And at this moment,

Outside their cells,

A fat prison guard with a height of more than two meters and an extremely large body,

He was constantly waving a huge mace full of bloody spikes in his hand! !

His swollen and thick arms,

Compared with this mace,

It’s quite a match! !

He raised his hand,

Swinging the mace in his hand violently,

He slammed the iron bars of Lin Yu's cell!


A loud noise spread! !

"What are you hateful bastards doing!!!!"

This fat pig prison guard yelled at them angrily! !

The prison guard’s face is covered with accumulated fat!

Extremely ferocious! !

When he walked to the door of several people's cells,

The rancid smell exuding from his body also came in! !

And when he came to the iron gate,

I also happened to see the scene of Lin Yu beating two people!

He shouted in surprise!

"What are you doing!!!"

He quickly unlocked the iron gate,

The mace in his hand slapped the iron bars crazily and made a loud noise! ! !

And at this time,

Kogen Ichiro and Park Dae-soo, who had been beaten all over their heads,

He also shouted at the right time,

"Help! Sir!!!"

"He violated prison rules! He beat us like crazy!!!"

And this super fat pig prison guard who was over two meters tall also nodded.

He just saw the last scene where Lin Yu beat the two of them until their faces were covered in blood! !

at this time,

His fierce gaze has been fixed on Lin Yu! !


"How dare you do such a thing under my nose?"

"It seems like you have to try the mace in my hand today! Hahaha!!!"


The expression of the fat pig prison guard became more and more ferocious!

When Ichiro Kone and Park Dae-soo saw this scene,

I am also secretly happy!

"Purpose accomplished!!"

The two looked at each other,

There is joy in the eyes! !

The scene where Lin Yu beat the two of them just now,

They were all directly seen by this prison guard! !

No matter how much this Daxia ghost controller tries to quibble now,

It's all in vain! ! !

"Hahaha! Brother Xiaogen! Your idea is really great!!"

"We just received a beating! But he will be punished by the prison guards!!"

"This is all thanks to your clever idea, Brother Xiaogen!!"

Park Dae-soo whispered!

And Ichiro Kogen also raised the corners of his mouth,

Although his face has been beaten as swollen as a pig's head!

But he still looked proud! !

And just when the prison guard came towards Lin Yu menacingly,

Lin Yuze was unhurried.

He took out two cigarettes from his pocket and handed them to the prison guard! !

The mace in the prison guard's hand was about to be raised.

You can see the two cigarettes Lin Yu took out,

He immediately stopped what he was doing! !

My eyes are also on these two cigarettes!


"Your cigarette is quite good, isn't it?"

The prison guard looked at Lin Yu with some surprise.

Lin Yuze smiled slightly, said nothing, just flicked his fingers,

Two cigarettes were flicked into the air by him!

His meaning is obvious,

The prison guards also know very well!

After all, this kind of thing

It’s not uncommon in the Nine Layers of Yin Prison!

On the's very common!

Therefore, the prison guard also reached out his hand immediately.

Caught these two cigarettes! !

The moment I touched these two cigarettes,

A faint wave of Yin energy came from the cigarette.

This also made this fat pig prison guard determined,

The two cigarettes this human gave him,

Not to mention outside the entire ghost world,

At least in this prison,

These are still very good quality cigarettes! !


The prison guard also suddenly became a little happy! !

And what Lin Yu meant by giving him cigarettes?

Naturally, he knew it very well!

It's nothing more than the rules he broke today,

Just turn a blind eye and close one eye!


The prison guard's previous ferocious expression also disappeared.

Instead, he slowly waved the mace in his hand,

He pondered for a moment and said:

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