I heard what this corpse said,

Lin Yu was a little speechless,

This sentence again?

Can this fierce ghost have some new ideas?

Lin Yu nodded and said:

"How about you lift it up for me?"

Just when Lin Yu finished speaking,

The fierce ghosts condensed out from behind Lin Yu!

The fierce ghost bared its teeth and claws, with a ferocious face.

He seemed angry that Lin Yu had blocked him twice before!

Others heard Lin Yu's words,

His expression also changed!

"He actually responded to the corpse's words...!"

"He... doesn't he know the killing patterns of ghosts?" The woman from the private ghost control team also felt incredible!

"Obviously he was the one who told us about the murderous rules of Li Gui. Why did he still touch this murderous rules..."

"The Emperor actually..." Dahe was shocked at first, but then he thought,

Lin Yu had taken the initiative to test Li Gui's killing patterns before!

At this time, the law of killing by ghosts has been determined, but the emperor still does this,

"Could it be that...the emperor did this on purpose!"

"The purpose is to attract the evil ghost to appear!" Dahe guessed in his mind.

And Dahe's guess was not false,

Facing the fierce ghost appearing behind him, Lin Yu was already prepared!

At the moment when the evil ghost appears,

A bandage like a white snake shot out from Lin Yu's hand!

The ominous bandage of the Pharaoh!

With this top-grade vaginal instrument, it is absolutely easy to restrain a fierce ghost!

as expected,

After the bandage was applied, the devil was tied up in just the blink of an eye!

At the same time, the yin power in Li Gui's body was also suppressed instantly!

Just after Li Gui's Yin power was suppressed,

The corpses he controlled also stopped moving immediately!

At the same time, the ghost realm shrouding the surroundings suddenly dissipated,

Light returned to the surroundings,

Let everyone see the surrounding environment clearly!

When everyone saw the scene behind Lin Yu,

I was shocked!

They saw that the fierce ghost behind Lin Yu was tightly wrapped in bandages and could not move!

This fierce ghost looks ferocious, but it has lost the ability to attack humans!

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