Swinging the mace in his hand,

The whining sound of waving,

Call them directly! !

As for Park Dae-soo and Kone Ichiro,

I never expected that the prison guards would suddenly return!

"What is this fat pig doing again?"

But they discovered to their horror that

There seems to be something abnormal about this fat pig prison guard...

Why did he attack both of us as soon as he came in? ! ? ?

The fat pig prison guard is a stronger evil spirit.

Of course, these two weak ghost masters are not something they can fight against! !

Under the suppression of the fat pig prison guards,

Park Dae-soo and Kogen Ichiro,

Those who were directly suppressed didn’t even have the strength to fight back!

The huge mace in the hands of the fat pig prison guard,

He hit both of them hard! ! !

boom! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

A stream of bright red blood burst out from both of them!

The whole person flew out! ! !

He fell to the ground with a plop! !

The two of them were lying on the ground, twitching slightly and wailing again and again! !

Paralyzed there, not knowing whether to live or die! !

However, after all, they will not be killed directly this time! !

But it has also caused serious injuries to them! !

And this will definitely have a huge impact on the two's subsequent actions in the copy! !

After the fat pig prison guard gave each of them a stick,

He said fiercely:

"I see that you two are so poor and slutty, you must be looking for trouble first!!"

"Although I don't know what rules you broke,"

"But it's better to fight first and then talk about it!!!"

121 Breaking the rules again? The appearance of Wentian and Black Dragon!

After the fat pig prison guard gave each of the two men a blow,

He turned to look at Lin Yu again!

For this human being in front of me,

He also had something in mind!

Just two hundred-yuan coins at random.

It shows that in this nine-fold prison,

He should not be short of money!

Therefore, the prison guard's gaze towards Lin Yu also changed slightly!

"Does this human have some background here?"

The prison guard thought,

But that's just speculation.

At least, it’s true that this human being is rich!

You should be able to get some good things from him in the future!

Therefore, he also said to Lin Yu,

"My surname is Wu!"

"If anything happens in the future, you can come to me!"

Lin Yu nodded.

Naturally, he also knows what this fat pig prison guard is thinking!

But this little money didn't matter to him at all.

Just a little money can save you all kinds of troubles in this prison.

This is simply the best thing!


He still has unfinished consumption tasks!

"But this small amount of money is too little for me to complete the consumption task!"

"We should also find an opportunity to spend big money as soon as possible!"

Lin Yu thought in his heart.

After the fat pig prison guard finished speaking, "Two ninety-seven"

Just left here,

Go on and yell in other cells!

In Lin Yu’s cell,

Except for himself,

There were only two people left, Park Dae-soo and Kone Ichiro, who were lying on the ground and wailing softly.

And the ghost next to him who was stunned!

Naturally, this ghost doesn’t understand it!

Lin Yu used two cigarettes,

Avoiding the punishment of beating others.

This is not difficult to understand!

Do some favors to the prison guards and save yourself some trouble.

This is normal!

But what happened when the fat pig prison guard came back later and suddenly beat up the two dead pigs over there? ?

Could it be...

This human has an unusual background in this prison? !

After this idea appeared in this ghost's mind,

I believe more and more,

The idea is right!

Only because of this,

That prison guard would help this human being like this! !


Of course this ghost doesn't know,

The two cigarettes Lin Yu gave out were wrapped with two hundred-yuan coins.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for him to understand this! !

at this time,

Lin Yu's voice interrupted this ghost's thoughts!

"Give me a piece of everything you can get."

“All quality must be the best!”

Lin Yu said.

The ghost glanced at Lin Yu and said,

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