And when he learned that he was going to invite Emperor Fengdu by the way,

She is more caring than herself.

"Don't be too excited. Emperor Fengdu hasn't promised to come yet!!"

Bai Ye said helplessly,

Black Moon also calmed down for a moment.

Then, she looked at Bai Ye and said seriously to her best friend,

"Then let's find a way to win over him...for example, use a honey trap!"

"Didn't you tell me, he looks like a pretty young guy! He's not much different in age from us!"

"After contacting each other these few times, you are already familiar with each other..."

When Hei Yue said this, Bai Ye's face turned red.

Flick her hard!

"it hurts!"

As Black Moon covered her head and exclaimed,

Bai Ye also said with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone,

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you like him, I will give you his mobile phone number and you can chat on your own!"

And Black Moon heard Bai Ye’s words,

He also rubbed his head and pondered slightly,

"'s not impossible!"

As she said this, Bai Ye became even more helpless.

"Xiao Zuo, don't think so wildly. I'll try my best to get him to join me tonight!"

"He is a serious-looking guy to begin with. If you act like this, you might just arouse his distaste!"

Bai Ye said this, and Hei Yue also stuck out her tongue,

"Oh, I was just joking!"

"Anyway... let's continue looking for other candidates!"

Saying this, Bai Ye's face softened,

The two of them also started over and thought about other candidates for "squad members"!

And in Jiangcheng,

Lin Yu has also spent this time in forum posts,

The sun was setting, and after he checked out at the hotel front desk,

He continued to adjust his appearance with the phaseless ghost face, and then walked out of the hotel door.

As soon as he walked out, he saw a somewhat familiar man!

He wears suits and leather shoes, has a handsome demeanor, and seems to have the temperament of not letting strangers enter.

It was the steward of the Li Group whom I met at the offline trade fair before.

He is also Li Nian’s father’s right-hand man!

The other party obviously didn't recognize Lin Yu who had changed his appearance. He was still looking around and waiting.

Lin Yu also knew,

The other party should be the person Li Nian sent to pick him up!

So, he stepped forward and communicated with the housekeeper.


"Excuse me, are you waiting for me?"

Lin Yu said with a smile,

The housekeeper was slightly surprised when he heard Lin Yu's words.

But soon, he realized...

The ordinary young man in front of me is the one the eldest lady asked her to pick up!

"You must be the 'Great Emperor Fengdu'!"

He said this with a somewhat respectful tone!

Although he is not a horror game player or a ghost controller,

But as the housekeeper who helps the boss of Li Group and Li Nian's father handle many affairs,

He has also handled a lot of information in this area!

So we can understand that the man in front of us is one of the most popular among Xia Kingdom’s ghost control circles recently.

They are all quite prestigious!

Moreover, the housekeeper remembered,

What the other party did last time at the offline trade fair!

And the bottle of Jiuyou Soul Purifying Wine sold to him!

Regarding the power of this bottle of wine,

The housekeeper also heard something about it later!

At the same time, let him know the value of that bottle of wine,

It's definitely not something that can be bought with 10 million Daxia coins!

This also made the housekeeper always feel grateful to Emperor Fengdu! !

After all, he has followed Li Nian's father for many years, and he has long been considered half of the Li family!

For Li Nian, he also treats him as half his daughter! !

Moreover, according to my own lady,

The housekeeper knew very well,

The reason why Li Nian was able to survive the first dungeon was entirely due to this young man!

And being able to become a ghost controller later has a lot to do with that bottle of wine!

Therefore, 240, this man is equivalent to saving the life of his eldest lady twice!

Seeing the steward's respectful demeanor,

Lin Yu also smiled and nodded,

"it's me."

"But you don't have to call me Emperor Fengdu... just call me Xiao Lin!"

The housekeeper helped Lin Yu open the car door.

Of course it is impossible for him to call Lin Yu Xiaolin!

"Then I'd better call you Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin, please get in the car!"

After Lin Yu got on the bus,

The housekeeper quickly drove to the restaurant Li Nian mentioned!

The location of this restaurant is relatively quiet.

Although it is located in the center of Jiangcheng, it is not in the middle of a busy city.

From a distance, you can see the elegant courtyard wall and the lush asparagus bamboo inside the wall.

If he hadn't known that this was a restaurant, Lin Yu would have thought that this was some manor!

Therefore, even before Lin Yu entered the door, he could feel the upscale quality of the restaurant!

After the housekeeper also drove the car in, he parked it in the parking space in the courtyard.

"Mr. Lin, the eldest lady is waiting for you in the box 'Wu Liu'!"

The butler said this and smiled at Lin Yu!

The waiter outside the door also opened the car door for Lin Yu!

At the same time, on the other side of the parking lot,

Among several sports cars, a young man dressed fashionably, covered in luxury goods and trendy brands,

After seeing this scene, he also showed a somewhat surprised and confused expression! .

113 Li’s illegitimate son? Meeting Li Nian!

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