"If we don't get his Hell Coin, we may not be able to move forward!!"

"So, let's join forces first!!"

The stick ghost controller had long been stunned by Lin Yuqi.

After hearing the analysis of the pros and cons by the Sakura Country ghost controller, he didn't hesitate too much.

He nodded immediately!

"That's right! This little Xiba is so hateful Smecta!!!"

"He must be taught a lesson!!!".

120 A pleasant beating! Sanctions from prison guards? ?

The stick ghost controller is also a little anxious!

He couldn't wait to rush forward and kick this Daxia ghost controller in the head and slap him in the face! !

"Let's go together and teach him a lesson!"

The Stick Ghost Controller gritted his teeth and said!

And at this moment, outside the cell,

The noisy prison guard,

It's getting closer and closer to their cell now!

Noticing this, Sakura Country Controller-Oni Zhe rolled his eyes,

Hold the stick to the Ghost Controller!

"Don't worry yet!"

The ghost controller of Sakura Kingdom was thinking about this.

But the stick ghost controller who was pulled was a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Just go up and teach him a lesson and that's it!"

The demon controller of Sakura Kingdom shook his head slightly and said:

"If you do it directly, you are violating the rules!"

He said, pointing to the "cell notice" posted on the wall! !

Cell notice:

"4. No fighting!"

The ghost controller of Sakura Country whispered:

"did you see it!"

"If we take action directly, it will be equivalent to violating this rule!"

"You will definitely be punished by the prison guards later!!"

After the stick ghost controller heard what the other party said,

It's a little irritable!

The blood stains on the corners of his mouth are still clearly visible! !

"But I was beaten by him just now!"

"Why is he okay??"

"Can't I call back?"

Looking at the impulsive appearance of the Stick Ghost Controller,

The ghost controller of Sakura Country secretly cursed "idiot" in his heart!

However, he continued to dissuade him on the surface:

"Of course we can't let him fight in vain!"

“But don’t forget, it’s because of the existence of this rule that we can take advantage of it!!”

"Listen, the prison guards outside are getting closer to us!"

"We will rush forward later and pretend to take action, but we must not really take action!"

"After he rushes up, he will definitely hit us!"

"And we deliberately let him fly out, but don't fight back!"

"When the prison guards approach our cell later, they will definitely be able to hear the movement and spiritual energy fluctuations inside!!"

"At that time, we will file a complaint with the prison guards!"

"Do you think this guy from Daxia can still be punished by the prison guards?"

The Ghost Controller of Sakura Country made this analysis:

After hearing this, the Ghost Controller suddenly became enlightened!

"This move is so vicious, brother!"

"You are too smart Smita!!!"

"You Sakura Nation people are all born conspirators and scoundrels!!"

The stick-man who controls the ghost has bright eyes,

Very excited! !

"Brothers from Sakura Country, please tell me your name!"

"I've never seen anyone so smart!"

The Stick Ghost Controller said loudly and excitedly.

And the ghost controller of Sakura Kingdom also smiled slightly,

He opened his mouth and said:

"My name is Koneichiro!"

"Then I'll call you Brother Xiaogen!" said the Stick Ghost Controller.

"Brother Xiaogen, my name is Park Dae-soo!!"

"Park-san!" Kogenichiro also nodded,

And because these two people had discussed such a "smart" plot,

He was also excited and spoke louder!

But Lin Yu only heard their names,

I didn't hear what they were discussing before.

at this time,

I saw Kogen Ichiro and Park Dae-soo looking at each other and nodding.

Then Park Dae-soo shouted angrily,

"You Daxia bastard, why did you hit me!?"

Later, these two ghost masters,

The spiritual power in his body exploded,

He rushed towards Lin Yu again! ! !

And Lin Yu didn't hold back at all.

Punch each of them directly in the eyes.

Added dark circles to both of them!


The two screamed in pain!

But this time Lin Yu didn't stop.

Covered by spiritual power,

Each of his punches and kicks are full of terrifying power!

Every time I hit Kogen Ichiro and Park Dae-soo on their bodies and faces,

It will leave very obvious scars! !

Especially their faces,

Already slightly swollen,

It looks like we are one step closer to the pig head! !

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