"Then we won't bother you!"

"Cousin, let's go!"

Chen Yi waved his hand towards Li Nian and left the box with a group of wealthy second-generation people.

Wait until these people leave,

Li Nian then breathed out softly!

"I didn't expect to meet Chen Yi here today..."

Lin Yu also nodded,

"It's a coincidence indeed."

After Chen Yi and others went out, their expressions were a little gloomy.

"Brother Yi, that guy..."

Chen Yi nodded slowly,

"I can't handle any vaginal weapons, and there is no spiritual energy fluctuation on my body!"

"I guess he's just a liar!"

"My cousin is kind-hearted, introverted, and doesn't interact with others very much. I guess she was deceived by him!"

Someone asked: "Brother Yi, why didn't you expose him directly just now?"

Chen Yi said:

"If you expose it directly, I'm afraid he will come up with another set of excuses!"

"And you didn't see it, my cousin is also facing him. If he were to expose it directly, my cousin would definitely speak for him!"

"If you want to expose him, you must use the most powerful means!"

"What method?" several people asked.

With that said, Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Soon, the phone rang several times and was connected.

"Hello, Brother Wang?"

Chen Yi said, with some politeness in his tone!

"Brother Wang, I want to ask you about a ghost controller!"

"Have you ever heard of a ghost controller named Lin? He is said to be very powerful!"


After a while, Chen Yi nodded after hearing the reply from the other party.

"What, Jiangcheng has never heard of a young and powerful ghost controller named Lin?!"

"Oh, that's how it is......"

"Brother Wang, are you free?"

"There is a man named Lin here, pretending to be a powerful ghost master!"

"My cousin must have been deceived by him!"

"I want to expose him, but there is no definite evidence!"

"If this kind of counterfeit continues to deceive, I'm afraid it will also damage the reputation of your circle of ghost masters in Jiangcheng!"

"So Brother Wang...if you are not busy, you can bring your brothers here now and help me expose him!!"

"Well, I won't let your trip go in vain. The remuneration is naturally negotiable!!"


After a few seconds, Chen Yi's eyes lit up slightly!

"You bring two ghost masters here? No problem!"

"my position......"

“I’m at this fancy restaurant downtown…”


"Yes, that's right, right here!"

"That liar is still having dinner with my cousin!"


Afterwards, Chen Yi hung up the phone.

And a group of his wealthy second-generation friends saw that Chen Yi was talking directly to the Ghost Controller on the phone.

I was also a little surprised!

"Brother Yi...you just called them here directly?"

"Awesome! You can talk to the ghost master directly!"

Chen Yi also nodded and said somewhat proudly,

"To deal with this kind of liar, calling in a few real ghost masters is naturally the best way to expose him!"

Everyone’s faces also showed expressions of great anticipation!

They can't wait to see what happens next! !

And at this time,

In the "Five Willow" box,

A table of delicacies has been served one after another!

"Try this, Brother Lin, this is their signature!"

“When my father invites his business partners to dinner, he usually chooses this place!”

Li Nian turned the table and put a cooked fish in front of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu tasted the chopsticks and found that it was indeed very delicious.

It's been a long time since he's eaten food cooked by humans normally - after all, at home, Zhu Jiang would cook for him with Yin-flavored ingredients or ghost spirits!

Those who eat them can increase their spiritual power and spiritual awareness!

Although Zhu Jiang’s craftsmanship is also very good, this top-notch restaurant brings another kind of enjoyment!

0··Ask for flowers··· 0

"very delicious."

Lin Yu said with a smile, which also made Li Nian feel happy.

"Brother Lin, as long as you like it!"

As she said this, she didn't move her chopsticks very much.

He just held his chin with his hands and watched Lin Yu taste various delicacies.

And Lin Yu has nothing to be embarrassed about!

As ladies, it’s normal for us to eat less!

What's more, Sister Xiao Li's family has a lot of wealth, and the total assets may be thousands or even a few hundredth of her own net worth!

For her, this kind of thing is probably just daily food, nothing special!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu also thought of something and said.

"By the way, Xiao Li...if you come to Hecheng, I will also entertain you!"

"But I rarely go out to eat. Maybe I don't know any delicious restaurants... I guess I can only treat you to a light meal at home!"

When Lin Yu said this, he naturally made up his mind.

Li Nian treated himself to such a high-end restaurant, so he had to express his gratitude!

For such a wealthy lady, it doesn't make any sense to treat her to a high-end restaurant!

Why don't you bother General Zhu and make some home-cooked dishes that she can eat and increase her spiritual power!

But Li Nian didn't know what Lin Yu was thinking.

When she heard what Lin Yu said, her mind went blank and her ears felt hot!

"Oh my God... Brother Lin invited me to his house!!!"

"When I go to Hecheng, I can have dinner at Brother Lin's house!!!"

Li Nian felt like he had a fever and his thoughts were confused!

She quickly used her remaining sense and nodded vigorously.


"Then, if I go to Hecheng... I'll bother Brother Lin!"

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