In the parking lot, after Lin Yuyuan left,

Next to those piles of luxury cars,

A young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed to look like a wealthy young man.

Looking at the direction Lin Yu left, he was a little surprised.

He was even slightly stunned!

"Isn't that car... my cousin's car?"

he murmured.

"Chen Yi, what's wrong?"

Among his companions, another young man of similar age also noticed his daze and talking to himself.

He also asked.

The young man named "Chen Yi", after being asked by his companions,

Only then did he come back to his senses!

"Ah - nothing!"

I saw a strange young man getting out of the car at my cousin’s house.

Chen Yi was naturally surprised and at the same time,

I’m also a little confused!

Who is this guy?

Moreover, the housekeeper at his cousin’s house treated him with great respect.

This also made Chen Yi's doubts even more intense!

Chen Yi thought about it for a moment,

Once upon a time at a family banquet,

This young man never showed up!

But now he got out of his cousin's car!

The friends around him who were rich, young and rich, looked at Chen Yi's reaction.

Naturally, I won’t believe that it’s okay.

"You were almost stupid just now, and you still said it was okay!"

"We are all buddies, just tell us if you have something to do!"

"Yeah yeah!"

After hearing what his friends were saying, Chen Yi hesitated for a moment.

As if he had made up his mind, he pointed there with some confusion and said:

"That car over there is my cousin's car!"

"But it seems that I have never seen the young man who just got off the bus."

As for Chen Yi’s rich second-generation friends,

I also looked over.

"Your sister? The eldest lady of the Li Group?"

The person next to him spoke in shock.

Chen Yi nodded.

The other person waved his hand and said,

"There's nothing to worry about, Brother Yi, your sister must be here to eat. That man might be your sister's boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend...?" Chen Yi slowly shook his head,

He doesn't think so!

He had heard about Li Nian being selected by the thriller game!

But just now I encountered this kind of thing and became a ghost controller again.

You have to think about how to deal with ghosts every day in order to survive in the dungeon...

How could you still be in the mood to find a boyfriend under such circumstances? ?


"If it's a boyfriend, the housekeeper shouldn't be so respectful to him...々`..."

"Look at the butler's attitude towards him...that young man seems to be a big shot."

"But why does my cousin want to go out to dinner with a big shot in private?"

The more Chen Yi thought about it, the more he couldn't understand it.

The more I can't understand,

He became more and more curious!

"Could it be that...that man is my uncle's illegitimate son?!"

"Did my uncle cheat on me?!"

After hearing what Chen Yi said,

Several others were stunned for a moment.

Chen Yi's uncle is naturally Li Nian's father!

As Li Nian's cousin, Chen Yi is related by blood to Li Nian's mother!

His position is naturally in favor of his biological aunt!

Seeing a person who is suspected of being the illegitimate child of his uncle, he must be a little angry!

However, the rest of the rich second generation also knew that Chen Yi had a somewhat upright personality.

The brain circuit is also a bit simple,

So I quickly persuaded him!

"Brother Yi, your imagination is too rich!"

"Yeah, I don't think it's possible!"

"Uncle Li has a very good reputation... Stop thinking nonsense!"

"If you're really worried, just follow and take a look and that's it!"

And Chen Yi, who had already made some guesses in his mind,

Naturally, I won’t change my opinion just because of a few words of comfort from my friends!

However, he also understood that it was impossible for him to draw conclusions like this.

If it's a misunderstanding, we'll be in big trouble!

"You're right, brothers... we have to go in and take a look!"

"No matter what is going on, now that we have met, we must find out!"

on the other side,

After Lin Yu got off the car, he walked straight into the restaurant.

The waiter in the restaurant took Lin Yu to the "Five Willow" box!

Seeing Lin Yu arriving,

Li Nian's face also showed joy!

She happily waved to Lin Yu!

"Brother Lin!"

Lin Yu also smiled slightly and sat down.

Li Nian said happily:

"When I was in the first dungeon, I relied on Brother Lin to survive!"

"I haven't found a chance to thank you yet. You've helped me so many times now!"

"Whether it's the wine Brother Lin gave me last time, or whether it's the wine I came to solve the supernatural incident in Jiangcheng today..."

"Today's meal is nothing compared to Brother Lin's kindness."

"Anyway, I finally have a chance to thank you!"

After hearing Li Nian's words, Lin Yu also waved his hand.

"Don't say that."

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