.. ........ 0

Li Nian has already made up his mind...

From now on, I will definitely go to Hecheng at least three times a week! !

I hope my father can quickly develop his business in Holland!

While Li Nian was thinking wildly and Lin Yu was eating and drinking,

Outside the door, there was another commotion! !


The people in the "Wu Liu" box were pushed away!

Lin Yu looked back,

It was Chen Yi and others just now!

When seeing Chen Yi and others,

Li Nian was also slightly stunned and said:

"Why are you back again?"

Chen Yi smiled and said:

"Cousin, I suddenly remembered that I also know a few ghost masters in Jiangcheng!"

"I just told them that there is a master ghost master here!"

"And as soon as they heard that there was a master of ghost control here, they wanted to come and meet and get to know each other!"

"After all, you also know that as a ghost master, you can get to know more powerful ghost masters, and you can survive in the horror game better!"

"Those ghost masters should arrive soon."

And after hearing Chen Yi’s words,

How could Li Nian not understand what he meant!

Regarding the character of this cousin Chen Yi,

She also knows something!

Chen Yi did this,

Undoubtedly, he wanted to test Lin Yu’s strength!

And Lin Yu was also a little helpless,

He didn't want to reveal his identity in the first place.

Now it has caused a little trouble!

But this matter naturally doesn't matter to him!

Since there are a few ghost masters coming,

At worst, I can just show off my hands later!

And Chen Yi saw that Lin Yu's expression did not change.

Still maintaining a calm attitude,

He also sneered in his heart!

"This guy is still pretending..."

"Let's see how you pretend when the real ghost master arrives later!"


There was another commotion outside!

Those chaotic footsteps,

Obviously he came here for the "Five Willows" box!

"I heard... there is a master of ghost control here?"

No one from outside has come in yet,

He shouted outside the door at the top of his lungs!


After hearing this news,

Chen Yi and others also had expectant smiles on their faces!

Soon...this liar will be exposed for what he is!

As the footsteps get closer,

Three figures also appeared at the door of the box!

They walked in swaggering and saw Chen Yi and others first.

"Here you come, Brother Wang!" Chen Yi waved.

Brother Wang and Chen Yi looked at each other and nodded.

"Where is that master?"

"Let me open my eyes!"

These three people came,

Don’t hide your aura!

They are the three real ghost masters!

Chen Yi and other second-generation ancestors also felt it immediately.

The three of them have a dangerous, even cold aura! !

In their view,

This is compared with "Brother Lin" who does not have any spiritual power fluctuations on his body.

What a difference!

"This is the aura a ghost controller should have!!"

Chen Yi also confirmed again,

Then "Brother Lin" is just an ordinary person who doesn't know anything! !

At this time, Chen Yi pointed behind,

"Brother Wang, he is there!"

Follow the direction pointed by Chen Yi,

Brother Wang and the three of them also looked over! talent.

116 Chen Yi: Arrange a presidential suite for my brother-in-law!

Lin Yu sat on his seat and didn't move.

With the three ghost masters not hiding their auras at all,

Naturally, he did it before the other three people entered the door.

I felt the spiritual power fluctuations on the other party!

Obviously, among the three ghost masters put together, no one is stronger than himself!

This is also normal...

After all, even if I don't look at the vagina or the ghost I control now,

Just in terms of spiritual power and spiritual awareness, he is already one of the strongest among ordinary ghost masters!

And at this time,

Follow the direction pointed by Chen Yi,

The three ghost masters also looked over!

"Brother Wang, that's him!" Chen Yi said.

"His surname is Lin, and he claims to be a very powerful ghost controller!"

"But he couldn't take out any vaginal organ, and he said it was very difficult to get hold of!"

"The key is that he doesn't have any spiritual energy fluctuations on his body!"

Brother Wang also nodded,

He said with disdain,

"Let me see, who is pretending to be a ghost master?"

"Dare you run wild on Jiangcheng's territory?"

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